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Everything posted by jayseven

  1. Dude! NO... Sweet. You missed the question!
  2. Best comeback ever. Shame you copy/pasted it from word (I hope), or whatever. We like thinking you write your words for us, and us alone! Snyder didn't film the movie in the order presented, so if the first hour was good and not the rest then, in the movie world, the real test of a director is in being able to work your magic with the editing machine. The man was fucking lucky to get the job, I'm sure he was grateful and aware that no matter what happens, the job the author did in the first place ensured him success with teh movie, financially. There was no way this movie would be his last, and even if the next movie he makes flops, he will no doubt be getting one hell of a check to make it. Having the balls to combine real-world work ethic with something you truly care about isn't something you learn without making a few mistakes. I was gonna say that! I forgot about the opening! Didn't even seem like credits. I was going for a record sentance! I think I got pretty close. Now that's just gay.
  3. Dammit. I just posted about this in the film thread and everything! Stupid broken internet, not automatically refreshing like something from teh future, or something. He was right. In a sense - he wasn't a comedian because the joke was on hi-- oh, right, yeah! That's the joke! lol. I mean, what would people give for eternal peace on earth? Eternal. What is the price you are willing to pay for an endless Heaven? If you were the smartest person on earth, to boot! Can you really say that what he thought he was doing was just an opinion? The real parralel, however it is spelt, is to be drawn with all of the characters. They're all jokes; imitations of signature american superheroes, presidents wanting to be a hero (so much that he went looking for 'crime'), lives of utter normalicy (like the rest of us) that bring them to feel the need to act out and be superior to (the rest of us) and the, tbh, glamourising and fetishising of rape (in the movie)... This was going somewhere at some point. Watchmen is cool now. That's the main story. When it was made it was laughable. People were probably beaten up by bigger kids (age anon) and now everyone's feeling ever so bad for the now-archaic-and-politically-unfair opinions of comic books that they once had, and they're feeling sorry for the fact that books are going down the pan (thus now they know how 'graphic novel' [comic book] fans have been feeling for the last three decades) -- but Watchmen is not some sort of bible. It is flawed, vaguely dated and annoyingly self-aware of the extremes 'irony' can veil a spirallic loop. That was going somewhere at some point, too.
  4. You're interesting. Does that sound bad? It's not bad.
  5. A strange combination of a source material that is in the constant present of trying to explain its own existence with endless back-stories that are just defining their own necessity for characters that are relentlessly defined by a past that is currently, and will be, told to us, with a director that is so firmly etched into the present day that his movies will probably be remembered in association with their precise timing of their opening show, the number of tickets sold and not any form of culturally relevant reviews (because the reviews themselves are, like a colour in a line-up, perpeptually locked in a struggle of self-recognition, and thus actually never have anything meaningful to say), nor any profoud truths, which is quite scenester, if you ask me, that mesmerises the audience with its ceaceless promise of success that really only metamorphosises into little more than a "nooooooooooo" and a hilariously ironic exploded-body blood-splatter and a cat with horns that was treated as if even the film-makers were pretending it wasn't even there, let alone the audience as they hum along to the "oh, it's not being explained because there's a source material quick let's pre-order it on amazon for when it comes out with a "Now made into a feature film/motion picture/blockbuster/whore" tagline so we can really show that-dude-who-originally-wrote-that-souce-material-stuff-we've-heard-so-much-about-quick-let's-pre-order-a- who we love and send our appreciation bribes to. I MEAN COME ON. This film is living off of the hype to such extremities it is getting away with murder. slash out of ten.
  6. roffles. Hai. You r dere *knocks once, in an accidental manner* Ok. So what about the entity that is lost. By definition, it has been labelled as a positive path. Thus(!); how are you to know which path to follow?
  7. Consider your time purchased, Kombo! EDIT: It would've sounded a lot more professional if Kenny didn't refer to his programmer as "michael". Makes it sound like there are only like three people running the whole rig. Tsk.
  8. If you lost what you had to gain, did you really lose anything? Then; is there anyone to blame?
  9. How bad most box is?
  10. I cheated and just looked at everyone's answers. The artists have the more pleasing array of colours, but, however, and indeed suddenly, for some reason; the artists' choises tend to sit well within themselves, which is intriguing because it means they selected the colours based upon not only that specific description, but also those surrounding it. A curious oddity, because clearly this means they are, as people, deeply aware of all things at once, and the effort they must inject into their existence in order to assure their surroundings continue to produce the same, most excellent, level of quo. lol. I think I'm still drun with a K from last night, tbff.
  11. Ok, fun fact; if you are looking to just get drunk then you are going to do it at home, alone. I do not believe that anyone actually goes out simply to get pissed. The only reason to get pissed out of doors is to interact with society, albeit in an unsober manner. Bring Risk to the meet :P I'd love to actually play the game! Weird thing, I was just thinking/typing about Diplomacy and just couldn't remember what it was called. Mini lol.
  12. In case anyone missed these classic examples of men trying to be subtle; x11 is kinda fun. You don't have to love, or even like football. If you like Risk, or that Risk-like game that we played for a while on facebook, then you'll like this. We need some extra players to keep the 2-tier league system, and honestly, it's great fun. Shorty, ReZ and I all play and I think I can guarentee we know nothing about football. So please, give it a shot when Odwin posts about the new league? Pretty please?
  13. Have you seen his squad?! If he set his tactics, he would've beaten you easily :P
  14. THe two bodies found in the caves in the first season (wasn't it?), with the alchemist's stones far more interests me. The Ankh was another alchemy symbol, and I'd love to see how that fits in. This whole Ancient-History element doesn't really enthrall me at all. Sure, it's curious to wonder if other civilisations before 'ours' knew of the island's worth, but essentially it is surely insignificant.
  15. Lost's new episode The Sawyer one. Honestly, one of my favourite episodes of Lost ever. Uh... that is all
  16. Ooh! And what did you get up to then, mister?
  17. That movie sounds like a chance for everyone to ruin their reputation in one fell swoop.
  18. That's pretty sweet, I may have to check out more stuff. Heh. Where'd you hear that? I can't find any information out about it. It's an odd choice of venues (I mean, no London is all). I'll probably try and go to one of the gigs, depending on where in the country I'll be.
  19. Man, I don't know whether to be excited or utterly scared at the clear evidence of a mass-chairholdered corporation's funds and status by being the second redesign in as many half-years. I think I like it.
  20. This thread was a C-section, amirite? Shorty taught me the wise ways. Subs and original audio over dubbed, tortured translations. The tone of the sentance is just more believable when it's not said by an american who has no idea what the story is. e.g. "Believe it!" -- that's a vaguely strenuous link, right there.
  21. Two witnesses, judge! I *still* maintain she cheated. IDEAA!!!!!! A "Music Warz" thread for MOVIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
  22. Just finished watching Mirrormask... I wasn't completely sober so I'm totally watching this again tomorrow. Set in brighton, what's not to like? Several layers of post-a-level philosophy dyed by weed; a teenage bildungsroman that nods at labyrinth, alice in wonderland, wizard of oz and other generally modern takes on the fairy tale. If you forgive the odd "we're filming in a studio!" moment, the visuals are absolutely mesmerising. I was utterly drawn into the world -- so much so that the obviously contorted plot was completely lost to me. Very rich. Current new favourite movie/10
  23. *looks behind the bin*
  24. Anyone still play Word Challenge, the Facebook App? Each time you or a friend play, you get 50 pts. Once you get 10,000 you unlock the pro version for free. Er... Anyone on my friends list wanna play it a few times? :P I currently seem to need 8825pts, whcih I guess is 133 more plays between however many people...
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