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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. Not solely Nintendo, but still!
  2. Well that's one lame boxart! Hope it changes before launch.
  3. Genuine Thanks and non genuine Thanks are often quite easy to see, I wouldn't worry.
  4. Sales of the console went up over 600% with Mario Kart. We'll see where it goes from there.
  5. You know you get those adverts that say 'not representative of in-game footage' or whatever Well that Mario Kart anti-gravity TV advert should come with some sort of warning... "Yes this IS actually gameplay footage! :o" It could be a CGI advert!
  6. Dazzy did it... *runs*
  7. @Aneres11 Peach Wiimote here you come!
  8. I think the benefit with the PS4 is that if you have it on standby and purchase a game using the app, you can begin downloading it and have it waiting for you.
  9. Well it's annoying.
  10. do you have to answer everything so literally? You know exactly what he means.
  11. That's cool, but for the vast majority of PS4 owners I bet there's 3-4 must have games there, and that's all you can ask for. Also, I bet you Rime does? http://n-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=42304
  12. Not really anything to go on atm but a new Havest Moon is on the way: http://www.ign.com/articles/2014/06/03/harvest-moon-the-lost-valley-announced
  13. Yeah I think everyone does :p That reveal came way too early, this is gonna be it's 3rd E3 right!?
  14. Oh I'm fine with that, so long as it's an informed one! :p
  15. It would be cheaper to get yourself a sheet of black card and some scissors :p
  16. Valiant Hearts: The Great WarDestiny LEGO Batman 3 The Crew Alien Isolation Driveclub Shadow of Mordor Evolve The Evil Within Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Far Cry 4 Elder Scrolls Online Rime Assassins Creed Unity More Indie games than you can shake a stick at. Transistor has just come out... (And that's not including The Last of Us, Metro Redux, potentially the Mass Effect Trilogy) I know it's fun to have a popshot at the competition, but that's a good line-up, with plenty of games waiting in 2015 (always nice to know what games are on the horizon).
  17. What is a Nintendo Minute? they've happened before have they?
  18. I honestly wouldn't expect anything unique to the Gamepad at all. Just the existing second screen uses maybe... but even then, given that it's Player 1 who has the Gamepad in their hands, and it's Player 2 who would traditionally use the second screen app, I don't know how that would work.
  19. I'm genuinely not excited about any of those games atm . Well I'm looking forward to seeing yarn Yoshi again I guess.
  20. Sakurai said it, not Mario
  21. This game is separate to the Sonic Team developed games remember. This is a new studio being given the job of creating something new for Sonic in line with the new cartoon series,
  22. Yeah I did notice that on the second viewing, and perhaps it lends more towards what Shorty was saying about it being made to look like gameplay. It was very physical for a Mortal Kombat match, but then it's a trailer so I guess it has to build. Who knows though, maybe they've just put more weight behind the hand to hand combat. Definitely excited to see more.
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