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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. Gametrailers Review - 8.9 http://www.gametrailers.com/reviews/726aic/watch-dogs-review Definitely think I'll get it when I get a PS4. Hearing @bryanee's positive impressions of the game does much more than any promotional material leading up to it. After loving Deus Ex Human Revolution, I really fancy another game I can take a tactical stealth approach with
  2. Ah crap, that one F1 picture has got me more excited than any of Nintendo's efforts :p WANT!!!!!
  3. Buy The Night Circus @Eenuh, I think you'll absolutely love it! http://www.amazon.co.uk/Night-Circus-Erin-Morgenstern/dp/0099554798/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1401190567&sr=1-1&keywords=the+night+circus Seems a great fit for you from the books you've read, and your creative side. One of my favourites. My last book was Inferno by Dan Brown. Thought it was fantastic. Gripping story from start to finish, I learnt things reading it, and the locations happened to be all one's I'm interested in visiting. Would recommend it big time! I'm currently reading To Kill A Mockingbird. I had to read it during school, but I don't think that made it enjoyable and I couldn't remember anything from it (a few pieces are coming back to me as I'm reading it now). I thought it deserved a second read, and I'm really glad I did, as it's a great read! I've got The Boy in the Striped Pyjama's to read next.
  4. Yep just saw a TV advert for it on E4! Wii U is such a stupid name :p
  5. It's alright... this way we'll always know who that solitary user of her online is
  6. I'm very happy to see you posting again @Aneres11, I just wish it hadn't been in praise of Pink Gold Peach :p
  7. Check the Other Consoles thread
  8. Retro_Link


    Sorry, no new news, but I'm getting massively hyped for E3 and cannot wait to see more of this! Just had to remind myself of the trailer.
  9. Oh shiiit, forgot I had Resogun waiting for me for when I get a PS4 Yeah Last of Us and Tomb Raider is damn exciting!! Will be the time I try Flower too.
  10. Maybe to the people who want to chat with their friends whilst playing the 'Voice chat isn't a big deal' discussion is boring.
  11. Maybe being turned into a male bird is what happens when she's defeated in this game... [/spoilers]
  12. Quali was great! I think Vettel will get a bad start and Nando will jump him (I'd wish for Kimi too, but that may be too much to ask). Lewis will be gunning to get Nico off the line badly. He is SO hungry after all #PleaseSirCanIHaveSomeMore Dunno if you guys saw the lols during the GP2 race yesterday This guy was damn ambitious!!... too ambitious... and then this happened :p
  13. Bloody hell you've got negative towards Marvel's films... what film's done this to you? You can see by Guardians of the Galaxy even being in production that Marvel aren't adverse to taking risks, and it's not just Iron Man 4.
  14. Reading that, I also like to think this game is also making the Zelda team re-evaluate the series and realise that actually you can do a lot of different things with it.
  15. The fuck!?... He is/was this movie.
  16. Maybe I'm just not in the mood to watch it, maybe it's the players, but it looks boring...
  17. If brand new characters like Skylanders can take off, surely established ones like Nintendo's can. And Nintendo have such a range, even characters a lot of people probably don't know about, there's bound to be something in there for everyone. But it depends what they use.
  18. Super Mario Galaxy is IGN's #1 Game of the Generation http://www.ign.com/top/games-of-a-generation/1
  19. Doesn't everyone have Minish Cap on their 3DS?
  20. It would such fan service to see him in Smash :p
  21. @Daft even better
  22. We've only just had Skyward Sword and now this is the first game in the timeline!??... urgh I wish they hadn't pieced the thing together. So that's supposed to be Skyloft being risen is it, and not being lowered? shouldn't Hyrule look overrun with evil? Would make a bit more sense if this was the same Link from Skyward Sword and Hyrule's army was being built up again (with him being a part of it), going round reclaiming the land after defeating Demise. That Hyrule looks a lot like the one from Wind Waker.
  23. Yeah Voucher codes or PayPal are the options I use.
  24. I would cry if this is what he announced.
  25. As a Halo, Gears and Fable box? :p
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