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Everything posted by jakeee

  1. Mimternet, do you mean KITT or Pit? Sorry... I had to do it :P
  2. This game needs some anti-aliasing.
  3. I wouldn't recommend amaroK. It might slow your computer down. XMMS is great.
  4. You should really try MPlayer. It's superb! http://www.mplayerhq.hu/design7/news.html Here is a good installation guide which might be a bit old but it should be okay. http://www.oldskoolphreak.com/tfiles/hack/ubuntu.txt After you have installed it you should install mplayer plug-in for firefox. http://mplayerplug-in.sourceforge.net/
  5. I think you know that characters can't smoke in Nintendo games ;o The kids could imitate Snake
  6. Yay! Another birthday! Yay! Happy birthday Caris!
  7. I think it would be wise to wait for the next graphics chip of Intel. GMA 965. It should be much better than the current 950.
  8. I was really looking forward to this computer. This was supposed to be my first laptop. Everything seems awesome. The design, the price, the processor but the damn graphics card! Even iBook has a better one!
  9. Yay! Happy Birthday! *gives a virtual flower*
  10. Read Wikipedia before saying anything about lovely Silvia Night <3
  11. I watched the new video @ IGN and I must buy this game! The fight with Ridley was superb and something new!
  12. "-300°C=-510°F Hell freezes over. The Finns win the Eurovision Song Contest." Quoted for truth. Get ready for a cold winter
  13. "How do you recognize him?" "He promised to put a flower in his buttonhole." Lordi on a blind date EDIT: Thanks!
  14. Woohoo! Go Finland! Thank you Lordi and all the people who voted for them!!!! I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!
  15. I actually liked Echoes. It wasn't as awesome as the first one but I loved both of them. I found the dark world disturbing only when I was fighting the boost guardian because it has to be one of the most hardest fights in the game. But all the other bosses are great. Especially the last fight <3
  16. I almost hope that Lordi doesn't do well because next year Finland automatically goes to the final and we have someone like Antti Tuisku or Jari Sillanpaa representing us It would be shameful
  17. You are just like Conan O'Brien!
  18. I wish I wasn't Finn so that I could vote for Lordi! I don't think Lordi will win the contest but it'll make it to the top 6. I loved the show! It was amazing. I hoped that Iceland would make it to the final
  19. Pulp Fiction: I know, I should have watched this one earlier But a great movie nevertheless. Tarantion quality 9/10
  20. After watching those GameSpot videos I think Retro should get rid of that lock on mode. If the wiimote is so great for aiming you don't need to lock on. And they could make a really good online multiplayer
  21. Seriously, multiplayer didn't work in Echoes so why would it work in this? They both have a lock on system. If they got rid of that they would make multiplayer.
  22. Yeah! Another Ganon fan! I hope he makes a comeback as an original character and not as a cheap copy of Captain Falcon.
  23. The graphics look good enough for me but aiming and turning don't look too comfortable. Maybe it's the new controller or something but I hope this will be fixed.
  24. I am a bit disappointed. Nothing ground breaking.
  25. Fifteen minutes left!!!! I really hope they'll show this game today. I loved the prequels.
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