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Everything posted by jayseven

  1. Smallville was pretty damn good, besides a hatful of "oh, but why don't they just do this instead?" moments. Friday Night Lights is ye olde reliable. Moral drama ftw. Fringe is under my wing as a new weekly show to watch. It's stepped away from "~of the week" (to some extent) quickly. Here's hoping it can sustain itself for a few seasons.
  2. From zero to anal, in 6 months! R_A is a feisty one!
  3. if you're not allowed a slice of pie anyway, then stop telling the cook how he's doing it wrong. He's not going to change his mind. Go find another bakery! We're happy with ours.
  4. Well I've always said to people "if you want a meet somewhere local, then sort it out yourself." I've also said "book it, and they will come" [/wayne]. No offence taken.
  5. I was just outside having a smoke - one police car circled around netto car park, another whizzed by. The first pulled up opposite me, turned off its lights. Whenever I see a police car/officer, in my mind I'm daring them to see me as a suspicious individual and ask me some questions.
  6. I became allergic to doritos :P haha! Oh for sure! If you're up for it then I'll sort something out. Maybe me and you vs anna and andy, or me and andy vs you and anna or something? If nami's got time off then shorty and nami can get in on it too. Dan's a fag.
  7. I feel you. I have no proper social life atm due to work and lack of money. The future holds cinema/meals/laser quest, though, but nothing out-of-the-ordinary, like a quest to whittle wood, or whatever. I'm tempted to borrow a camera and find a mate, and compose/do a list of self-made BISH items just to see how well we could do.
  8. Er... Lol. Go have a proper chat with Chris. This current season and the previous one have been great TV (by many standards). The whole dawson's creek synology only really ever existed when Lana Lang was on screen (read: FAR TOO FUCKING MUCH), and there are a lot of refrences to the superman history. Which I obv. know nothing about, but I hear the orgasms when people are jizzing over it.
  9. Give me some sort of reason why I'm not just deleting your Post Of Places In The Country?
  10. So at work we have had a new manager for about 3 weeks. Only today he realised I was an xmas temp. He thinks I'm uber. There are currently 84 people working for my store. Allegedly, those that are kept on will be decided by all the staff, not just managers, which means I'm in luck because, frankly, I rox. my life is boring.
  11. I like Al Gore because his name is an anagram of Galore.
  12. Nerdage aside - keep that mofo bitching news in spoiler tags
  13. Arcade's good for offline consoles. My housemates have one and the updates games require rapidly fucks you over. As for Dead Space -- I think I jumped once in the entire game. Found the metroid-ish elements weren't explored (pun) enough, and think they added the 'upgrades' too soon. They should've allowed for back-tracking to other parts of the ship (where possible) and had some rooms you couldn't get into at first. If I started a new game (on impossible mode, for example) do I get my souped up Isaac? Impossible mode from scratch sounds, frankly, ridiculous.
  14. FOrgot to set my tactics, and I guess I was punished with an injury to a keeper and a defender. DuD, you had more possession, and I feel like I got a bit lucky. Got three players in the x11 though! I also am pretty damn gutted my keeper is out. Oddy's bought some old-but-ferocious players. I'm still effectively a game in hand for a bit, but of course everyone wants to beat oddy. ReZ's defeat is lawlsome - ReZ is one of few teams to actually beat the odwin's elite side, so to lose to these guys? Going to have to have to have a real good tactical think about this. (having said that - odwin you're a nutter. Two straight promotions? It can't be done.)
  15. lol. "OBEY. Go watch it" I see what you did there, molly :P
  16. Why do they have to make chris look like such a hard gay? Not sure if any of that is worth my money, tbh.
  17. Got mah finance forms on their way! Did washing up, washed sheets and clothes, cut my nails, cooked a roast dinner, housemate gave me a tenner (for internet bill), went to jugglesock committee meeting, went to jugglesock session and played about on teh decks in the DJ booth for an hour (so cool), went to police station, gave irish man directions, bumped into nami as she was closing shop, had a drink at wetherspoons (£7 left!), called dad to prepare him for my money-begging call tomorrow... Very productive day. Also, hot girl texted me asking if I was free, but I weren't. Turns out she wants to talk about some guy she went for coffee with. FRIENDZONEGET. Rest of life continues. Got 4 episodse of Fringe s01 left, and strongly considering slamming through them tonight. Unsure, but the guy on the phone said I may as well apply for this shit again. Giggles! ... Is that where I've been going wrong all this time?
