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Everything posted by jayseven

  1. I forgot to mention 30 Rock for my list of weeklies -- and studio 60 on teh Sunset Strip is on my List too :P Prison Break isn't back up yet, so I didn't consider it - but if FNL really is back for two seasons... then FUCK YAH! I watched Supernatural's first 2 seasons by DVD first (courtesy of Shorty and nightwolf) but after that I couldn't wait anymore.
  2. I never got your RSVP so I didn't know you were coming.
  3. In Treatment This show features Gabriel Byrne as a therapist. Each episode is about 30 mins long, and as far as I can tell there were/are 5 episodes a week, with each monday dedicated to one character, and each tuesday, and each wednesday, and so on. The show is exclusively dialogue-based. No soundtrack, no flashbacks or parallel story-telling; no external facets of information besides those that are gleamed within the sessions alone. As a viewer, you are thrown between the role of patient and therapist, oft trying to determine the next question that is asked by Byrne's character, Paul, yet at the same time trying to read both him and his patients. This series is hugely minimalist and quite a wonder to just mellow and paddle through, although at 43 episodes a season I can't see many people giving it the chance it deserves. Kings episode 5 I didn't feel it was as strong as the first four episodes, primarily because the head honcho himself is starting to appear to be a bit of an idiot sometimes. Sure, serenity ended so that might explain it for now, but I hope he doesn't brood for the rest of the season. Conflicts are steadily brimming, which gives the show the promise of potential, at the least. Still in the top three tv episodes of the week, and that's saying a lot. Chuck s02e19 was a better episode than usual, primarily due to the cheer-worthy appearance of Chuck's dad (I literally ZOMG'd) and, of all people, chevy chase!! I have a lot of misgivings about the show that have built up over the seasons. The way people who've never seen a 'flash' know that chuck calls it that, the way the show has pretty much refused to delve any deeper into any other character's life (but then, I guess that's why they call it Chuck...), and the way Fulcrum has been the pale excuse for a villain for so dang long. Yet I still tune in every week to keep up with it, I still think it offers promise... It is still only in its second season and, in my experience, the third season is usually where a show begins to really shine. House s05e20 Lol. "Meat Loaf Aday" -- genius. I never knew that was his 'full' name (he's looking old now)... House back in clinic! Hooray! Rest of the show... Woah, I did not see this coming. Props to the lighting and the audio for the episode. Very atmospheric. Does anyone know if this is the last season or not? Anyway; this was a good episode because the patient and the main-character stories were both interesting. I've found s05 generally below par compared to... pretty much every other season so far. I thought they might've spread their net too thinly with s05 but instead they seem to just not... really be trying? But as is generally the case with end-of-season TV, this has picked up enough to keep me watching and begging for another year. General questions to everyone; What shows are you watching on a weekly basis? What shows are are catching up on? What shows are on your list of Things To Watch? For me, weekly, I watch a lot. Kings, Chuck, Supernatural, Smallville, Sarah Connor Chronicles, Dollhouse, Lost, House, Breaking Bad, Southland and Life. Catching up on; In Treatment, Big Love, Summer heights high, the inbetweeners, head case, Dexter, Sopranos, Deadwood. Wanting to watch; West Wing, Party Down, Reaper, Trust Me, Big Bang Theory, How I Met Your Mother, The Mentalist, Third Watch (I think?) Every day I pretty much have a new show to watch, or a backlog of TV that I can scounge from.
  4. Ditto on Iun; I'll never be able to fully appreciate 3D movies, so all I can do is PRAY that 3D doesn't become the norm in my lifetime :P
  5. This thread sucks. If you think the forums are stinking then go about doing something to help. This doesn't help. Pooh pooh.
  6. Sorry, but it is most definitely not enough to prove you good. If you look back, nintendohnut, while good, was killed before the reporter got a chance to do his piece. The reporter doesn't know whether people are good or bad before he does his work so I really don't think you can say that they only target good folk. At the moment, I don't think you're telling the truth about the report only being partially right.
  7. Demi Moore was in A Few Good Men with Keifer Sutherland Keifer Sutherland was in Truth or Consequences with John C. McGinley John C. McGinley is in [scrubs] with Zach Braff So; Zach Braff and Macauley Culkin, however it's spelt.
  8. Haha :P Sorry, mundi! We shall share the crown. I just hope people aren't expecting this to actually be at all like ZP.
  9. I don't understand you, Maase.
  10. ReZ; I love those days where it's impossible to be anything but smile-tastically happy. The last time I had a massive day out like that was a walk accross the countryside with shorty, nami, two french-canadians and another mate. We had a picnic. it was a serene sort of happy... *shimmers into the past* btw, I think it's 'pipped at the post'.
