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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. My copies of X & Y have begun processing, I have been charged for at least one of them so far - if ShopTo only end up charging me for only one of them then that's fine too but I highly doubt it - I'll be having X while Y will be for my brother. I only hope that whatever happens, they get posted early tomorrow.
  2. Fixed for you! :p Though honestly I really hope that was just a one-off from ShopTo.
  3. Frakk, I'm sorry to hear that kav you me, @Blade and anyone else from the MH3U regulars who is single/recently broken up should all get together for a hunting night sometime soon, actually at a push I could get one of my friends to join as well; its been too long, plus you never know it might help.
  4. Ewwww... what self-respecting gamer would actually want to play an inferior version of a classic like Dragon Quest VIII on a tiny screen of a device that has no real buttons to control the game with? Would love a PSN re-release though for sure, but this? No chance in hell.
  5. I don't know about that now... Perhaps I'll go easy on the red shells and will hold off using a blue shell, if I get one and you happen to be in first place, but no promises. Anyway, go forth and set sail, the ocean awaits! : peace:
  6. You're most welcome @\-Dem0\- & @Sheikah I was just glad that I was able to help out a fellow forum member in n-eed.
  7. Oh my gods, dat Viewtiful Joe reference... :awesome: Wonderful stuff.
  8. Press the 'switch' button, which is 'X' this activates 'selfie' mode, enjoy! : peace:
  9. And tomorrow - with any luck - you should have Wind Waker to play on it! : peace:
  10. Nope, it's not even a problem, come on we're long-term gamers having quick reactions such as those required for selecting options on another screen while also concentrating on the main screen should be second-nature! I know it is for me at least. :p I do like the fact that Wind Waker gives you the option of either selecting things on-the-fly or reverting back to the old pause menu though.
  11. While I didn;t frakk anyone's ma - I'll leave that to @martinist - I did get pissed out of my treee while playing Zelda and Pokemon tonight. Fun times. :p
  12. Raining that food looks heavenly, can I comes live with you please? :3 I seriously need to get into cooking more, will make an effort to post more here, I really should seeing as I created this thread :p going to cook 'something' and post back here within the week, I don't know what yet though.
  13. Would you mind letting me know please if you do decide to sell it? As I would consider buying just the statue/dome/outer cardboard box off you - minus the game obviously - if the price is right, if you decide to keep it though, enjoy it as I think the statue looks fantastic. : peace:
  14. Yeah, it's karma isn't it? :/ Oh btw, I just thought of an idea... I can't make any promises but when you were due to get Wind Waker where did you pre-order it from? I was going to suggest that 'if' my copy doesn't turn up before I leave for work and 'if' my work has Zelda in stock - in which case I'll be buying another copy today - and then again 'if' my copy from ShopTo turns up late today/tomorrow would you like me to post my extra copy on to you for what I paid for it plus whatever postage is? It would probably work out a few pounds cheaper, plus you'd then get to play it earlier than your pay-day - which is the 11th didn't you say? - and you could just pay me back when you get paid as I trust you. Just saying, the offer is there... and it would save me from putting it up on eBay and probably getting the same amount for it by the time eBay take their 10% so yeah anyway, let me know if you're interested. : peace:
  15. Frakk it! Post has been and gone, no copy of Wind Waker! It was posted yesterday morning by ShopTo, has anyone else had theirs from the site and did you opt for signed for delivery of it? I suppose because mine is signed it could arrive by van later but we already had a signed for in today's normal post which is why I thought 'oh sweet, that'll be Wind Waker!' but it was not to be. If it doesn't turn up before I leave for work, if it's on the shelf today - Tesco so they might have been bothered to get it in because its Zelda - then I will buy another copy there - 20% staff discount still available today - and then resell my copy from ShopTo if/when it arrives... it better not have gone missing, that's why I opted for signed for in the first place because of what happened to Game & Wario. *sigh* Oh well, it's not as if I didn't have review to be getting on with.
  16. Can I just reassure people that the only 'Wisp' powers that made it across are the good ones - and that includes the laser - plus the new ones are very well thought out, along with the refined mechanics you should have no worries on this front, the power-ups only enhance the game; it's easy for me to say I know as I've played it but I just wanted to put things into perspective a little bit. I've achieved my goal on the game for today which is clearing the second set of zones in time attack mode, achieving the highest rank for each of them and as I mentioned before the times that they set a truly brutal for the most-part so it's great for anyone who likes a challenge.
  17. All I can say is yes it has... I guess. If you've played Sonic Colors then you will have an idea of what to expect regarding that element.
  18. It won't ruin anyone's enjoyment but it's just that its been discussed to death now, the game is out in less than two days so can we please leave it at that? I'm not wanting to silence anyone, both sides have debated the price thoroughly, the consensus seems to be that it isn't an 'ideal' price but it is one that many people are prepared to pay, other's aren't willing to buy it for that price and that's fine. The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker is a fantastic game regardless of price or resolution, now people have more choice on how they can play it, ultimately this is a very good thing. Personally I am looking forward to playing it again as to me it feels like the HD remake really does the game justice making it a more playable prospect for those who have played it before and wish to experience it again plus it's expanding the target audience for the game to those who might not have gotten the chance to play it the first time around. Having more Zelda titles in the world - remake or original - can only be a good thing, there is no downside. : peace:
  19. Nope, only got into it over the course of the past few months, really glad that I did though, naturally I also have Blood & Chrome lined up too for after Caprica. Anyway tonight the plan is to watch... well, The Plan so I will post my thoughts after watching that. : peace:
  20. Oh sweet. I've actually just literally, last night watch the last episode of BSG... truly frakking amazing series! Tonight I shall watch 'The Plan' and then start on 'Caprica' I can't wait. : peace:
  21. R.I.P Splinter Cell & Ghost Recon...
  22. No shipping info from ShopTo, it's after 5pm which means, no early Wind Waker for me... but then I have Sonic so no reason to complain. I did however up the delivery to recorded, yes it's extra but I'm not having this beauty of a game - or my free metal keyring - going missing it's fine though, I also opted to part-pay with points. Plenty to do before it arrives anyway. ----------------------------------- Scratch that, it has just been shipped! Only £27.03 after I used my site credit on it.
  23. If that's the case then I at least hope it takes the humour found in Sonic Colors/Lost World as then they might actually be onto something.
  24. For those who really want to know...
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