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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. This should have been Marvel vs Capcom Infinite.
  2. Retro_Link


    To me it look like it could be fun and have hidden depth - but it also looks like it could be fun for 10mins. I presume it will have a single player mode. The characters look lazy compared to PunchOut. Quite why this isn't PunchOut Switch I don't know.
  3. Nope. The very earliest I'd look to buy one is Christmas with Zelda and Mario. Xenoblade looks beautiful, but typically these games take an age to come out, and I'm not an RPG fan anyway. Splatoon 2 has my interest - need to see single player- but that's it. Neither of these would sell me a Switch. Happy to wait for a price drop/discounts/sales/bundles. No way am I paying those prices for console/controllers atm. And the online situation is pretty disgusting. Happy to pay for online... but show me why I am. NES/SNES games again... do one.
  4. Presumably the Switch version will still contain the Nintendo references...
  5. They look for fun bets, and yeah it's more of a sketch with EZA betting special law behind it. EDIT: Just watch it if you've got time. If it's not for you it's not for you.
  6. Yeh the eyes bother me too. They look worse lit up. Maybe it's something to do with it being an actual 3D mask and not flat artwork... but looking at those two images compared, they've actually not done a great job of recreating it.
  7. I feel if you have to ask you won't enjoy it :p
  8. Question, why with more media, isn't their a free digital download code with a physical copy? Purely in the hope that you'll the same product twice at some point? I always appreciate Albums, or DVD/Blu-Rays that do give you a free digital download. Have any games done it?... I think that Mario vs Donkey Kong game did right? Also with Switch I think it depends whether your stance will be more home console or handheld. Having a Mario Kart 8 that you can take anywhere out and about with you without having to have a separate games case that could potentially get lost, is certainly a nicer idea. I prefer physical copies. Like I said a while ago, there's an awesome PS4 sale on atm, but outside of games that are digital only, I won't really be exploiting it.
  9. Hah yeah I don't know - I assumed it was his Benzilla voice, but that was before I heard his knackered voice (currently watching Frame Trap). I loved it when Bosman called out Damiani for not giving Jones a flag That Rupee clarification. Will Wario... REVEAL... himself.
  10. It's a lot of fun Looking forward to these betting characters progressing. Love how Bosman and Huber are now Unrepentant Bosman and Punished Huber That Benzilla.
  11. Yeah I think you could just about get away with hanging it on the wall, amongst other stuff, but that's it. I don't get why it's so big?... it's way bigger than their heads. Yeah I'd actually like a decent Amaterasu figure. Theirs however is HUGE. It's a full on statue.
  12. Life size (arguably too big?) Majoras Mask replica at First4Figures. The exclusive version has light up eyes, which you can see later in the video.
  13. Very hard to think of truly left field recommendations. I always loved MRC Multi Racing Championship on the N64 when I got it with the console, but there can be no denying there are better racing games. That's what I loved about the Dreamcast demo discs... I spent an age playing random games - but I'm not sure how many went on to be successful. Games like Red Dog, Incoming etc... Headhunter was maybe a bit left field - great game! But again I think it has many fans.
  14. Who said I was talking about you!? :p Wow egocentric. Also, you're hardly alone on the matter.
  15. @Ashley can you ask the Nintendo rep, why the guy who will turn up with his girlfriend in 24hrs time, is such a bragger?
  16. That poor Reddit poster
  17. Yep, one of the nicest console designs to launch in a while.
  18. Game always looked like it didn't know what it wanted to be, to me anyway. Never had any hype for it. Regarding Microsoft's games, has Crackdown 3 also been cancelled right? or just mysteriously absent.
  19. Oh the fan fiction...
  20. I'm probably gonna hold off and get the Switch for Christmas anyway. My PS3/PS4 backcatalogue is insane - and only keeps growing. #DoingADazzy
  21. Pilotwings 3DS was fantastic, so yeah I'd be all in for that. I'd like to see Ice Climbers reimagined as a story driven adventure/exploration game too. Nintendo's Uncharted/Tomb Raider as it were.
  22. I'll prob have the Easy Allies on during the Switch presentation, but a Skype group could be fun too
  23. ... Does that mean you've never fought Ganondorf?...
  24. To see Nintendo being able to push the boundaries with First Party games again - without seeing games already look outdated. Whether the console is underpowered/overpowered/or the same as the competition, I don't see Third Party games selling on it very well anymore - so it's a bit of a moot point.
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