  18. Lucas is an awesome character. I loved him as he P.I. last season/season before/whenever He's not really done anything yet though...
  19. Part time student, not exempt from council tax! I'm waiting for 2pm to roll around to call student finances, to get the ball rolling on the turnaround :P Nice a place as any to talk about it, then? I guess we need to work on that whole 'getting the deposit back' thing again. (I never missed a month's rent)
  20. Mate just message someone with questions :P I'm sure most people will gladly answer for you.
  21. The thing is I like the job, it is just maddening how ridiculously poor I am. I could theoretically work two or three short shifts there a week while on the dole to balance the pros and cons, but I can't do that before xmas because they'll be less likely to keep me hired in Jan. See? I really am doing waht you say - staying there for as long as I can even though I've considered selling my teeth. Train is the cheapest way there for me, actually! Journey's only 10mins. I did lose my train pass :P needed to get a new one in december as it was. That would cut it down to £40 indeedy! Student finance office is, 'to cope with demands', only contactable between 2 and 4pm. Once they send me the form, I fill it in, get uni to fill in their bit, send it to mum to get her to fill her bit in, then she sends it to the LEA who then go over it [and probably tell me I missed a bit] before sending something back for me to sign, then I send that back in and then they commence the beginning of the planning to start to activate the paying of me. They told me it'd be a month or so. Fingers crossed! P.S. I genuinely think I've forgotten how to 'get to the point of the thing that you are trying to say when you are telling someone something that you feel strongly about'. If you get me.
  22. It's not daft to want to give this show a bit more attention with some big pictures, I assure you. Having never seen the original, I only knew of the show from vague descriptions my dad told me as well as the odd clip shown on some top 100 tv show. I've read some of the arguments on the IMDB forums, and they all centre around people who are fans of the original who aren't happy with the fact that this is not the original, that the show is tailored for a modern audience, rather than the post-cold-war neighbourhood. This is only six episodes long, no second series, no more episodes, and it is mind boggling. Seriously. Straight outta a Lynch movie, the short series exhudes feelings of paranoia, psychosis, schitzophrenia and surreal anxiety in the sound and camera alone. Basic premise; man wakes up in a place called 'The Village', where nobody has a name and everyone has a number. The place seems to be run by a Number Two, who has people acting as undercover agents in groups, or cells, spying/gathering information on their fellow villagers that have been anonymously dobbed in as 'dreamers'. Once found guilty... well, there's the clinic, or there's... Number Six, our main man, is certain he remembers a place called New York City despite everyone else denying such thoughts, even hushing him at daring to vocalise them. 11-12 is 2's son, who is ill-eased by his father relentlessly keeping his mother in an odd comatose state. Where is teh village? Who are the villagers? Is there a way out? What the hell are those bouncing white orb things? Those holes in teh ground? A truly mind fucking series of episodes (I think the last 5 minutes of Anvil are... just... incomprehensible) that keep you trying to figure out what exactly is happening. The last episode is both gratifying, yet modest enough to make you still wonder if you have it quite right. Up there with BSG, The Wire and Breaking Bad for me. Go watch it.
  23. Crit, dan; I think you should find another way to express your veteran status - perhaps rather than focusing on your own ga-ga age focus on the age of the medium itself, add a bit of hyperbole to exaggerate the point (like "- and I've been playing since pacman was on acid eating ghosts" or something. Emphasises your controller-chewing statement later). shit-stirring ambulance-chasing, otherwise i'm picturing an ambulance chasing Failed while stirring some shit and taking notes. Maybe it's just me. Your comparison of videogames to pornography is worthy of expanded attention, otherwise it kinda comes across as a fairly ludicrous statement to make. Daft; I dislike your need to cling to a more reknowned critic to make your point, and I don't think that point particularly backs up what you're trying to say about dehumanisation and the absurd (maybe an element of the absurd :P) Sorry for the unasked crit. My centicles; on Dead Space I was stamping on the bodies of dead people in order to get a dismemberment achievement. I thought it was funny at first, then it started making me feel a little disturbed. But once you go full-blown disturbed then it's alright, because you're laughing like a maniac with a key to the straightjacket. EDIT: tbf daft, you did say snippet. Sorry again!
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