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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. I was thinking whether Mother brain would be involved or not, but I don't think it will be; Doesn't the Mother Brain make a surprise return in Super Metroid? If it turned out Samus had met it again previously it kinda lessons the meaning of its return in Super Metroid. Also, I think it would be too soon to see it again after its original destruction in Metroid.
  2. Yeah that's what im saying, the other Metroid Prime 3 thread is getting great, especially with the recent info about Kraid! Exciting!!
  3. I really can't see why Super Smash Bros. Revolution would take a long time to make! It's been said that it's possible to develope Rev games using the GC, so why not start work now using the Super Smash Bros. Melee engine to design basic character models and levels. They could even combine it with the graphical capabilities of the Twilight Princess engine to great more advanced models. Then they could shift it onto Rev to up the graphics even further and implement the online mode! Get to work Nintendo!! Smash Bros. HAS to be there as a launch title!!
  4. Why not just use the other Metroid Prime 3 thread, because we're already thinking of ideas and finding possible pictures/images over there; it's nicely established!
  5. It could work but I don't think they'd try it, it'd be to different to the rest of the series. I loved the way you fought Ridley in Prime; it's so epic and intense and you seem at such a dissadvantage; it's like a human fighting some sort of fighter jet, because of how fast he moves and the way he flys through the sky attacking you! It feels like such an achievement when you win! I don't think we'll see from Ridley again in the Prime series; because then it ties in well with his surprise arrival in Super Metroid! I'd expect Kraid to be the second to last boss in Metroid Prime 3, but who knows!!
  6. I think it could be fantastic!! He could be in a big circular arena with lava in the centre; just like Gohma (the first boss) in Wind Waker! There could be 2 levels of walkways/platforms all round the edge to fight from, with grapple points on the ceiling to swing your way right across the arena! I really hope he appears in Metroid Prime 3; and I think it's very likely he will be, because they've already said; It's obvious they've thought about including him in Prime before, but they probably didn't want both Kraid and Ridley in the same game and they are holding Kraid back until Prime 3.I think we are going to see a very action packed storyline with some fantastic battles!!
  7. I'd have taken the money too!! You could have bought an Xbox 360 on Ebay today for no more than £500, and you'd still have at least £500!!
  8. Went into GAME this morning at 8.00am (without a pre-order) and managed to get myself; - CORE pack - Perfect Dark Zero; Limited Edition - PGR3 - King Kong The whole of town was sold out by 9.00am (apart from pre-orders)!! GAME were also selling the console with 8 games for £620!! and people were buying them instantly!! That's alot of money to spend just like that!!
  9. Pre-ordered an Xbox 360 Core pack today; Collecting it tomorrow!! Easy!! Oh and here's a great video review of Perfect Dark Zero; http://www.gametrailers.com/player.php?id=8592&type=wmv
  10. Well IMO, I much prefer Resi 4's graphics to those of Perfect Dark Zero; So if the Rev upped the GC's to Resi 5 graphics (which it must be able to do), I'd be more than happy!
  11. This pictures awesome; a game of this style would be great!!
  12. ...ah-ha!! http://www.jamster.co.uk/storage/view/420/0/yo/YouRe_Beautiful.mpg
  13. Congratulations!! I think we're going to need an 'Official I passed my driving test' thread!! I'll have been driving 4 years next year! Passed first time, after 25hrs worth of lessons (over about 3 months)!
  14. 1. Zelda; Ocarina of Time - The best game ever!! The beautiful graphics, the story, the characters, the battles; purely magical!! 2. Pokemon Red 3. Mario 64 4. Super Smash Bros Melee 5. Resident Evil 4
  15. Shenmue 1 is a very Christmas time game (just a shame I don't have it any more!!) Also Mario 64 and Diddy Kong Racing remind me of Christmas, because I got my N64 for Christmas with these two PERFECT games (and MRC aswell)! I often like to play Zelda;OOT, Zelda seems perfect at Christmas; Twilight Princess would have been great! This Christmas I'll be playing Baten Kaitos for the first time (which kinda looks/feels like an enchanted Christmas type game to me)!! and i'll either get Fire Emblem or Mario Kart DS aswell!
  16. Mine gets used alot! especially for Resident Evil 4!! I'll get Baten Kaitos for Christmas; then there's Fire Emblem, Previous Resident Evils, Killer 7 and Paper Mario to buy, also I've got Skies of Arcadia (to find again and complete), Metroid Prime 2 (to complete), and Zelda and Baten Kaitos 2 next year!!!!
  17. So far it would be; Single/Multi-player - Super Smash Bros. Melee Single-player - Resident Evil 4 Zelda could (and should!) change that!!
  18. GREAT review of the game here; http://www.gametrailers.com/player.php?id=8480&pl=game&type=wmv It's the Xbox version, which i'd imagine to be the same as or a little better maybe than the GC version, so you can draw your comparisons of the GC version!
  19. I don't get it; GC games are backwards compatable on the Rev; So why not just buy the GC game? companies would still profit! If I was to buy an Xbox 360, i'd look into getting some of the decent Xbox games I missed, surely alot of people would do the same!
  20. I think people are only imagining it being like the wavebird because of IGN's mock-up!? I love the Wavebird and loved the N64 controller at the time! I think an N64 style controller, with the 'remote' as the centre handle (of the 3 handles) could be really nice, but if it looks just like a wavebird that's fine too! I think we should call the N64 controller a 'Tri-pad' not a 'Tri-pod'; I really had no idea what you meant by Tripod before I read all your post; I was thinking of a Tripod stand (such as for camreas) to place the controller on!
  21. SNOW HERE!!!! WAHOO!!!! I love the snow!!!!
  22. Which will be more sought after do you think; Perfect Dark Zero or Project Gotham Racing 3
  23. That was Incredible!!!!! Great find!!
  24. Congratulations to all of you!! Especially you Stocka!!
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