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Everything posted by jakeee

  1. Fortunately I'm able to test Wii on november the 4th :p But this is like my only chance of testing it before it's released. But it really sucks if you can't test the thing a month or two before the release.
  2. Maybe he was able to get past the demo by doing some fancy tricks and finished the whole game. ^^;;
  3. Actually, many people have played the demo version. Maybe he has played it too :P
  4. Yeah but when the giant enemy crab appears it would be like this: Crab vs Link
  5. I started playing this yesterday and I still love the part, when I open the door of Temple of Time and get teh Master Sword <3<3<3 This time I'm going to finish this game 100%
  6. It seems that you still need a bit more training before you reach my level . Mods, you know what to do.
  7. I think that the story of TWW was better than the story of OOT. The story of OOT is quite simple. Go to the dungeons and get some shiny stones. Get the ultimate weapon and after that go to some boring temples and get some magic medallions. Now you can defeat the evil. I wonder how the sages were all held in the temples. Do they really have to go there and get in to trouble? In my opinion the story of TWW is better. And you don't have to go to the dungeons for a stupid reason like "Save teh sages!" but more like "Restore the power in the temple with the help of a sage. You don't have to rescue the sage!" That's more interesting than OOT. Don't get me wrong. I loved OOT but the dungeons and the story of TWW were more interesting imo.
  8. If there was a war between N. Korea and USA, I'm pretty sure that USA would pwn N. Korea. If I remember correctly, Iraq had a powerful army before the Gulf war. But look what happened! Iraq was pwned. And USA can use some kick-ass satellites, which can see what Kim is having for dinner (j/k).
  9. I think 45 minutes across the land on a horse is way too much. I would fall asleep before I get to the other end of the map! But 45 minutes around the map would be pretty good. Let's assume the land is square shaped. So one side would be 45/4=11.25 minutes. So it would take 11.25*√2=16 minutes to travel across the land on a horse which would be great.
  10. But they would be nothing without guys like him:
  11. If Nintendo gave us everything we wanted, we would have a console which would play every game in the world and it would cost less than 200$. But luckily they are not stupid and have some business sense. Making games is not about making gamers happy. It's about making money. THAT'S THE FACT!
  12. Happy birthday Platty \o It seems that you were born on the best day of the year ^_^
  13. Whee! Happy birthday Platty and Bonah J! It's my birthday too \o/
  14. But too much coffee will make your hands shake. Just like Captain Miller in Saving Private Ryan
  15. Now that was funny ^^
  16. I've heard the original Fire Temple music and I must say that it's much better than the second one.
  17. Liquid nitrogen? Yes, the same stuff that froze T-1000 in Terminator 2.
  18. Insert Star Trek picture
  19. I thought I would never say this but... That is one ugly game!
  20. Are you saying that you never turn your controller even a single bit when playing racing games? For some reason I don't believe you :p It feels natural to turn the controller when you are playing games like NFS.
  21. I'm mostly concerned about the way you control the games. I just watched the new Red Steel trailer and it looked a lot better than before. The expert mode in Metroid Prime 3 didn't impress me. Maybe it was because of the really bad player :/ The hands-on impressions of www.thehylia.com didn't praise the controls. I hope Nintendo can proove me wrong. EDIT: Before anyone says anything, I won't be watching those new videos because I'm afraid of spoilers.
  22. I knew something like this was going to happen. First I noticed that Red Steel sucks and Metroid Prime doesn't look that good. Super Mario Galaxy seems a bit boring and I'm afraid that SSBR will suck. And now this. Fortunately I can buy the Cube version of TP providing that they release it
  23. Seriously, why are you watching the new vids? Do you want to know every twist and turn before the game comes out? I made this same mistake when I was waiting for MP2:E and I regret it. I stopped watching new vids and pictures after E3 so that I wouldn't accidentally see any spoilers or anything. But that's just my opinion.
  24. Greenpeace to the rescue!
  25. If Nintendo doesn't release the Cube version of TP in Europe, I'm gonna kill someone... Or maybe not. At least I wouldn't have to spend my money on a silly hobby like playing kiddy games
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