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Everything posted by scubahood

  1. I'm not a Jew so i'm not offended by it.
  2. Do you guys that wear hoodies wear them with the hood up?
  3. Anyone watch that show tonight on channel four called undercover Mosques? Showed many extremist preachers free to travel the country and spread the jihad. To be fair most of the brunt was aimed towards Jew's but it still pissed me off. I don't get it if they hate the country so much why don't they just fuck off.
  4. I don't like these racial hate laws they only seem to be enforced against white people. We need to enforce them against these muslim extremists that are left to preach their message of evil
  5. Is it possible to remap the buttons on VC games I don't like the buttons on Mario 64 using classic controller
  6. Those worried about price should pick it up from http://www.shopto.net they have it there for £30 they got it to me on Thursday very impressed with their service
  7. Its all about the root beer. Anyone know where I can get wintergreen flavoured altoids in the UK? Its stupid they are bloody made in this country yet we can't get them
  8. Oh how I hate the word chav its almost as overused as the term racist
  9. Related but unrelated at the same time but I think our boarders need to be closed as the immigration problem is getting out of control. Where I work we have immigrant after immigrant come to my till and they are pig iggnorant I really wonder why we bother sometimes. Also to add I think we should give those that can work but can't be arsed a kick up the arse and stop their benefits
  10. Just want to add something else that helped me during my first heartbreak back when I was 18 surprisingly its public enemy number one at the moment and that is rap music. At the time 50 Cent had just come out with his first album and one of my mates has been ranting an raving about it but I refused to listen anywho at the time I was into my rock music was listening to Lovehatetragedy by papa roach which is a great album but also very depressing. Anyway whilst I was listening to that my Dad came in and said why don't you listen to something a bit less despressing so I decided to pop in my mates 50 Cent CD that he had left at mine to my surprise I got the type of music to let out my agression much like in the rock music the anger was there but there was then the party music there which made a whole new side to me which still sticks today. Before the rap music I was a complete shy guy now I am extremely outgoing have a very wide friend base from all sorts of backgrounds
  11. As I said in my previous post if you actually listened to 50 Cent you would realise that is not all about violence but in fact about having a good time. You're argument is about as good as me saying that GTA motivated these guys to use a hammer. What next people playing to much San Andreas thus making them using a dildo as a weapon let us wait and see.
  12. viper im not saying your advice is wrong im just curious have you been in this situation or had a long term partner?
  13. very narrow minded saying a music style is awful you need to broaden your mind
  14. Ignorant yes but saying why do blacks love gang culture or whatever he said is not racist
  15. Can anyone say games drout
  16. Just to add that someone has now been charged links below http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/wiltshire/6258393.stm
  17. First of all a little background on me i've been with my girlfriend for a year and a half now we broke up about a month ago after she told me that she had feelings for another guy and didn't want to be with me anymore. She didn't do anything with this guy which is where our stories are different. Anywho I was determined to get her back at first much like you I lost my cool and said some stupid things to her and told her that I was gonna kill the guy as I knew who he is. (Just to note I didn't do anything to him its more fun to see him shite himself when I see him out each week) Anywho after much thinking to myself I realised that the relationship could of been a lot better and that I needed to pay her more attention and do more with her. Before it was literally she would come to my house we'd chat for a bit then i'd get bored and play xbox whilst she wanted a cuddle. Once I realised what I needed to do I told her repeatedly but she was certain it was over so I pulled out the old writing a letter trick worked like a charm and now we're back together and things couldn't be better. Thats my story but for you Link what you really need to do is sit back and think right I know I love this girl but how much. You've got to listen to your heart and try and decide if you want to give it another go or not. It is a huge gamble as it could quite possibly end in even more heartache but the rewards would be amazing if it worked out and I can assure you that it would be better than ever. What you and your girlfriend need to do is sit down together and talk about the relationship, discuss how you both feel it has been going. Maybe there is more you could do or maybe there is more she needs to do. One of the most important things to do is to stay calm though I know its easy to lose your temper in a situation but don't do it in front of her. Chances are she may genuinly regret what she has done but she is going to have to prove to you that she will never stray again. If you two are both willing to try as hard as hell to get this thing back on I see no reason why it can't. Hope some of that helps
  18. heavy jail time is a must as they could of killed easily sadly if they get anything it will only be like a year
  19. Lol well there goes my argument. In all seriousness though the whole blaming it on rap argument is about as good as the old lets blame it on video games line.
  20. Just got home from work was reading the paper at lunch and read about the hammer attack that was discussed on here last night. Its being said by many papers that it was a racial attack I am aware that the papers are not always right but it does look to be that way. Anywho hopefully we can get some discussion going without crossing the line to much. I will start by defending something that was said in the last thread and that was regarding gangsta rap. Apparently gangsta rap is one of the reasons that these things are happening and a particular rapper was being singled out that being 50 Cent. I can assure you that 50 Cent nor Gangsta rap are the reasons for this happening I listen to both and can assure you I have never shot anyone hell i've never even been in a fight, i've never nicked a car or anything else they talk about in their songs. Whoever said this has clearly never listend to the music its as narrow minded of me to say that anyone that listens to metal are going to go kills themselves. The problem is that in this country rap music is portrayed in the wrong way. Yes there are songs about violence but then there are in all genres but if you took the time to actually listen to the music you would then understand that a lot of it is about getting drunk going to a club and having a good time with your mates.
  21. Stop posting in it and let it drift away in the abyss that is page 2
  22. I posted my last message from my Wii and I was extremely drunk give me a break don't you have anything better to do than pick at peoples spelling mistakes
  23. if you dont like it don't post another thread won't hurt nobody posts here now anyway
  24. I was under the impression that there is multiplayer but it is nowhere to be seen how do i get on it?
  25. Shopto.net have sent mine now definarly going to use them again £30 with free recorded delivery really can't moan only problem is will have to wait till i get home from work to play
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