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Everything posted by jayseven

  1. Episode 9's up and around you you want to find it - preair for the ep due to be available in the wee hours of the 20th! Brian Eno music ftw. As for the rest of ep 9? Well cancer-man's stuff was fairly schmultzy, doo-wop-waa, but I think they pretty much wrapped up his entire story with it. All he has left is... predictable. The rest of the ep was average. EDIT: Man, had this window open for ages. Wups.
  2. Cutting fags would save £25, cutting booze would save £40, which would tie the in/out, but don't forget I did't add food, electricity or gas! I have already cut pretty much all social occasions, please don't take away my cigarettes and alcohol :P Flink; I'd get housing benefits as well as teh dole -- but of course, I don't want to take more money from teh system. I did it for two months, just to get on my feet, and I'm here now but I'm standing in quicksand. I'll have to ask how everyone else at work copes, although I know already -- living with spouses or parents. How do you guys cope?
  3. Here's my breakdown; Council Tax £88pm Internet £10pm Rent £239pm Moblie £20pm Train to work: £62pm Fags: £25pm Booze: £40pm Course Fees: £120pm (missing: gas, electricity, food, going out!) Way outta hole = getting that £120pm covered (will take at least a month to sort out forms) and getting Father to give me £40 per week as a kind of dole money. As for how I'm going to cover teh rent I owe, or dig myself outta my overdraft -- especially when I will be unable to work as much next semester, even then if I still have a job -- Am I missing something? Am I being an idiot somewhere? Realistically, if I quit and went on the dole, I'd remove council tax, rent and train tickets, plus add roughly, what, £240 a month? I'd end up with a surplus of £125 with which to actually buy food and gas and electricity, plus 30+ hours extra a week to focus on uni work. Seriously. WTF.
  4. I know nobody cares, but; Outgoings: £605 (minus food) Income: £540 Plus overdraft debt, plus rent in arrears = holy bejeezus. Minus course fees would leave me with £55 p/m for food. Social life obv. can't happen any more. I'm working 30 hours a week. I'd be financially better off on teh dole, plus I'd have more time to do uni stuff. CAN I GET ANY SYMPATHY YET PLZ?!
  5. Calculated some of my monthly outgoings; council tax, internet, rent, course fees, phone, fags and booze = £508. Electricity isn't included, nor's gas (but we have a top-up card for that). I got paid about £500 in october. My poorness makes a little more sense now!! But hopefully I'll get the course fees covered within 28 days. November pay cheque should be closer to £700 (yay, I can afford food, too!)
  6. £2.99 maybe 5 times a week :P Then cigarettes is maybe £10 a week, so that's £25 p/w I spent £110 on games earlier this month. Definitely a big reason why. Travelled home for two days, which cost me about £60 in total... Train to work is £13.30 a week. Of course, the reason I have no money is because I've spent it. But I only got £500 for the month. The above plus rent/bills/surprise demands for money from other sources... it goes by quick. And then there's food. We're all in situations like this. I've just not been handling it well at all for a fair old while, and it's crunching down on me in a way that I simply can't seem to grasp how to manage my future finances. Grumble, self-destroyed grumble.
  7. TV monitors generally don't rely on your peripheral vision (much), and are a fixed distance from your eyes. I don't see how this can 'improve' eyesight, unless our definition of eyesight involves/is limited to how fast you can move them!
