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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. ... Nintendo don't have the capability of making games that appeal to the West. I didn't think anyone would want them to. Fuck me a Nintendo of Japan FPS, I'd dread to think. But they need to get other Nintendo owned studio's on more Western games, or buy/start up new studios to make them out of the studios going out of business.
  2. Yeah asking you to basically make your own RARE games if you want to see them sucked.
  3. Same. Looks incredible. If I don't have one by then, I'm getting a PS4 for it. It's like playing Game of Thrones! and the most beautiful game ever.
  4. Yeah very little outside of Tomb Raider 2 and The Witcher really appealed to me in the Microsoft one. Maybe there were a few things, but I can't remember them. The setting of Forza Horizon 2 should be good. Limbo sequel and Ori didn't really do much for me, I think I've seen a lot of pretty looking 2D sidescrollers lately. More excited for Sony's. But I'm ready for some new Nintendo in my life.
  5. Oh I think they did a great conference, all games talk, pretty quick pacing... can't really fault them much on that. It's just the games weren't really for me. And a lot I just felt like I'd seen the same sort of thing before.
  6. Conference was ok, found it a bit boring towards the end. Games all look great, but nothing really that interests me, that isn't multiplatform, and even then. Tomb Raider 2 and The Witcher ftw.
  7. Are people not feeling chat this year, and gonna be mainly posting in here?
  8. Bigger window on SpikeTV http://www.spike.com/netstorage/e3/live.html Come join chat!
  9. Press Conference thread now up and running http://n-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=54814
  10. Pre show coverage is soon to start at 5.00pm on the likes of Gametrailers... Links: http://www.gametrailers.com/news-post/75245/e3-2014-spike-tv-and-gametrailers-coms-all-access-schedule-revealed http://uk.ign.com/events/e3 http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2014-06-09-live-microsofts-e3-press-conference See you all in the chat: http://www.n-europe.com/chat
  11. Like I said earlier, I just hope it's more than NFC stuff, as I don't really include that as the Gamepad being part of the gameplay.
  12. ^ Petey Piranha was HUGE in Sunshine wasn't he, they fit him into a kart! Seems a highly likely character given that characters from the previous Mario game seem to be Kart contenders. Although by that logic, if you're going to mock-up a fake, it's a good character to include. Also. Maybe this validates the reason why tracks were chosen for Battle Arena's... because they aim to use them for diferent race style battle modes instead.
  13. What if the Sonic Boom TV show is your first experience of Sonic? or makes you interested in Sonic. The cartoon isn't really meant for us either.
  14. Tbf because this is based off a new cartoon it was always going to include new characters. Ok they didn't necessarily have to be playable, but it somewhat makes sense.
  16. Serious!?... dude you need to go back 15 pages or so and prepare to start loling! :p
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