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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. Day 14 - 2D platformer Sonic 3 & Knuckles Because it wasn't really going to be anything else now, was it?
  2. I'm going to vote for The Messenger because I've heard it's great, I've got the physical version and I'd really like to play it.
  3. I'm not sure what options you get when highlighting images on a phone, I only really post from a PC. Aren't there options on the image when you perform the equivalent of a right-click? (I've no idea when it comes to modern phones) Maybe there's a way of just dragging and dropping the image? That would make more sense on a phone probably.
  4. Was it this image you wanted to post? Ah OK, it was, hmm this will probably need further troubleshooting.
  5. Hey soag, welcome back. If you want to share pictures on the forum, right click on the image you want to share, go to 'copy image location' and then paste it directly into the post... New games are coming to the NES and SNES apps next week (text will also keep its properties if you copy and paste it, but you do have the option to paste it as plain text as well) It should then be automatically embedded, if you also want to add a link to the image hold Ctrl, right-click, go to 'edit image' and you can link to stuff. (you can also use that to edit the image slightly, though I haven't made much use of that beyond adding in links for articles. I hope this helps, if you have any other questions about posting on the forum, or the site or anything, let me know.
  6. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate spirits event titled 'Octopath Traveller' is now live But you already knew that... anyway, it's up on the main site. The main thing this event highlights for me, is that, well... its been two years since I've purchased and not played Octopath Traveller. I should probably fix that... but I probably won't. It's a great spirits theme for Smash though.
  7. Day 13 - Best Open World City Game InFamous Just something about that first game, the series in general as well and while I might not be as fond of it as I once was, I still very much enjoyed my time with it. Everything from the exploration, world design, story... it just all adds up to a great game where you'll always find yourself doing something in rather than just moving around.
  8. Nope, I think it's just the limitations, try this one... I've resized it so that it's 275 X 150 Pixels, which is a bit bigger than your current signature but within the limitations. I kept the alpha channel in the background and adjusted the colour slightly so that it should appear either the same or close to your signature and kept the .png format. Also, there it is without the colour correction, as just looking at the uploaded signature, the original looked better, it just appeared darker in the editor, anyway, take your pick, hopefully one of them will work.
  9. Hmm, let's try something... I've just uploaded your signature (or I should have, first time I've tried this) try copying the image location and paste that into your signature. It could well be as @Ashley says though, upload and embed having different limits, but it probably wouldn't hurt to try it from this reuploaded signature, in case it makes a difference.
  10. We used to be able to change that part of the profile on the old forums (or some of us used to be able to maybe?) but this isn't currently possible, as far as I know, hence a lot of them are as they were when they were last changed on the old forum, I think? As for your signature, doesn't it depend on the size of the image you used for your signature? If you wanted it to be bigger, wouldn't you just make the actual signature bigger to start with? Unless I'm missing something... I might be not understanding what you're asking. Edit - ah nevermind, I see what you mean, it's bigger where you initially uploaded it... hmm, I'm not sure.
  11. Day 12 - Favourite Awful Game World Racing for the Nintendo GameCube There aren't that many videos which have footage of the GC version, but here's a brief clip... Though, I remember the game for a certain, long and winding road track which allowed you to go of course at one point, into the water surrounding part of the track and... just keep on driving I've no idea where the game came from, I just know that it used to be a game in my brothers collection, we both played it, thought it was hilariously broken but somehow playable at the time, it was probably sold a long time ago but I always think of buying it back just to play it again for some odd reason. If I do, I might try and capture some footage of it myself, being that there's so little of it out there, although there is footage of it running on an emulator but not so much when it comes to original hardware... I'm really thinking of rebuying it you know, I'm sure my brother would love to play it again as well.
  12. Day 11 - Favourite Town/Village Kakariko Village - The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time If you've played The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, then you'll instantly know the layout of Kakariko village, which residents are in each of the houses, how to awkwardly traverse the place via chicken and a combination of floating off the rooftops and the fences at just the right angle, while holding your feathered friend, in an attempt to round up all the others. It's a gateway to Death Mountain, the Graveyard and later on you get to go beneath the well, underneath the graves... plus the entrance to the Shadow Temple is hidden in plain sight until you get the right tools to go there towards the end of the game. You could call it a mini-hub of sorts, for all the places it leads to. Then you have the House of Skulltula, which you'll likely be returning to frequently, in an attempt to lift the curse on all of the family members who have been turned into partial Skulltula form, by hunting down the one hundred gold skulltulas which are in the game, they can be anywhere and everywhere... I think when they were relegated to individual locations in Majora's Mask, something was lost and there was just something really cool about getting to say... fifty Skulltulas and then coming back to this place to see the effects of the curse you've been lifting. It might not objectively be the best village, but I've always been fond of the place.
