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Everything posted by jayseven

  1. I'm pretty sure I called him Flink a couple of times, and he called me Jay. SERIOUS CONGRATULATORY MESSAGE.
  2. All new Smallville and Supernatural?! IN ONE DAY!!"? ... well, maybe. There are OVER 9000 seeds for Supernatural, and I'm getting no connection at all :| Sooo what to do with my day? Two exams in a few days, so I could revise... or maybe mass effect or professional army of two if shorty's up for it? Got some cold pizza to fuel my day. What day is it? Friday? Potential for celebrationz tonight... if I get over my hangoverrrrr! Final nevertoberead point; checked my redbubble the other day and bizarrely some dude has favourited one of my works and added me to his follow list, when the piece in question is utter shite; first draft ramblings from 3am at some point. But it did prompt me to startandnotfinish another short story about a kid painting in the dark, talking about how his grandad sat in his garage and painted the view from the window over and over for years... With some cool little twisteroos. Yeah. Stop talking n-- Congrats Eddage! Looking very suave!
  3. Oddy's getting massive victories pretty much in the last 20 mins of each game :P He's not invincible! 3-1 'gainst Tellyn. Means as I sit out of the next round I won't be bottom! Got me manager of the round too, woop woop. And dyson -- you let a goal past?! against who?
  4. Tsk. Clearly 10 days late to the party...
  5. That's heretical talking, right there. I can't say I've ever found the show boring, but then I've not been watching it weekly.
  6. I demand to be at the top of the cider list.
  7. ah yeah, sorry - I thought it was wednesday today. >_<
  8. wtf -- freaking FEMINISTS EVERYWHERE! Both male and female representation in games, adverts and movies are used as means to an ends. They are supposed to be symbols, representations of an idea or aspect that someone somewhere is trying to sell to the audience. There are half-naked ladies in Lynx adverts, and half-naked men in whateverthatsmellystuffforgirlsis adverts (and I don't remember which advert I'm talking about because it wasn't designed to be memorable to people like me, who are not sexually interested in men), there are 'hot' girls in games and 'hot' guys in games. Do you think characters like Dante or the Gears of War guys are at all representative of the male build or person? Do you think it's fair to complain about games being sexist when you can't provide a list of evidence, and when most of the games have overly musclar or hardcore guys are the lead roles? Who do they appeal to, and why? Man crushes and sex appeal for the girls watching their boyfriends play the games, of course. Feel the irony, or ignore it? Anything and everything is sexist. But if you start thinking that the way things look is any representation of the way things are, then you're a fool and you deserve to fall for all the advertiser's traps and shell out money because the adver was designed to sucker you in, and you fell for it. BAH!
  9. should have. You'll get no sympathy when you do that.
  10. Ok, so bumping again... Episode 11 is aired about 3am our time on friday; if I see this thread it'll remind me to check it out. Zomg!
  11. Well, that is if taking down the company is even the final element. What if the company are really good, hum? Sure, they fix world politics but for all we know they have a time machine given to them by aliens, and the future would be bleak if they don't have this person running that country at this time... :|
  12. Mancrushes are basically men you want to be. I'd include Draper from Mad Men (as I'm sure Dan would) and House from, er, House... Oh, and Dean from Supernatural! He knows how to rock out to Eye of the Tiger.
  13. Haha! Boyo... yeah it's mean stuff, but rather tasty. K cider is about 7.4% and much more widely available. Super Strongbow was available in pretty much all the offies I saw in London, so that won't be an issue. So if we're having hostel rooms they'll either be 6 ppr or 10ppr... Who wants to kip wi' me? Feedmyegoplz.
  14. Cheers dude I listening to The Faint absolutely ages ago, I just rarely have my audioscrobbler on. I've not heard Mirror Error, but from my experience their music is, if I may generalise lol, yeah it's all pretty much teh same vein.
  15. The thing about Pixar and Disney is that they reek massively of monopolisation. Sure they're geniuses quite often, but I often feel that the job could be done even better by less family-wallet-orientated companies. Or I just hate children, I'm undecided. - On topic! I watched (most of) Dead Poet's Society last night, along with a few others on this forum. I knew from reputation alone that this would be my kind of movie. It felt very much like the movie adaptation of Secret History that I'd built up in my mind, and of course the high arts fancy-pants element is always going to guarentee the movie will succeed in earning high ratings. Robin Williams is a genius, who knows when to act like an idiot and when to just act cool, though I also believe he just plays himself in pretty much every movie, so it's just down to careful role-picking.
  16. Exam overr. Not that you vested any interest in it, but hey! I have the right to moan. Pwned up the first question, didn't finish teh second one. So long as I pass 40 marks I don't really mind too much. I also picked up my three essays - gota pleasing 60 (remarked from a 59!), 64 and 71 (as mentioned) which have seriously made me realise I'm not totally down-and-out this year. Now I have about four days to prepare for the exam that combines with the 71 score. I shall be aiming for a 69 or higher to first-it-up for the module, so we shall see!
  17. Tenthirty! TwohoursbeforeIleave. Tiredasfuck. NotsureIcareanymore. They showed that on his previous TV 'live' show thingum. Was pretty horrible to watch.
  18. Just imagine how different the news would be if the game was Beautiful Katamari... I suppose he would have rolled them around the house to death.
  19. The course sounds pretty cool, Daft. I'd love to do that in the near future. New plan for my evening; watch Dead Poets Society, play xbox, set alarm for 10am, make a quote sheet in the morning, stumble to uni, proceed to fail, then get pissed all day.
  20. Knew it. Letty; you've been playing too much Banjo-Kazooie :P
  21. Yeah, I got the joke :P I just thought I'd make it worse than it already was.
  22. I agree, but what gets me is that they've currently got 4 episodes and are contemplating doing a few more -- so what, they've got an ending already but they might patch a few more bits on afterwards? Or have they not yet filmed their ultimate finalé, but don't really care? Hum!
  23. Your doctor hasn't called ASAP*, which isn't surprising as it was you that was meant to call him. [/jesting pedant #3] *No idea why I put the asterisk here when I typed this post the first time.
  24. Ok. 21:10.. I should probably, like, start revising now, right? Aiiiiiiiiii!
  25. Revision? PAH! Solitaire showdown, minesweeper flags, rapping, mass effect and Army of Two, please. Now I'm going over someone else's essay to point out the hundreds of poor uses of grammar. The essay is on sexual deviancy, mind you. Yeah, it's all really stupid. But! Closed book means you don't have to remember exact quotes - which also means that if you're really, really feeling cheeky you can make up critic's quotes, as you don't have to reference them in any way besides their name (at your level, iirc) for exams. Our system on my course is pretty good - we're allowed to take in two double-sided sheets of A4 full of quotes of our own choosing. Tutors check it for badness, and voila. No need to rife through text, no need to make it a memory test. Good luck with it though Lol, yeah... Sorry. Nami was saying it to me not even last night. Two more results to come, mind you. Thanks ash, and cheers everyone else. RE: the above quote; boy we should all be glad Flinky made his move first
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