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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. You'll want to be taking full advantage of those daily missions then, if you're not already. They make it so much easier and actually fairer for some stages as playing at my best I could only get just below an S rank on some stages. As soon as I started using my daily mission boost though, no problem, first time just so long as you don't have to retry too many times. I went through the game grabbing all the Red Rings, numbered rings, silver rings and S ranks right up until a few missions from the end I think. So I've got nearly all of them and will likely go for the rest when I feel like it or when more dlc hopefully gets added. Also, don't forget about the Shadow DLC, I think you have to redeem the code in the box and then it will appear as free dlc in the Nintendo eShop next to the "Sanic T-Shirt" dlc.
  2. I am not a number! ... ...also, what's all this Friend Code talk about?
  3. S.C.G


    If it makes you feel any better, I'll be Quadruple-dipping... I have the PS4, Xbox One and physical PC version. Technically it's even Quintuple-dipping if you count the 64-Bit Edition... but that's just an N64 box (a lovely one though) with a flash drive N64 cartridge which doesn't have the game on (obviously) but still. My point is, it could be worse...
  4. Yeah, I don't even get that... I mean obviously people can do what they want, it's their money etc etc and if they decide to stop being a Patreon then that's fine I suppose. But of all the reasons to stop supporting Easy Allies, I'm quite surprised that people would use this as an excuse... Although thinking about it, it's more a case of "I'm shocked... shocked! Well not that shocked" as nothing surprises me anymore. To think that it all stemmed from a relatively harmless tweet - possibly ill-advised in retrospect - but an ultimately harmless tweet which was clearly quite joking in nature. (from my perspective anyway, I really don't pay much mind to these kinds of things and I only just bothered to find out what all the "fuss" was about) You could say that it's all... ...kinda funny. (not the outcome of someone having to quit their livelihood but more the general overreaction of people) In any case, I'll still be keeping my pledge, Easy Allies for *life. And incidentally my notification just came in to tell me that the next edition of the Easy Allies podcast is just in - for Patreons anyway - so that's my evening sorted. Love and Respect. *"life" turned out to be two and half years, as I found a much better reason to cancel my pledge, one which was easily justified.
  5. Same, I'm up to #367 and that's after taking a break of years as I used to watch it regularly, at one point I was just about up to date with the episodes as they were being translated, now I just tend to watch a few here and there, when I feel like it but there's just so much other stuff to watch at the moment; not even just anime, I tend to spend a lot of time watching videogame related content on YouTube... currently watching the latest three and a half hour Frame Trap from Easy Allies while sorting out game stuff. When I feel like I have more time though, I may well return to One Piece... as I do miss it.
  6. Nidhogg 2 for £7.99? Might as well at that price.
  7. S.C.G


    Controller sync issue possibly? If not then...
  8. It just so happens that this was the one game I endeavoured to finish during my week off, before then I had only played Sonic Forces for a couple of hours and my feelings were mostly the same as yours are at this time in writing. The more I played of it though, the more I ended up liking certain aspects of the game design, this is after the initial playing all three main different types of stages with my thoughts which transpired in the following manner... "OK, modern Sonic is mostly boost to win, lock-on attack, reasonable camera, this is fine..." "Avatar stages are... interesting, I've got to use the triggers for the weapon... OK... the lock on is... different, I probably won't be using it much..." "Oh god... they've somehow made Classic Sonic worse?!? How can the physics go from Sonic Mania to this? No momentum from the moment you press Down?" *sigh* Then I carried on playing, accepted the limitations of each scenario, checked out the missions and would then find myself getting sucked into a loop of activating the daily mission bonus, burning through stages to get S Ranks for that half hour, then going back to get all of the red rings, numbered rings and silver ring challenges (taken from previous modern Sonic games) and beat all of the time-based challenges as they actually made the game more enjoyable, despite the shortcomings of the game. I agree with your excellent review btw @Hero-of-Time n-europe Review And I wanted to personally thank you for reviewing it for us. (It's been on the main page for almost three weeks but it's still very relevant, especially with more people playing it now) I think the aforementioned DLC will only be the start of it as well, as I'm pretty sure there's some content which is somehow available in the PC version only at the moment but will hopefilly be patched into the console versions, I won't say what it is in case of spoilers, it's pretty obvious but at least it explains why it isn't in the game, even though it was obviously planned to be at least in some capacity. Overall it's decent for a modern Sonic game and if Sega are embracing it with future - hopefully free - dlc then that can only be a good thing.
  9. Well, that happened! "Sanic Hegehog" is now officially canon. The T-Shirt is available as DLC to download right now (presumably for free) on all versions. "Cumon step it up!!!!!"