  8. Fucking hell. Find a bigger picture?
  9. I wouldn't agree that gamers have better eyesight, though. Citation needed!
  10. Nearly died at work today. Colleague lost control of a ladder while I was facing the other direction. It landed about a centimetre away from me - no elaboration - if I was that much close it would've slammed through my skull. Well, I think I'd've died. Also nearly fainted due to not eating anything. My £20 to last me a fortnight" basically dissapeared today as I spent my last £3 in my bank on fags. Man, it's so depressing. Council tax sent me a letter in the post asking for an extra £255 or something. Tomorrow will be a big call-around day, sorting out paperwork for student loan and notifying various peoples-who-want-my-monies that I'm still technically a student so would they kindly fuck off. Then I suppose a trip to the Bank of Dad - basically say "Dad... Remember all those times you asked after my financial situation and I said it was fine? Well it never was. And now it's the shitbucket at the bottom of the pit between a rock and a hard place. Could you maybe give me, I dunno, £500? Maybe a grand if you're feeling generous? Normally I'd say lend but frankly I can't see how I can pay it off this school year. Ta." I just feel that being nearly 23 I should be totally in control of my finances. And I really have no control because everyone wants some. But still everyone else around me manages fine. Damn. Self-blame sucks. Ok I was trying not to make this a long post because nobody reads them anymore, and I guess I fail'd. TILDAR? My life sucks.
  11. For sci-fi on TV go watch V and The Prisoner (the latter is only a short 6-episode thing, but suitibly immersive/impressive).
  12. Spent £5 of my last £8 on a whole chicken, 2.5kg of potatoes and three tins of chopped tomatoes. Oh, and two litres of cider, of course. Add to that my 3/4 block of cheese, three onions, bag of sultanas, pack of pasta, half pot of pasta sauce, tin of sweetcorn, jar of bovril, tin of sardines and three tins of tuna... You have my diet for the next ten days. I have plenty of condiments and herbs and garlic to make anything taste good. But I still need to borrow £10 so I can afford to get to work and back :P And I have no tobacco.
  13. Finally got around to finish Dead Space. Finished with 630 gamerpoints, so starting Round 2 to try and get the cutter-only achievement. Thing is I just accidentally used my flamethrower, so I let myself be killed to let the game auto-load the last 'checkpoint'... Considering I'm only on the first level I can see myself completing the entire game and still not get the achievement... I could start again but I want to continue with this 'profile' so I can fully upgrade all guns. Going to play GTA: Episodes after a bit of this, looking forward to it!
  14. ganepark; the ffs is because she's probably waiting for you to make a move, hotstuff :P What's the worst that can happen?
  15. Just got round to watching V. It is win. Will watch the 2nd episode before I make a proper verdict, though. My weekly show-intake looks to be thus; smallville, supernatural, V, The Prisoner, Flashforward, House, Ultimate Fighter, Friday Night Lights Catching up on Fringe, HIMYM and Gangland, and there's Lost and southlands to start up (with Breaking Bad miles off). Awsum.
  16. The Prisoner e01-02 "I am not a number! I Am a free man!" I think I could really love this show. Just got to really decide whether it would be beneficial or even derogative to watch the whole of the old show before I continue this. I only know of a few things; numbers, bouncing ball things, paranoia and a generally unsatisfactory ending. But I'm sure this show will have numerous references to the older version... but it is a hard choice. To watch with nostalgia or with purely open, unaware eyes? I really like AMC network, for mad men and for Breaking Bad, and I think they're secondary only to HBO in terms of toned drama -- but often their shows rely too much on symbolism, on the audience assuming there is a deeper meaning (through, usually, superior sound that relies very little on pre-existing material). The way the long-shot angles are coupled with voyeuresque audio is ingenius. Yeah stopping now.Algolol.
  17. EPUC? I'll totally make that happen in sheff too. So there. :P
  18. I was rude. Edited.
  19. Man, Coolness you're so innocent. I remember when little things in my day used to make me all, y'know, gladtobealive and stuff. Time is a bitter honey.
  20. I was born at the Royal Sussex. May your eyes and brain entropy into brineful pain..
  21. Ah! You're one of those people who lies when they say "I'm from Brighton." Mild, scurvy-inducing curses are flung at thee from me. (Portslade totally counts as Brighton...)
  22. Hai emo paj! I'm drinking, thus will be emo in a bit. If I don't lose consciousness, I'll probably write a rambling and pretentious reply to you later. Right now I'm too self-aware and scared to say anything true.
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