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Everything posted by scubahood

  1. I don't see what the big problem with Britney going out loads is. She came out when she was like what 17? So through the time that us normal people would go out and party she would be working. The way I look at it shes making up for lost time. I enjoy to get stupidly drunk so I respect her decision to do the same.
  2. This week i got myself Crackdown, Fusion Frenzy 2, Condemned bottle of whiskey, few bottles of beer and spent a tenner on laughing gas last night
  3. Are those NES games what the Americans got this week then? I'm steering clear of NES, SNES and Megadrive games after I got SMB and it didn't play on my tv. Luckily the Turbografx and N64 games I have work.
  4. I think its good that banks charge people for going overdrawn if they didn't people would just take more and more out. It would be like a free loan and people would just take the piss
  5. Was gonna buy Crackdown just for the Halo 3 beta as I assumed there would be some sort of code system but seems its built into the game menu i can just buy a copy
  6. How are they thick as shit they're just saying what our parents would probably say if we were that young how are they meant to know the ins and outs of it?
  7. I can confirm that my Visa Debit Card works fine
  8. If I shop at Game i'll use their online store but now i've started using shopto.net as they're cheaper and faster than both Game and Gameplay plus they text you when your game has been sent which is pretty cool
  9. I'd like a new Donkey Kong 3D platformer
  10. Happy Birthday Beermonkey hope you have a good night. I went out with a few mates last night then having a big night out tomorrow night which should be pretty crazy. Was pretty funny last night Bradley from S Club 7 was in the club which was pretty random.
  11. Chavball? The word chav is so overused that it is now without meaning please stop
  12. Tis my birthday today as well I am the grand old age of 21
  13. reading 2005 they went down well but now they are to popular for the rock community. THE rockers really need to listen to what you like and stop being so narrow minded and liking what is in,. Throwing bottles is lame if you dont like it dont watch it
  14. MCR cool about a year ago then the rock community turns on them as they become to mainstream. I really don't get that with the rock community they try to hard to be "unique" when most are all the same.
  15. Just come across this on youtube basically the game is running stupidly fast heres the vid http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tbM_xFoun2E
  16. Wario said she had bipolar can someone explain to me what this does to you?
  17. Tis my 21st on Friday
  18. Thats a very good point. Perhaps they think the Masterstystem doesn't have the following the NES does. I'd love to see Alex the kid on VC though.
  19. When I read the thread title I thought it was a joke. Sorry to hear the news
  20. Yea I do a lot its never full conversations but i'll say a couple of words and sometimes I repeat them mostly when i'm driving
  21. What was punch out renamed to or was that a joke that I didn't get?
  22. Just read about Shadowman good news indeed will definatly get that when it comes out. Any birdies know whats out this Friday? Hopefully will be something good cause its my 21st birthday
  23. Jermaine is about as racist as Jade Goody
  24. its 11 anyone care to look oh sod it i will Mario Kart and Soldier Blade
  25. shopto.net easily the best online store for prices and delivery
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