  10. Yakuza 0 & Yakuza Kiwami are both £20.99 each on Zavvi.
  11. 3PM? A whole hour and twenty-two minutes before I got the e-mail? If that's true then clearly Nintendo's e-mail notifications are beyond useless if they don't all get sent at the same time.
  12. I was just about to say... SNES Classic Mini back in st... ...and it's gone. (again) This happened in the space of e-mail 16.22 saying Back in stock. I was just checking my e-mail at 16.23 and they had already gone. So Nintendo did restock the SNES classic mini, albeit very briefly indeed.
  13. Cheers for the shout @Glen-i It's my week off work so I very nearly, almost, kinda forgot. But I'm on it now so I'll be there, GameCube controller in hand.
  14. Nintendo Switch Arcade Stick Pro.V Hayabusa Down from £139.99 to £99.99 on the Nintendo Store. https://store.nintendo.co.uk/nintendo-switch-accessory/nintendo-switch-arcade-stick-pro.v-hayabusa/11543155.html An excellent arcade stick, well worth considering. (works with PC as well)
  15. Champions pack and Guardian amiibo is back, Nintendo Store, Black Friday Sale Gogogo! https://store.nintendo.co.uk/offers/black-friday/back-in-stock.list
  16. Nice. I've been trading in stuff to CEX from my collection for months now - just PS2 games mostly, nothing too rare - and from the first lot I tended to go for £100 worth of new PS4 games I didn't have plus a collectable Wii game but then I thought, while that's all good I decided that for any future earned credit I would go more for collectable games etc that I possibly wouldn't justify buying otherwise. So if it was me then I would go for the rarer games, get something you will play and that will keep hopefully its value as well. I decided to go for boxed Nintendo Game & Watch units which are nice to have, can be used from time to time, a lot of them don't come up for sale at CEX very often and they will likely keep their value or go up in years to come. But equally you could go for N64, SNES, Playstation, Dreamcast titles or whatever and actually get a decent amount of playtime out of them as well.
  17. I got my e-mail earlier today and I'm pretty impressed with just how much they managed to save. Not only do you get your posts - which I haven't properly checked out all of yet - but you get all of your screenshots and also images of your Mii with the various expressions plus icons for all the of the games which you posted in the community of providing you played the game or used the application. (I think) It might be good to see how many game icons we all have between us, I'll probably even end up using some of them for certain game boxarts for the site as they are seemingly around the right size and are decent quality too.
  18. While this might be a good thing as far as banning Loot Boxes is concerned which is a good thing, wherever there's a government involved... well, it could lead to a very slippery slope. I'm already aware that regulations changed several years ago to do with the ratings systems which is fair enough, the most notable example of this I recall was with Pokémon Gold & Silver. In the original GameBoy games, you had the gambling corner which featured slot machines which would reward you with coins so that you could buy in-game rewards - no real-world money obviously - but the slot machines had to be changed for the re-releases on the DS to something less gambling focused. That's all well and good I suppose - though I still miss that original gambling corner - but what if any new laws brought in ended up extending to games such as say... Mario Kart which really doesn't have loot boxes or anything of the sort - it only recently got standard dlc - but what it does have is of course, the random item box from which you obtain the power-ups in the game; now something like this shouldn't be affected by any new laws coming in as it's not the same as loot boxes at all really but depending on how new laws are written it is technically possible that other games might end up becoming unintentional casualties of government law. Hopefully this doesn't happen, what is most likely is that companies such as EA who seem to be blatantly abusing their consumers will be forced to make/publish proper games again which would be a good thing, because then maybe they could have a look at their back-catalogue - which used to be phenomenal back in the 16-bit days - for inspiration on which games to honestly bring back as fully fleshed-out standalone experiences, just like most games used to be. (personally my vote would go to Road Rash) But it could also be the start of banning established but harmless elements in videogames which have been around for a long time and don't really need to be changed as they are so ingrained in the history of the series' and even though as aforementioned I really do hope that this isn't the case, it's important to look at the picture as a whole.
  19. It's a decent option, at least they didn't alter the artwork on the physical boxes presumably so that if you want to maintain that nice, cohesive red & white colour scheme on the spines of your Switch titles, you can... just remove the cardboard sleeve and all is good. Out of interest, how many physical Switch games are people up to now? (If you're collecting)
  20. That amazing controller got me through most of Wulverblade, it really is exceptional for 2D Switch titles which don't require more than one trigger button... or the minus button because select remaps as an extra "B" button for some reason, but other than that it's perfect.
  21. Then two bonus rounds of Baby Park to follow just for giggles?
  22. So... four rounds of Baby Park to the death then? It'll be quick and painful! Or just start again I guess...
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