  11. I... feel tarnished :'( I personally love this kind of observation humour. I've watched 'em all now - The Darkness and Dirge of Cerebus provide the most recurring jokes. I would sway the Eternal Sonata one was seriously the worst one. Are you guys not fans of Mystery Science Theater 3000? I grew up with that show... Oh well :P I can pretend I'm cool by being the only person that likes something, and I'll just pretend that none of you 'get' it.
  12. Truefax. I would say, then, that the newspaper dude was misdirected that night based on the other reports he's given so far. I'm being stirred by Lazyboy's responses, but he's not denying what the newspaper report says, he's just saying he's not bad. I'd just like to know why he's so scary, is all. Has he been in any of the write-ups so far? You say we have no lead but I personally think this is our biggest lead so we should at least pressure him about more info before we just assume that the newspaper articles are going to be wrong every single time. Odd thing was, yesterday I was trying to convince everyone that they were taking the news report wrong and you all ignored me and lynched him anyway. There are three/four names I have on a list of people I find suspicious :P As for our ix-nay on the izmo-gay problem... well I have no idea :P
  13. Ell; yeah, both those teams have spent time in the upper league, and are at least three seasons old already. They were a bit neglected, but they've got stronger squads. Well I've placed my bets on the Pools! Reckon I've got a good chance of winning all the money because Dyson's the only other player to bet and he's made some atrocious decisions Also realised I have a whopping amount of funds, so I'm looking at a new player for a ridiculous amount of money. I suppose really I ought to look for two new players that are younger and will grow into awesome players, but hey ho.
  14. haha - I just watched the Ominusha 3 one... I know nothing about the game, and I think that makes it way funnier. Jean Reno ffss!sfs!!
  15. ... Sounds like an awesome title for a novel about a magician's childhood trauma, but Unskippable is actually what you get when you combine video game intros with Mystery Science Theatre 3000, and a bit of Pratchett humour, and left to run around in Zero Punctuation's shadow. Check out the Resident Evil 5 one they did a few weeks ago for a taster. They've done Dead Rising, The Darkness, and most recently, Star Ocean: The Last Hope, which apparantly is... featured in this week's ZP on Halo Wars, so I guess some of you may already have had a look around. I've only looked at the episodes based on games I know, but next I'm watching the others because the humour carries the show past the referencing job alone. It is updated every monday on The Escapist and, I think I'd make an excellent promoter. Anyone here been watching it?
  16. When you voted for Fish you said; You put your neck on the line :P As far as I can see, the 'suspicious names' it gave us to work with include yours and... Gizmo's :P The newspaper guy is like the radio presenter guy previously, and highly unlikely to be a mafia representative at all. If you compare the report on Fish; to the one on you, you'll see the tone is hugely different. 'Flabbergasting' and 'mysterious' aren't the same as 'scary', 'creepy', 'uneasy'. I disagree, I can't tell who it is from that - and yeah i know we've had run-ins but trust me, I'm not the vendetta type This post was gonna be longer but I got side-tracked by resident evil 5 and now i can't remember what i was saying, and there's probably a bunch of new posts.
  17. Vote: Lazyboy. That news report was a lot more critical of him than the previous one was of Fish, and it is a lot more suspicious. You need to explain yourself! Vampire of sorts?
  18. Ashley; yeah I'm on s03e03 now, and I can see Nikki geting worse already :P Terminator = more and more ZOMG amazements. Dollhouse = ZOMG more amazements. Ash; I'm downloading Party Down, glad you like it. Will check it out pronto.
  19. Zomg. Still on Vet with Shorty, we just did 6-1 and we figured we'd trip back and hunt for some emblems... and we FOUND THEM ALL BITCHES. Screw you and your guides, we win. ... I still need about 7 treasures, mind you. Looking forward to speed-runs to get the inf. rocket launcher, but still utter shite at Mercenaries.
  20. Happy burthday, baad. It was a pleasure meeting you last summer, and I'm sure you'll drink enough for the both of us today. Well, if you'll let me do my own bit then that's cool.
  21. Don't worry about any of that Yes, there will be some people who know each other, maybe have already met one another, but that's not any cause for alarm. I've met a few people here, some that I would've previously considered as more established than me, and a few that I didn't think I'd like, or that they didn't like me, and I've not had a bad time yet. We won't ALLOW you to feel like an outsider. Nuh-uh!
  22. Captain Falcon: embrace the internet. Fear not to share with us plebs on here, we're typically quite grown up when it comes to serious talkings. And come to the N-E meet in london this summer. It'll rox.
  23. WOOOT! I've wanted to see this movie for months and months. It was supposedly out in select cinemas from boxing day but I couldn't find it on anywhere. Let me know what you think and whether it's worth me buying. My mate just read all four in a week and he said the same as you. Just worrying how you both either just noticed this after having read all four books, or it was a guilty pleasure :P It's not fake! Still shocked he did that.
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