  13. There has been a response from @Hero-of-Time through a message which wasn't sent on the forum, to another forum member, this news was sent to me by another forum member via PM, and all I know is that he has at least been in contact, which I just want to say that we are grateful for. That's all I know and I just want to say again, if you want to talk to us Hero, then we are here but we understand if you can't or don't want to for whatever reason. I won't say any more than that, but I thought that I should at least let others on the forum know that you have at least been in contact. Wishing you all the best from everyone here at N-Europe.
  14. To keep you in the loop, here are all the posts from the General Retro Discussion thread... - - - - - All of these posts were from a couple of weeks ago, we still haven't heard from @Hero-of-Time and we have tried to reach out to him.
  15. Day 10 - Credits Sequence The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time If you've played through and completed this wonderful game, then you'll have seen this exceptional credits sequence. It's well worth playing through this classic if you haven'talready , the credits are your reward for finishing the game and playing it is rewarding in itself.
  16. Nintendo Treehouse Live July 2020 presentation to be shown tomorrow Up on the main site. As always, we'll post a roundup article shortly after the presentation has aired. Hmm, I should probably edit the article now that we know the WayForward title is NOT based on a Nintendo IP... ...but I'm going to leave it, this article was posted shortly after finding out about it, so it's based off information from there and then. Also, Nintendo do like to pick their moments to announce these things, we were still playing Smash at the time.
  17. E3 2020 may be cancelled but apparently E3 as a whole, isn't dead? I want to believe, but...
  18. Limited Run Games had a stream recently where they showed off their planned releases... Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon 2 Bug Fables: The Everlasting Sapling Carrion Castlevania Anniversary Collection Demon Turf Grandia HD Collection GRIS Katana ZERO Megadimension Neptunia VII Mighty Gunvolt Burst Observer PixelJunk Eden 2 Return of the Obra Dinn Samurai Jack: Battle Through Time Shantae (GBC) Shantae: Risky's Revenge (DSiWare) Super Meat Boy Forever The friends of Ringo Ishikawa The Mummy Demastered To The Moon TowerFall Trover Saves The Universe Where the Water Tastes Like Wine Xtreme Sports (GBC) I'm glad to see that Bug Fables is getting a physical release... right after I now own it digitally, oh well, that was always going to happen. Castlevania Anniversary Collection, I knew that was coming (probably) so I'm glad I waited on that. The original Shantae for GBC is getting a physical re-release on the GBC and on the Switch, plus the DSiWare title, Shantae: Risky's Revenge. Aside from that? I might pick up Grandia HD Collection and Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon 2.
  19. Day 9 Scary Moment Ecco the Dolphin - Open Ocean Well, regarding what @bob said about Thalassophobia (I didn't know this was the name for it) maybe this one will make more sense than I thought... Plenty of moments in Ecco the Dolphin were unsettling, especially playing this game growing up, but Open Ocean has to be the ultimate 'nope!' moment.
  20. I've only just started listening to the Podcast now and I should have the latest episode promoted on the main site later today but... I had to have a guess at the tune because it seems like a familiar one.
  21. It's cool but, if they can do this, then there is no reason surely why they can't make an arcade compilation for the Switch as well. Even if they split it into two volumes, it would sell.
  22. Day 8: Best Musical Moment Perfect Dark - Mission 5: Air Base Espionage If you've played it, you know the bit... second objective, music changes, mission changes from mostly stealth to all-out carnage as you frantically try and complete your main objective, which is boarding Air Force One. If you haven't played it before, then definitely do that, but here's a video of the mission... It's at 3:40 where the music changes, but it's worth watching the full video, though it's even better to experience it in-game. Fun fact, @Gadwin and I played the XBLA version last night after finding out that Perfect Dark Zero has had its servers shut down for multiplayer, but the original Perfect Dark? It still works, all modes including Co-Operative which runs at full screen for both players online and it's great fun.
  23. Day 7: Favourite Ranged Combat Panzer Dragoon Orta Because there's nothing quite like taking out enemies from a distance, on the back of a dragon. The game still looks incredible today as well, even when compared to a lot of recent titles.
  24. I read it as 'Sega Atrocity Mini' as well... and in a way, that would be more accurate. It's nice that they are making an Arcade Mini system, but it is an atrocity if a lot of these games then don't make it to the Sega Ages collection on the Switch. Then again, it depends who is handling the emulation on this thing...
  25. Day 6: Most Relaxing Navigation Super Monkey Ball Ready? Go! There's something innately calming about the way in which you navigate the stages by actually tilting them in Super Monkey Ball, I can't think of any other game series which has a mechanic quite like it, or at least which is programmed in the same way. It's a game where you just know what to do immediately and it starts off by slowly introducing you to this mechanic, getting you used to it as rolling your simian in a sphere around the stage becomes a mesmerising joy. Until you get to the nightmare stages at the end that is, then it all goes to hell. Some speedrunners make even those stages look quite chilled though...
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