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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. N-Eaction: Too Many Games? This is one that we've had on the back-burner since July when Nintendo announced that there's over 2,000 games on the Switch. Well... it's probably even more relevant now being that there are even more games. In it we look at the amount of games, cost, curation, physical versus digital, ownership or convenience and system exclusives versus ports plus more. Thanks to @Glen-i @Vileplume2000 @Dcubed for their input and @RedShell for making the perfect graphic for the occasion. Enjoy and let us know what you think about the amount of games currently available on the Switch and the future of the platform.
  2. I didn't get around to playing this yesterday, because of course I didn't! Banjo in Smash, SNES games on the Switch... there's no way I was going to miss out on any of that. Tonight though, I've unsealed the steelbook copy of Monster Hunter World: Iceborne, the disc just took 20 minutes to install and now... ...there's another 8GB update which will take another quarter of an hour and that's on a good wired connection. But soon...
  3. Up on the front page. It's a fantastic piece of artwork which reflects a really wonderful game, which I really need to make the time to play more of.
  4. Future titles for Nintendo Switch Online NES & SNES are coming out... eventually. In Nintendo's words the games for both services “will be added after launch, but those releases will not adhere to a regular schedule”. So this means we might get another twelve titles in two weeks or another two titles in twelve weeks in theory? (depending on how you look at it) We should hope for the best but in the meantime... Here's a s-l-o-w sarcastic clap for Nintendo which will probably match the rate at which the games will trickle out... (they can have a full speed, non-sarcastic round of applause if it turns out that they instead decide to give us between five and ten games a month) For now though, I am just grateful that we have the service and it isn't as if there isn't a load of other games to play.
  5. Nintendo Switch Online NES Version 4.0.0 is out now! Don't delay, install it and get red of that pesky tutorial bar at the bottom of the play area today! This calls for a celebratory sarcastic clap!
  6. The Ultimate Partnership tournament goes live on Super Smash Bros. Ultimate from tonight. I'm considering entering but I'm not sure if I'm Guh-huh'd enough playing as Banjo-Kazooie yet or not.
  7. Super Jumpy Ball is out now on the Nintendo eShop. It's like Super Meat Boy... but with balls. Distraint Deluxe Edition is coming to the Switch eShop on September 13th 2019 for around £5.99 Psychological Horror with elephant element to it, if the banner is anything to go by. Spirit Hunter: NG launches on the eShop on October 10th 2019 Looks interesting but I'll probably stick to hunting monsters. Celeste Chapter 9 launches on September 9th 2019 Finally! That means I'll get my physical copy and I'll get to play the game soon. Check the articles for details and/or trailers where applicable.
  8. Nice artwork, not for me though because sleeves... but for people who want them, they are missing a trick if they aren't selling those sleeves seperately.
  9. There we go, all the posts from the SNES related shenanigans of yesterday from the NES thread, no we're all up to date. I think that's deserving of a "sarcastic clap"
  10. A thread worthy of a sarcastic clap.
  11. Thanks for the games @Glen-i Sarcastic clapping Tennis should be the only way to play that game by default as it improves the game tenfold. I think I've temporarily forgotten how to play Kirby as well Super Mario Kart and Stunt Race FX were great fun, I think I'll appreciate the latter more when I'm not falling asleep at the wheel though.
  12. It's up on the eShop now if you just search for "SNES" go,go,go!
  13. Thanks for the games tonight, a really guh-huh'd time was had by all I reckon.
  14. Those SNES controllers... it does state that you can charge them with the supplied USB cable. I'm pretty sure the Pro Controller works the same way and that allows you to use the controller wired with the USB cable thanks to a setting on the Switch. I think... this applies to all official controllers which charge in the same way, if that's so then I'd potentially be interested in those SNES controllers. If they are exclusively wireless though then nope, I like my controllers wired where possible. I didn't bother with the NES ones because they're basically oversized Joy-Cons but these SNES pads look like the real deal. Anyway... I'm an idiot (sort of) as I just remembered that I have a GameCube Hori pad which already works with the Switch, I lose track of which controllers I have sometimes. I'm looking forward to playing some of these SNES games, has the application been updated yet?
  15. Guess what? You were right @Hero of Time it turns out that they either don't have non-steelbook copies, or they sent the wrong one and they are charging £2 more or they were. Anyway, it doesn't matter, I have the steelbook now, it is a nice steelbook, if there were to be any game I'd want a steelbook of then it would be Monster Hunter... ...plus I have empty PS4 cases from old PS Plus subscriptions, and I found a seller selling the pre-order sleeve for a cheap price, which will do nicely for the shelf. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Monster-Hunter-World-Iceborn-Ps4-Display-Case-Poster-X2/401859635001?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649 There you go, in case that's of any use to you, the picture isn't very good but you can see he's selling ones for the Xbox version as well in addition to other POS game stuff. Anyway, I have the game now, that's the main thing, I may keep an eye on that seller to see if he's selling a display sleeve for Yakuza Collection nearer the time. But forget all that... Monster Hunter Iceborne is here! In the month of "buy everything, play everything or give up and sod everything, let's release everything in..." September!
  16. Nintendo Direct 04/09/2019 Roundup Full press release formatted for ease of reading and both videos embedded in the article. That was quite the showing, the highlights for me were the SNES games, Banjo-Kazooie available now, Terry Bogard in Smash and even more characters?!? What a time to be a Nintendo fan, a Switch owner and even a gamer. Right, time to sell some more stuff, to pay for future stuff!
  17. Ah sorry, I didn't know... if I knew then I would have told you what I discovered the other day when I pre-ordered it myself... https://www.thegamecollection.net/monster-hunter-world-iceborne-master-edition-ps4/?sqr=monster hunter& There's a non-steelbook version or at least there was the other day as it's sold out now and they only have the steelbook in stock. It's £2 more but I don't mind, I'd rather that than have to get the steelbook and then rebuy the game like I did with the Yakuza titles. Anyway, this game will sell bucketloads so they are bound to restock soon I would hope and it seems you've got loads of game to keep you busy anyway. Still, give us a shout when you get the game if you want to hunt anything. (and that goes for anyone else on N-Europe who's getting the expansion as well)
  18. Did you order from The Game Collection? They shipped my copy today. I'm going to check out that review right now.
  19. I have no doubt that it will be worth that and to put it into perspective, it could be worse... if you want the physical version from Limited Run Games it's £42 including shipping. To me, it's worth the extra £15 to have the physical copy but of course in about a couple of months time, there'll be another two hundred games out and River City Girls will be on sale. But as for the quality of the game, it's looking like it's worth £27... though it is now making me wonder how much Streets of Rage 4 will be when it comes out. I can't wait for River City Girls though, except I will be waiting a bit longer for the physical version, probably two months so by the time I get to play it, it'll be on sale for certain. I definitely love Limited Run Games for the amount of decent indie titles they bring out on cart but damn... I'm still waiting for titles such as Celeste to come out.
  20. Nintendo Switch My Way Commercials featuring Luigi's Mansion 3, the Switch Lite and a couple of already released games, because advertising!
  21. Greak: Memories of Azur is coming to the Switch in 2020. Check the article for the trailer if you haven't seen it already.
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