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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. I would buy Wario Ware Switch! 1-2 Switch? Not a hope in hell! :p For me, I wouldn't get much mileage out of it at all. Plus I despise the boxart. It's OK if you've got family/friends who are going to want to play it a lot but I personally don't see it as anything more than a throwaway title which could have been packaged in but I'm kind of glad that Nintendo didn't because I wouldn't want the game taking up valuable shelf space or digital storage. Anyway, this game isn't aimed at me so that's fine, I'm all in for the Switch on day 1 for Zelda, Bomberman and as many Virtual Console titles as I can possibly download. :awesome:
  2. S.C.G


    I had to send a request to Backerkit to change my digital Wii U version to an upgraded physical PS4 version because mine was still locked for technical reasons, so I've asked them to do this for me as instructed also mentioning that's the only part of my pledge I wish to change as I don't want to lose my 64-bit edition after having paid for it in advance. Hopefully all will be well, as for the Switch version... I'll buy a physical copy if it ever happens in the future but I'm not going to be forced into going digital on it for the console versions when that boxart is so lovely.
  3. I keep them mostly... ...but lately I've been trying to sort out my living space as there are a fair few I will definitely part with so I'm in the process of sorting all this out as I have an excess of PS2, PS1 and Xbox games. Plus I'm running low on space and I need to make room for the Switch. Oh which ones? If they are any titles I don't have then I might be interested in them, I'll even give you a few quid or postage costs for them, no worries if you've already given them away or have people in mind though, just thought I'd put it up there as I have a DS and 3DS game collection which I'm looking to expand with a few cart only games possibly. : peace: Likewise if there are any games you're after, let me know... I realise that this might be counter-productive in you getting rid of games only to inherit more of them but the offer is there. I can see this potentially turning into a swaps thread.
  4. Well that was fun, figured I'd join for one last run round the tracks for a while. Thanks to everyone who turned up and to @BowserBasher for hosting, I hope you enjoy your time away. Perhaps we'll have a proper farewell GP before the Switch version comes out, then if there's enough of us early on buying the Switch and Mario Kart 8 DX then there's no reason why we can't carry on racing on the new format, we could even have some proper Battle Mode matches. : peace:
  5. £25 or so sounds about the right yearly price for the online. Let's just hope that there are a few surprises when it comes to being properly revealed nearer the time which will make playing online simpler and easier or at the very least a more open policy when it comes to third-parties implementing features within their games assuming you've already paid Nintendo for the privilege to play online. A system similar to how MH3U worked on the Wii U will be fine for the next Monster Hunter game Capcom. I'm more intrigued about these monthly Virtual Console offerings which will have more features added such as online though, also I hope they get released at the same time as the other games, say week 1 of the paid service you get a set of say four or five games for that week (because it includes the monthly one) then for subsequent weeks we get two or three titles spread across a variety of formats, the same for weeks three to four and then rinse & repeat every month. : peace: Please at least let us have a few new unreleased gems though Nintendo alonngside the re-released titles which regardless of them having new features or not such as online multiplayer, we will have seen up to four times over at that point.
  6. Show me a physcial version of Puyo Puyo Tetris for the Switch and I will willingly put down £35 for it on release. If it's digital only though then... I'll probably still buy it but with some reluctance knowing the price difference. I still want to play it though. : peace:
  7. It's true though... :p Why wouldn't you want to play the best possible version of the Zelda game we've been waiting years for on the day it comes out? Of course if people don't see enough value in the Switch right now, then I can understand it but if you can get the cash and/or trade in value to buy it on launch plus you already know that you're going to be buying a lot of games for it regardless of any unannounced features then it surely makes sense. I can see about thirty announced Switch games which I know are a definite purchase for me, so I'd say that justifies its purchase. : peace:
  8. Go for it! Get a Switch on day 1, play Zelda as it launches and regret nothing! :awesome:
  9. It most certainly does. This is how I was planning on playing the game before news of the Switch version came about, I now intend to play it with the Switch Pro Controller. When the game comes out on both platforms it will be interesting to see just how much difference there is in the control methods.
