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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. Battle Mode looking good!
  2. Battle Mode looking good!
  3. I didn't notice that Pokemon Center one! That's awesome
  4. No one [but Goron] interested in this?...
  5. http://www.first4figures.com/component/option,com_myphp/Itemid,3/product,115
  6. Few extra looks at the turtles in this updated trailer
  7. Gametrailers Review 8.0 http://www.gametrailers.com/reviews/csb418/child-of-light-review
  8. Ok well we have very different definitions of what constitutes a new character then :p To me these are skins, they are what happens to Mario when he puts on the Metal Cap, it's still Mario. In the past being able to race as a gold version of any character you want would have been a reward for achieving something in a game, now it's just a separate character. This is like when in a co-op game you play as the same character as one another, it doesn't feel right. When clone characters take up spaces in Smash it's a bit disappointing... to me this is more of a waste. Btw I didn't like Dry Bowser for the same reason, this isn't just about this game.
  9. You'd take Baby Rosalina, Metal Mario and Peach over the likes of Diddy Kong?...
  10. If only this was the start of 'Nintendo Infinity/Skylanders' with NFC integration!
  11. Really great Final Bosman episode about Season Passes, and largely Mario Golf's season pass! http://www.gametrailers.com/videos/l0ogbt/the-final-bosman-the-old-man-and-the-season-pass
  12. I don't like the 2.5D redesign they've suddenly made to the lead character! she now looks a bit out of place in the game and seems to have a few issues with the dress... The rest looks amazing though.
  13. http://uk.ign.com/articles/2014/05/01/stealth-inc-2-announced-as-wii-u-exclusive Probably a timed exclusive then, but ultimately probably the best version to have.
  14. Suppooooooort!!
  15. Oh shit... I just realised that Quality of Life converted into the Mario alphabet spells out... MARIO!!!
  16. I hate the cloud item. Didn't realise it gave you a speed boost, I always panic when I get it and feel like I'm never going to get near anyone to pass it on.
  17. Saw this explained over on IGN... Which led me to checking out the auction site and wow!!... (just a few examples) https://www.doodlebender.com/auctions/press-start-nintendo-charity-gallery/items What would you bid on? :p Personally I love the Link and Ganon one!
  18. Knowing the Wii U was getting F-Zero and Metroid [first person Retro made] would sell me the console, I don't want it to just be a Mario Kart box! I wish we could still take these types of games as granted with Nintendo, but you just don't know anymore. I hope there's some sort of incredible montage of at E3.
  19. Yeah I'm not watching that video because of the spoilers too, but I did fast forward through bits of it to see the shocker that is Gold Peach! I was sure I'd seen it cheap over here too, but yeah looking around here now it's £30 everywhere.
  20. Actually yeah it seems The Wonderful 101 doesn't really drop in price does it?... is that because it's classed like a Nintendo First Party game, and not a Platinum game?... because you see the likes of Bayonetta going for £10.
  21. I've had it sitting in the Basket all day :p If it wasn't for the fact I can't really afford it right now I'd have jumped at it. I may still, but I might have to find something(s) to sell :P
  22. I think Wind Waker and Pikmin 3 are probably the best choices. Nintendo Land has been cheap online before, Wonderful 101 seems like the type of game that will be a bargain price sometime too, Wii U Party is basically free with a Wiimote Plus if you need one, Game & Wario, and the two Sonic games are arguably not very good, Otherwise Monster Hunter if it's your type of game or MarioBros. if it's your type of game & you don't already have it.
  23. Well... the character selection screen so far is rather underwhelming.
  24. Well there we are then, it's not as though it's suddenly going to be missed, they're hopefully changing it for the better.
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