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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. Yep, not sure I ever made it past the water levels on the Amiga.
  2. That Nintendo Gameboy baby. Got it in Hong Kong when I was 10, along with some crazy cart, that was called something like 259 Games in one - or something. Sure there were a bunch of duplicates throughout the menu, but it also contained and introduced me to the like of Super Mario Land, Tetris, Contra... Some years later I lost that cartridge/had it pinched, but damn. SML3: Wario Land, and Kirby's Dream Land 2... what a console. I also remember playing it under the duvet with the Gameboy light/magnifier.
  3. I said that in my original post... You seemed to just focus on the Uncharted/Gears part of it. To quick to get defensive.
  4. Oh well you but Zelda in brackets, implying differently.
  5. Take a different example like Mass Effect then if you don't like the ones I was merely using as illustrations. We saw a trilogy in one console generation. Not true. On the PS2 we got GTA3, Vice City and San Andreas. The PS3 had GTA4 heavily supported with what is considered some of the best DLC for a couple of years after launch. Likewise GTA5 is still being updated and supported online and will likely be for a number of years to come. No Mario or Zelda game receives this treatment.
  6. I'd like to bust out my Prove It Ticket here. What are you basing this off? We're not privy to the information to make these kind of statements. I'd be willing to bet on the side of people holding off buying any Nintendo console until it gets one (or more) Tier 1 franchise.
  7. I think that's probably more to do with Nintendo catching up to HD development. Until the Wii U they had no foundations to work from. After all, the PS3 saw three Uncharted and four GoW games during it's life time, the 360, 4 Gears - And the PS4/XB1 had sequels to these franchises within the first 2 years. It flat out shouldn't be taking Nintendo 5 years to make a Zelda game each time. Hopefully now that they have HD builds and codes for Mario and Zelda things will start to turn around faster.
  8. Every NES Classic should come with a ROB :p
  9. Oh yeah I know, I just would have preferred (for the consoles sake) that Mario had been there - that Nintendo had a long term plan for the launch line-up and had been developing a Mario to showcase the system as the N64 did so perfectly. Who knows, maybe Mario will make launch or at least the first 3 months of the console. It will have been over 3 years since 3D World (and that couldn't have taken much effort #troll).
  10. Mario would be the perfect Christmas game, but rumours have been quite bang on so far, and there was that one of Zelda-Mario-Pokémon within the first 6 months, which only takes us as far as September. Hopefully it wasn't accurate - or hopefully there's some other incredible Christmas game planned - maybe an Amiibo/Nintendo World game.
  11. It's a shame Mario isn't the launch game, the name that the whole world recognises, and Zelda the Christmas game (like OOT), but the Mario/Zelda cycle is what it is now. I think more important than having Mario and Zelda at launch is having a diverse line-up akin to the Gamecube. Show the consumers and fans a statement of intent... Wave Race, Monkey Ball, Crazy Taxi, Batman, Baseball, Madden/FIFA, BMX, ISS, Star Wars, Disney's Tarzan, Donald Duck, Tony Hawk, Burnout, Extreme G 3. There's literally something for everyone. Breath of the Wild will bolster the launch significantly. And instead of Luigi's Mansion this time around, launch with Mario Kart/Splatoon 1.5 or a sequel to Captain Toad or something. Get your hands on as many Sports titles and GOTY/Complete DLC Editions as you can, like Star Wars: Battlefront, Doom, Dark Souls 3, Hitman... and importantly, every big games that is launching in Feb/March.
  12. Came back from northern Italy recently. Go.
  13. Can't stand it when the forum descends into these arguments. It's even worse when they aren't represented accurately - on either side.
  14. In the UK at least, Melee came out a month or two after launch.
  15. For me that trailer doesn't have any of the tone or style the first trailer had.
  16. I don't think they would either. But at least they now have experience... a tester, that could develop into something far greater and more ambitious. I don't think Nintendo would do F-Zero justice either tbh. Especially if they want to build it around some gimmick. I'd rather have a grittier Shin-en F-Zero that perhaps take the series in a slightly different direction, than nothing.
  17. Shin'en had better be making F-Zero.
  18. Yeah I'm somewhat in the same position, I might be looking to buy a NEW 3DS sometime for Pokémon Sun. However - as DCubed mentioned - I just found out it doesn't support 3D outside of one mode. That sucks. I was looking forward to seeing battles in 3D and somewhat the world itself. I don't like the look of the 2DS personally.
  19. I like the fact that in much the same way the record interest in Pokémon Sun/Moon is likely a response to Pokémon Go... Mario being all over peoples phones in the run up to Switch (wanted to type NX) will likely have a impact. It's a great strategy to start adopting - release a mobile equivalent a few months before a main console release and advertise it in the mobile game. Really hope we see Switch advertised in Mario Run.
  20. I never go into those boards either, merge them in.
  21. That video was great! thanks for sharing I can't remember the voiced into in the PAL version, I need to play that game again sometime. Jennifer Hale isn't actually voicing Samus herself though... not unless she talks about herself in the third person. I like the dialogue to setup the game though!
  22. Wow, well played Rockstar!!
  23. But the Wii U isn't a handheld... what's the difference? This is just a more competent version.
  24. So I'm currently doing a Formula E (Electric motorsport) podcast and would really like to use a few music tracks from F-Zero in the show. I emailed Nintendo about this and got the following response... So it seems it might not be a problem to go ahead and use Nintendo music in a Podcast, however I have no idea how to look into it any further... Does anyone here know how I could go about it? Or does anyone here know the answer? having approached Nintendo in the past/used music in a Podcast or other production of their own? Would really appreciate any help!
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