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Everything posted by jakeee

  1. I almost killed someone when I read that the guys at AOL games had seen the game!!!! Oh Jordan... Please don't do that. It's disgusting
  2. Ganondorf is the best fighter
  3. I love these! They are so hilarious :-)
  4. Changing the memory might be too complicated for some consumers, you know What about the optic media? Do we have to change our disc drive when Nintendo starts using the next disc-generation (Blu-Ray? Or even Violet-Ray O.o)
  5. Please! Let it be realistic racing game like PGR or F-Zero Online!
  6. Oh man... I don't think Nintendo would be ready to pay to Microsoft for the right to use Direct X or something. Besides why the duck would they want to use Direct X? I have always thought that developers use Direct X just because different computers have different set ups. If the game is compatible with Direct X it's compatible with every computer that is compatible with Direct X? I think that Wii has its own "Direct X" which is much better for Wii. Pretty confusing, eh?
  7. It was quite good. I didn't know such things about Pong, Atari or Tetris. Really informative But there are still things that were left untold.
  8. Vista has many great new things that are so late! They should have been in Windows 2000! But it's better than nothing, right? But I'm sticking with my Linux for a year. Maybe I'll buy a Mac next year.
  9. The developers have played too much Metroid Prime 2 :p
  10. I'll download: The Legend of Zelda (NES) Zelda 2: Adventure of Link (NES) Super Metroid (SNES) The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (SNES) Sonic the Hedgehog 1-3 (MegaDrive) Super Mario 64 (N64) The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
  11. I want to see a little wolf gameplay, some landscapes and some living people! That's all I want. Nothing more, nothing less.
  12. Dear Mr. Iwata I would really appreaciate it if you did the following things at E3: -Show us some Revolution gameplay videos! (Metroid Prime 3, Super Mario 128, Red Steel, SSBO and some other absolutely amazing games!) -Give us some sexy Zelda info! -Show us some great new DS games! -Give us some money... Sincerely, JAkeee
  13. They're great!
  14. Eurovision Song Contests suck! The song of Finland is always crappy (Especially the last one) but Lordi will make a difference! But the best Eurovison song ever is Waterloo.
  15. I love this It's so funny just like your previous comic
  16. I just saw Saw. I liked the concept. It got quite boring at the end.
  17. Red Steel looks good enough for me :awesome: Thanks for not totally screwing up Nintendo.
  18. Yes, they shouldn't completely throw away the concept but there should be more games like Majora's Mask. Games without the regular bosses but things which may refer to Triforce, Ganon, Zelda etc. Maybe a game without Link? :p
  19. I would like to comment on a few things even though it's too late. I don't think the person could have stayed in the apartment without anyone especially the girl getting worried or something like that. "Suddenly he realised what he had done." That is a cliché. You should have described his feelings and the situation a bit more detailed.
  20. I think this someone thought like this about Ocarina of Time when it was announced. My point is: The future Zeldas will suck and lose majority of its fans if the series doesn't change! Minor changes don't help here. The whole concept of Triforce, Zelda, Ganon vs. Link is starting to get boring! A true zeldafan doesn't want the series to be the same every time.
  21. Jokes go too far when someone around gets offended. EDIT: Yay! My 200th post. Now I'm regular \o/ We should drink for this great thing.
  22. How can two different games have a same kind of ending?
  23. During those wars Finns proved that they can defend their fatherland against a gigantic enemy. According to my source 305 000 Russians died during the continuation war. Some say that a Finnish soldier equals 10 Russian Soldiers. And here's the best sniper of all time: Simo Hayha. Also known as the white death or Belaja Smert as the Russians knew him. He sniped over 500 Russians in 3 months...
  24. The fastest time not using any emulator is 5:09:000. The fastest time using emulator is 5:00. The emulator run uses more tricks than the non-emulator runs because they are not allowed at Twin Galaxies.
  25. Finland is free from the control of Russia because Russia is not mighty and scary anymore. Eniac :awesome:
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