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Everything posted by jayseven

  1. The thread for last year's meet has lots of info, even though it's rather messy, and half the links don't work anymore. This is a good starter page to find cheap london accomodation. [http://www.reservations.bookhostels.com/britainexpress.com/findabed.php?OrderBy=price&PropType=&PHPSESSID=e5e72b7e83f073c2ca5c568109ffc4cd]Here's a list of hostels/hotels in london for the weekend starting friday 12th[/url]. Obviously the more people you have guarenteed to stay the cheaper it'll be, the bigger the room (thus the more lurkers we can squeeze into the room). THis is where I wanted to book for us last year. 100 metres from Hyde Park, and potentially as little as a tenner a night with enough people. I learned last time that bookings really ought to be done as far in advance as possible - we didn't get to save a few squids because I waited an extra week to book the hostel. That's another thing - whoever books the room has to put down a 10% deposit of the total - again, trust is needed. There's lots of little bits of info, like paying by card upon arrival is liable to a service charge. Interesting looking at the lists of definites and maybes, compared to who actually turned up :P 5 'definites' failed to show, 3 'maybes' did show. Well I live in Brighton and that's only about an hour away from london too :P Most hostels don't have a TV, and many places like you to not spend all day in your room, but late-night gaming would be ace. If there are enough people, two rooms, two tv's and two wiis (or an xbox) could make for an interesting weekend. Hostels come with lockers (provide your own lock, or rent one from front desk) where one can safely stow away pricely goods when out of the room. Sounds like an awesome prospect, mind you! If arranged properly, it could be very good. EDIT: Just noticed I'd put the wrong dates into the searches, sorry!
  2. If he's in Brighton when I am, then I'll do my best too :P I know where he lives! Muahaha! The house-party idea would be phenomenal, but it's a stretch to ask someone to invite twenty+ random internet strangers. It would be awesome beyond awesome, mind you!
  3. As I said, I reckon people can organise two meets :P Could be the same period of time, could be a different one. If london is 'only' for the southerners then why don't the northerners arrange to go to manchester, or leeds, or liverpool, or sheffield, or birmingham, or newcastle, or what! But! Gaming in london would depend on where we stay -- the hostel we were in, and most of them I imagine, didn't have TVs in the rooms, so one of those would have to be brought too!
  4. I'll try my best to attend, wherever and whenever it is. I would suggest that people realise you don't have to have only one meet-up arranged at a time, and also there's no point whining about the location being unfair when there is nothing stopping you from arranging a meet-up in whatever preferred location you wish. Ganepark; last year we stayed in a hostel for two nights (six of us the first night, 8 the second) which costed about £25 a night. It was a short walk from King's Cross/St Pancras stations, and I'd be willing to stay there again (despite a couple of annoying moments!). Rummy! I suggest picking a day (the saturday?) for epic meeting up in the park so that day-trippers can join in the smelly fun. What we missed out last time was the chance to properly 'game', but I don't see any easy way around that :/
  5. True. And to be fair, it's pretty hard to meet and greet a 'world'.
  6. Only an additional 100 points? I guess that means there'll be more DLC in the future, then.
  7. O relleh? The only person from n-e that has beaten me is Letty, and I soon beat her about five times after that :P Where/when/how!
  8. my eyeeeeeees! Lol... Is the imagename the name of the album? I really can't read it on the picture.
  9. I thought there could only possibly be 10 dimensions? alternate universes is the 9th dimension, i think, and the 10th dimension is all variations on the physical laws that construct what we would take to be standard for all deviating 'parallel' universes.
  10. Had a chilled day so far. Game of chess with nami, completed castle crashers in one stint with my visiting mates (got my dude to level 21, hoorah!) and now just winding down before returning to prison break s02e12!
  11. There's a coupla other jayseven/j7's around, but not too many. Always wish I'd chosen a different name, mind you! Well if you wait around forever for the proposal, it might never happen! Make your move
  12. You look like you just unearthed a corpse, or something.
  13. I spend waay too much. Alcohol alone I probably burn through £40 a week. Food is sporadic - I just spent £4 for a bunch of pasta sauces and tuna, which'll last me a week or two. Having said that, I've also just spent £15 on pizzas for me and my mates, and have had several take-aways since returning to uni. Not good. Need to start thinking about this whole 'budgeting' thing, considering I've been away from home for 3 years and don't really have a clue how much I spend every week, month, or even year... *I'll be there for youuuuu*
  14. Awaaaaaaaaaake and not-so-hungover anymore. Last night was cool - my memory's gotten hazy around the tequila shot mark. Drank lots, had good tiemz. Nami made me a special birthday 'cake' - a can of strongbow with 4 candles in the top. Serious effort. I managed to get an amazing score at niggly despite being so uttery drunk. Was fun! You all missed out, nyer.
  15. I've skim-read this thread, as I am drunk. You realise that there was a time when the planet we live on wasn't as well known as it is today. Notoriously the Americas were discovered with fully grown human beings wandering around, and that in itself was a massively alien period of time for people to be living in. If we had random simiar aliens visiting, it would be queer for a generation, and there would be awesome comparisons between our shakespeare and their likenesss, but they would surely be more advanced if they had the capability to travel across the universe to come say hi -- then more stuff and words without alcohol. Truly.
  16. Thank you everyone I got a birthday cake CAN from nami with 4 candles in. Very tasty. Got a fair few people to the pub then back to my flat and had a generally good time. Avoided a couple of seriosuly-drunj moments, as it were, and instead managed to enjoy a good day with good people.
  17. Prison Break has taught me that Link is a very awesome shortenated version of Lincoln, so that works! Ashley you've got a thing about wombs at the moment.
  18. 2-2! Yes! Massive over-prep for the game, and clearly none of the sort for Gaggle but still! It was a closely fought contest. A point! Woo! Tellyn had a sturdy victory which is good news for us newcomers.
  19. Yeah! I guess it makes more sense to go on 'til midnight
  20. NAME CHANGE! I recommend jayeight.
  21. Went to bed about 2am, up to ep 6 of season 2 of prison break. It be my Birday today! Nami and shorty unveiled that they have present for me so i got SOMETHING to unwrap today So gameplan: get up, shower, flatialise, call parents and apologise for the years of pain I've given them, gamage perhaps, trip to station for amigos, drink, drink, drink, pub, drink, home, drink, game, fall over; probaby in that order! EDIT: Name back! Wrong subtitle thingum... *goes about getting it fixed*
  22. Cheers dudes and dudettes I suddenly feel much more childish and immature than I did yesterday... lol - that would make it my birthday most days of the year But yes, I will be commencing the binge in a couple of hours, once some buddies arrive from afar (they shall be The Two Wise Men today).
  23. This thread is over now, btw! I shall evaluate it once I've gotten over my birthday
  24. I don't has all of the above. I severely lack in at least two outta three, and that ain't bad.
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