  10. So, this thread could do with a timely "bump!" it would seem... A really insightful preview with just enough information, gameplay and no real story spoilers. I've had this pre-ordered and paid for since ages ago so I'll be getting it. Of course I'll be playing it on my launch model PS4 but I don't expect it to be detrimental to my enjoyment of the game despite its apparent Pro enhancements. However I have just realised something, it's coming out two days before the Switch launches so I just hope I get my copy early from Tesco, it has happened before so we shall see. : peace:
  11. S.C.G


    No physical version for the Switch means I'll be going for a physical PS4 version. If it comes out on the Switch at a later date as a physical release then I'll buy it again! I want to play the game on its original planned release date, it doesn't sound like the non-physical Switch download code will even be for release but much later so it's a no-brainer. I'm still looking forward to the game and this hasn't killed my hype for it one little bit.
  12. I'm not sure if this has already been posted but, full Switch specs... I'm more than happy with the fact that it supports linear PCM 5.1ch for when playing on the big screen, I just hope that it's more of a standard feature for all games this time where possible. My sound system which is a fair few years old now but very forward thinking for its time has HDMI passthrough and supports linear PCM amongst other sound modes so I'm happy that I can just connect into a HDMI splitter or directly to take advantage of this. : peace:
  13. Let's hope that they finally allow us to play our own music in the background as a custom soundtrack while playing a game, without having to buy into any additional subscriptions.
  14. I managed to play another two hours of this last night, before deciding I'd had enough for the evening. :p It's not a bad thing, just that I can only take so much of it at one time as it seems to take a great deal of planning your progression. Just like in the earlier games, the ammo pickups seem scarce, as are the herbs and chemical fluid which you'll be needing a fair few of in order to survive.
  15. This game man! It's genuinely unsettling when you're simply moving from one point to another, it becomes terrifying at times though. Of course this is a good thing, Resident Evil is Survivial Horror afterall, so far the seventh entry more than lives up to its genre.
  16. n-europe Presents VC Weekly #394 Final Fight Final Fight 2 Final Fight 3 Final Fight on the go... ...but only if you like playing solo. Check inside for the verdicts. Enjoy! : peace:
  17. Did you get to the...
  18. Yes, a Joy-Con featuring a proper D-Pad is an absolute must for when the Virtual Console really gets going, otherwise how are we to play VC games in portable mode without proper control? Also titles such as Sonic Mania will require it as well so there is that too. Perhaps when GC games get released and the like, we'll start to see some of those fan mock-up type Joy Cons as then they could alter the shoulder buttons as well if they choose to.
  19. It might be fine, could be that it just had difficulty reading that one DVD perhaps? I'm a bit weird with which discs I put in certain devices though so I can't comment having not experienced DVD playback on the machine. I've only bothered to put PS4 games in the drive of the machine, PS3 for Blu-Rays - because of the simple top-loading drive - and DVD's in the PC drive. Try testing it with different types of DVD perhaps? I know they're all the same disc technically but it could just be ones from a particular manufacturer that the machine is having trouble with.
  20. That's odd, I had a look and while I didn't get an error message I did find the review score and synopsis but not the actual review. We might need to redo the game info page on that one at some point, thanks for bringing it to our attention. In any case, you can find the review you were looking for here... N-Europe Review : peace:
  21. This is true. Not only that but ShopTo have taken payment for Yakuza 0, Resident Evil VII and Kingdom Hearts 2.8 HD. Plus I received Gravity Rush 2 from them yesterday. I really shouldn't play Yakuza 0 without having played the first game should I? I have a feeling it will be sitting on my nice new game storage shelf for a while. With the news that we are getting a remake of the first game, I'm kind of waiting to hear about a remake of the second, followed by HD remasters of the third and fourth so that all of the series is on the PS4 within a couple of years. It's bound to happen, isn't it?
  22. Call me mad but I'm going big for the Switch launch... Everything is pre-ordered, locked in and not subject to change at all. March is going to be "All my months salary are belong to Nintendo" month.
  23. I'm a huge fan of Bomberman, will be buying it on launch day for around £46 on ShopTo and I'm not even mad. Just happy to have multiplayer Bomberman back in what looks like a game which harks back to the good old days of Mega and Super Bomberman. : peace: Here's hoping this bodes well for us getting at least the Super Bomberman games on the Switch Virtual Console as well, if this sells of course which I'm hopeful it will providing it delivers. It has two-player co-op in the campaign as well which is a really nice addition.
  24. And the Wii U version of the game... *I don't actually need it, but the collector in me wants it* ...here you go Nintendo, there's another £128 for you. That's it, I'm not buying anything else in March now, I can't.
  25. n-europe Presents VC Weekly #393 Picross 3D Anyone for Picross?... ...just me? OK then. Check inside for the verdict. Enjoy! : peace:
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