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Everything posted by jayseven

  1. Deleted a bunch of posts on the previous page for being rubbish and/or nonsense. Don't cry.
  2. This "Instant Messening" sounds like some sort of anti-Kim and anti-Aggie led tv-show.
  3. Pooki; Did you mean anarchic or archaic? I don't really know what you're on about, but it sounds interesting! Nighty; that's horrible to hear. Don't you have backup copies, or at least outdated versions of some of it?
  4. Good to hear it's been a good season! I'll definitely be catching up with that after Sons of Anarchy. Does anyone have a spare pair of headphones that work that they'd be willing to send me?
  5. Christmas is awesome because I can't help but forget about all of my worries. Christmas is odd because it is effectively exactly the same every year. (but not this year. This year I dine alone!)
  6. I'm not saying you spoiled anything at all, Dante, but I for one would like to avoid any hints about the final season at all. Even just the still of that youtube vid that says
  7. If it's in photoshop remember to tick the box for transparancy, too!
  8. Combat was teh main downside, especially if you were aiming (like me, stupidly) to complete the game without firing a gun on your first run-through. Totally ruined the game for me. ON TOPIC! The other day, after getting to around level 5 single-player, I jumped online, got to level 8, then some dude invited me to a game and killed a few things and I effectively got boosted to level 18! I picked up some cool guns (that I can't use 'til level 90 anyway) and got some cash... and then started feeling guilty and quit :P Been playing single-player today, mostly because if I jump back to online I'll be missing a few missions. It's not too bad solo, and online (with strangers) you rarely seem to get everyone at around the same level, so it's just a case of level 50 dudes killing everything with one shot while you watch. Very annoying. Feel very silly for paying £40 for this when it came out, considering I've only just started playing it.
  9. I don't really see how that would make a difference...
  10. That's because Flinky is so orgasmic-inducing, there is no extra pleasure to be had. That's the sort of thing we say about flinky, right?
  11. My result against Edd didn't go my way at all - lost 3-2 (all the goals were headers!!), and picked up another fucking injury. That's 3 in two games. My good keeper's back, my midfielder should be ready for tomorrow's game but my defender's out for the next three games. Rubbish. Form's down everywhere. My players hated losing that match. On the plus side my official team won 4-0. My team had 12 chances, the opposition had none. I rock. ... Just realised there are only two games left of the season in the official league. Promotion looks likely (yay) but I've got two forwards, a keeper and one midfielder that have no chance at all of having full match experience.
  12. What a waste of forever those things are.
  13. Wow. What a ridiculous system.
  14. It's more like £7 a week, I think. £5 a month would mean it'd take like 50 years to pay off my debt, which clearly isn't going to happen. Even £28 a month is ridiculously low so I'm sure it's probably not that either, as that would still take forever to pay off.
  15. Yeah it's possible. Really fucking annoying, he's out for 5 days so missing two games! I'll PM you my number. Can you text me, like, as many results as poss? :P
  16. I did I shall sit out as punishment. (in fairness, I was writing an essay and woring 24 hours in four days)
  17. Weston park side of sheff uni or the south side? If it's anywhere near broomspring lane, then that's a great place to live. My day? Got my payslip. Got paid even less than I did last month, somehow. Also they've been paying me £5.75 instead of £5.80, only a fiver or so less altogether but combined with some random "£67.67-" thing... it's a lot less than I need. My dad's offered to give me £40 a week though, so that should be enough to get by on
  18. Injury in training Has anyone seen eddage's keeper? 21 years old and 10 skill!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!12 aaaaaaaaaaahhhwtf... Still, tactics set. Who wantsa text me the general results?
  19. There was an interesting distinction between those who did it on here and those in real life (as well as those which were done by people I know, such as housemates). Everyone was, to some extent, fairly sure I was going to psychoanalyse the results. While it was strictly a psycholinguistics study, I, of course, did a but of my own wondering. One woman, for instance, basically mentioned dogs somehow for every answer. Another woman was so clearly absolutely bat-shit crazy because her boyfriend just dumped her. But the online responses were generally a lot more casual, and came across as wackier responses. People that I actually know were more comfortable when the test was taken, so they tended to say less stupid stuff. Except for Dan Dare and "advertisement" where he basically obsessed with Mad Men throughout. I only finished it yesterday but already I've forgotten it all.
  20. Addicted. Totally running late because I woke up early and thought I had loads of time so went on THE INTERNET and now, while I have time to make this post, I don't have time to shower before my 8-hour shift. I am going to have cartoon stink lines.
  21. excellent I'll bring bones, jam and invincible around once Huw give it back, along with a couple of his fingers.
  22. Including Chairdriver, I think we have 17 participants so far. That may well be enough. I'm struggling with the writing atm :P
  23. Carmine is the saviour of Gears 2. I rememeber countless occasions where me and Shorty are shouting at the screen for Carmine to Do His Thing and revive us. But this one section (underground, after you've met the worms... er... can't describe it) he just runs down the slope and gets killed too close to the enemies for us to save him (on insane!!). Villan; then continue to stew on the thoughts for a bit. Don't rush - you're only 20. You have at least a couple of years before you need to panic about anything. You lazy, jobless good-for-nothing, you.
  24. dudedazz; that's a rather harsh view of students at uni :P I'm quickly realising that I'm losing the will to argue on these forums because I'm far too aware that everything is connected, thus everything is complicated. I dislike generalisations, and more and more it is clear that nearly everything everyone says is a generalisation. Even this, I suppose. Generalisations just signify ignorance.
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