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Everything posted by jayseven

  1. What is it about birthday threads that just bring out the crazies? I can't understand half the posts!
  2. Twice in two pages you've said precisely what I was thinking. Well, Paj filled in the rest of it BUT you both forgot to spot That Gay Guy From Buffy - You Know, The One From The Team Evil? guy. Inurfaccio
  3. wtf, who do you think I am?! Dude I own chinatown (literally, of course. [insert joke about having chinese children for a computer, or something, here])*... buut I can't remember any watergate scandals in that. The film is set a few decades before the debauchery. Unless you mean the rather literal element of water? I dunno. Shh now. *Crickety-CRAZY bracketz.} DOUBLEMERGE AUTOPOST!!1"!& Benjamin Button. Felt a bit creeped out for the first 45 mins, then forgot about the gimmick for the next 45, then spent 45 mins wondering HOW WILL HE DIE, and then felt a bit sad, then a bit dirty again, then the last 45 minutes I spent trying to work out if Daisy was the same woman who played that affair-lady. Totally in the same vein as The Timetraveller's Wife -- a romantic movie (for girls) but with a gimmick (for boys... kinda). sympathynostalgiacyanide... sepia... what's that word... crummy... cheesy... No- Ah, fuggit. SENTIMENTAL! Thatit.
  4. Recently I've been thinking that I'm really susceptible to subliminal messages. I'm totally scared of this banana.
  5. Haven't seem you (Tom) post on here for a while, but surely you'll check the forums on your birthday?! As if there's anything else worth waking up for on such a day.
  6. Watched Frost/Nixon. Funsies. Like everyone else, it did make me want to know more about the whole watergate thing (the movie also cleared up the whole 'gate as a suffix' thing for me), so I found this video of the interview with an introduction/epilogue by Frost himself. Quite interesting to see how the movie dramatised stuff. (I only skim-watched the above link -- it is 97 minutes long - five hours of nixon is probably a bit too much for one day)
  7. dan-likes-trees... massive roffles :P Way to go! Yesterday went (late) to my juggling sesh. Starting to try 4-balls now. realising rapidly that I am Major Unfit and Lieutenant Unhealthy ROLLED INTO ONE BEING. It's embarassing. Then to make myself feel better it was pub (where the conversations consisted of boobs, beards, condoms, incest and threesomes. I felt grown up), then a dude on my course (kinda) turned up and we met his mate (also did english) and had some awesome conversations about aliens, society's future, democracy and generally attempted to insert as many references to our course/reading list as possible. Great fun, great guys. Then went to the Ledmill and we all made an oath to try chatting up at least one girl each. One guy was doing rather well, but I'm sure I fucked it up when we went outside and I said rather loudly "dude! That girl in the red dress! You're in there!" and... yep, she was standing behind me. I picked a girl in a green dress and... arg, just failed miserably. ButIwaspissedandIdon'tcare! I can't remember what I promised to do tonight, nor who with, so I'm going to play xbox until someone texts me and tells me to Go Here and Drink This.
  8. That's called Beer Pong. iirc, nothing happens if you miss. Variations include a 2-bounce rule where you have to drink it yourself, and a much hated game where people throw coins across the table straight into your drink - you're supposed to then down your drink but instead everyone drinks it slowly and complains.
  9. Half the people in that vid are faking it too, charlie! The two girls front right... shocking!
  10. IhateGAME. Dubstepisawesome. Jugglingtonight! The End. precisely what I was going to say to you. Don't let them get away with it! EDIT: Oh, and Raining_Again! That joke was awesome. I told it twice yesterday.
  11. Laaame... Game has effectively cancelled my order. Either that or I change the delivery address to my brighton address, and thus have to explain to my mother how I can afford to spent £230... My pre-order is still standing, but the memory unit and even the fucking reward card have been cancelled. I may just try and go into my local bank branch and change my billing address - and make sure to remember to change it when I move out. Hassle.
  12. lol - No, I'm not :P Ain't got no crushes at the moment, boyo!
  13. Dyson! Your avatar is cheating on your signature.
  14. Back from a good night of Dubstep! Declined pancakes, and had an in-depth conversation with a friend about her relationship. It's quite hard to give unbiased advice to a girl without sounding like I'm interested in her. Now! I have a burger to eat and need stuff to watch during.
  15. What I meant to say was that I was the first to watch the entire season :P From your post I took it to mean you hadn't done so far. and YES! We are definitely going to have a mini-meet of whatever sort we can. Closer to teh date, I hope Ell can let us know where he is and we can organise a night of awesomeness ^_^
  16. Not surprised about smallville, but supernatural has been shite since the mid-season break... Mind you, the CW (or whatever the fuck that channel is) doesn't really have anything besides those two shows...
  17. It's not primarily about drug-takers. I'd say it's about how awesome chemistry is..!
  18. I prefer a good variation on that game -- instead of 3 spoons in the centre, you have three shots. Need I say more?
  19. yeas for reward card, nein for cashback. £2.29 down, but not out.
  20. Keep it in the box and look at it/use the controller/try and figure out if it'll work on my tv
  21. Well it is done. Please don't tell my mother.
  22. 3-1 ^_^ Tellyn; you didn't have any reserves! It's surely official; Oddy's won! Season over. Three (or two, for some) games left. Dyson's got his league sewn, and dom and rez are up - perhaps just fighting over 2nd place. I need 2pts from 9 to secure 4th place, but I've got oddy, then happenstance, to get through before gaggle as my final game. I drew against gaggle 2-2 at the start, and narrowly lost against Happenstance before losing miserably against Oddy. Cube has haden and happenstance, mind you, so I'm willing to bet I keep 4th
  23. I did think of suggesting that, but truth be told I want my own one for warrenties and shit. And your black controller sucks. Plus it's redcool. And me playing free xbox all the time just makes me feel guilty! Is that enough italics? Lols :P ^Another valid point. Is it true that the elite consoles come with a cd/cable that enables file transfers from one xbox to another? I've got some savefiles on Shorty's HDD that I'd love to take with me... EDIT: Read up a bit more; comes with the seperate 120gb HDDs, not teh consoles. Can request a cable/disc from xbox.com, but it doesn't look like you can select which files to transfer or not. Tsh! EDIT DOUBLÉ: Well, I need more research apparantly. IGN gave the transfer a go, and it only glosses over the mention of other profiles and their saves being left intact... Hmm. Edithree: Ok. Filetransfer=no. Memory Unit = maybe. "You can copy any item on a memory unit to another xbox 360" (p.3)
  24. I swear there are like four of these things a year. Tonight I've been invited to a 'pancake party' which should be... interesting. I always find the rituals around such a teeny tiny bit of crap is a bit much. People get so excited! Then you eat them in one mouthful and have to wait five minutes for your turn to have another one.
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