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Everything posted by jakeee

  1. Well, Finland has never lost its indepencence but it was too close because of that damn thing. First we fought the winter war which we lost and we gave U.S.S.R some of our territory. Then we made a deal with Germans (who had sold us to Russians!) and we fought another war with U.S.S.R. And we lost it too and we lost even more of our territory. After the 2nd WW Russians could even make our Cabinet Ministers resign if the Russians weren't satisfied.
  2. The day when Finland was sold to Russians...
  3. TP will be released tomorrow. I know this because my uncle's step father's good friend's dog's former owner is working for Nintendo and he told me this info!!!111
  4. The ability to use Revolution controller when playing TP isn't ground-breaking anymore. It was kinda like confirmed by Nintendo of France(?)
  5. ... ... ... Zeldafan, GC is almost dead! When TP is released people look at it and say:"l0l! L00k 4t it's gr4phics!!11!!!eleven. My XBox 360 h4s a l0t b3tt3r gr4ph1cs th4n th4t! Lol!" Yes, there will be some hardcore gamers who will buy the game and of course some zelda fanboys who will buy anything related to Zelda. But it'll probably sell 3 million copies or less. This game won't make people buy GCs. It's too late already.
  6. I have heard of this aeroplane before. I haven't seen it because I don't have the game
  7. The first Zelda game I played was OoT. I hate myself because I didn't notice these über cool games earlier :/ I want TP to be about 100 hours long if you get everything. Games get too boring if you have to play 200 hours to complete it and another 200 hours to get every unnecessary thing.
  8. I finished Resident Evil 1 on GC about a week ago. It was a pretty good game. 8/10
  9. Isn't this already released? I think it's called OS X : peace:. Defragmentation? I haven't done that for a year and a half because I don't need such thing. But I must say as a Linux user I would like to have a few of those things on Linux too.
  10. That was sick! And someone at THQ thinks that this is okay?
  11. Happy birthda, dabookerman! We all love you 8)
  12. I wouldn't be able to live without great quotes from Arnold. And I love Terminator 1&2 Commando, Predator, True Lies, Last Action Hero, Total Recall and Conans. Terminator 3 is okay too. Here are some great quotes from Arnie: (Arnold is talking to the devil)"You think you're bad, huh? You're a fucking choir boy compared to me! A choir boy!" "I'll make you eat that contract but I hope you will leave enough room for my fist because I'm going to ram it in your stomach and break your spine!" (a mongol asks:"Conan, what's best in life?)"To crush your enemies, see them driven before you and hear the lamentation of their women." "I'm a cop you idiot!" "Who is your daddy and what does he do?"
  13. I would like that kind of interface. But the music was horrible! :E
  14. Remeber this: Don't train everyday! Muscles grow while they are resting. A friend of mine couldn't train properly for weeks when she trained like a crazy everyday! And if you don't want sore muscles remember to stretch a bit.
  15. If you want big muscles (raw power!!!): Try lifting heavy weights about 3-7 times If you want speed: Try lifting not-so-heavy weights quickly about 7-14 If you want endurance: Lift small weights slowly 20-30 remember to add more weight when it becomes easy.
  16. The 1st and the last are the best
  17. I have noticed that there's a quite fat woman on the right side of the picture. And you may notice that the head is really weird! I almost vomit every time I see that
  18. Hmm... Wasn't Mark Rein the guy who said that graphics and HD are the most important things in gaming and there is no need for a gaming revolution?
  19. It's great that you posted a hotlink to those videos which eats the bandwith of Hyrule.net quite a lot. Did I say that it costs them money? I'm sure the admin's at Hyrule.net love you
  20. Sounds interesting. And it doesn't look so bad imo. E3 will be exciting!
  21. I have watched s05e04 now. It's been pretty good. EDIT: I have now watched the next episode.
  22. I have watched the first two episodes of Season 5. I have e03 on my hard drive and I'm downloading e04 atm.
  23. Aaargh!!! My head explodes! That's horrible!
  24. I forgot to mention that it's illegal if you by-pass copy protection on purpose. Nice, eh?
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