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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. Actually, yeah it is! Or for me atleast (and there are others on here the same)!!If it wasn't for the guns and other unnecessaries, i'd probably have bought it! What's 'the point' that everyone is missing about the game? IMO, there was absolutely NO NEED for Sega to have implement guns into the game. Shadow is the 'ultimate weapon' and he has the powers of Chaos control; he doesn't need guns what so ever! This is shown immediately in the opening cimema where Shadow survives an explosion, teleports at lightspeed around the streets, flies, stops bullets with a force field and uses force powers to knock over enemies! If he can do all this, there is no need for Shadow himself to use guns! and Sega could have easily given you the ability to use a wider range of chaos powers as weaponry and it would have kept the game much truer to the series/story! I'm fine with the two enemy sides using guns; because they are at war. I'm fine with Shadow using vehicles (though if he can fly and teleport, i'm not sure they're necessary), However, it would have made for a much better gameplay experience and made you feel as though you were the ultimate weapon if you could have played the game just as Shadow himself (with his powers)! Sega took the easy way out and tried to appeal to a new 'older' audience by making these changes, but I don't think it worked in their favour. I'm sure more Sonic fans didn't buy the game (because of the changes), than more 'new' people bought it!
  2. Update; Kameo
  3. Here's a trailer for Shenmue Online; Shenmue Online; (PC) http://www.gametrailers.com/player.php?id=3513&pl=game&type=wmv gametrailers.com has the release date of Q1 2005 (which wasn't the case), so I think they may have given up on the idea; Thankfully!! IMO, I don't really like any of the character models, apart from Ryu maybe; all the rest look a little wrong, too shiney, and some like Lan Di, lack detail and character! Also I don't really like the idea of the game; I wouldn't mind it as something COMPLETELY different to the Shenmue story; but only if it didn't take development time away from the main series! Also, for anyone who hasn't seen Shenmue 2, or wants a reminder of its greatness!! here's the original trailer for Shenmue 2; Shenmue 2; http://www.gametrailers.com/player.php?id=3512&pl=game&type=wmv
  4. It was meant be a story of 16 chapters;I think Shenmue 1 is just one chapter; the intro to the story! Shenmue 2 is possibly 4 chapters (1 for each disc), and there were meant to be 4 games in all I think! I'd love to see ALL the chapters remade and released on next-gen!! But if they don't do that, then i hope Sega release Shenmue 3 and onwards!!
  5. Really?? I loved the docks because of;
  6. The Docks in Shenmue 1 are one of the best places for SOOO many reasons; I love that place!! and catching the bus there and back on a cold winters evening!!
  7. How many times is this going to be posted!!!!!!!!!!! NO MORE Nintendo-ON!!!!
  8. It does seem a REALLY strange choice, but I guess they'll do with him as they did with Toby Maguire/Peter Parker! In the comics and cartoons, Peter Parker really isn't anywhere near as weak/nerdy looking as Toby Maguire looks at the start of Spiderman; they just show it that way to make the transformation all the more extreme! A real zero to hero story!! It's likely they're just taking the same theme with Venom as a character (whether it's exactly fitting with the comics/cartoons or not)!
  9. Great find!! I does look really great! Fantastic level design and graphics! though i'm not to sure I like the design of the main characters at the moment! Yeah the water looked awesome!!And there were a few times in that video that the game reminded me of Skies of Arcadia!
  10. Yeah I agree, the pictures of 'Shenmue Online' look really bad! They seem to have lost all the character! Yeah I think I heard this aswell, and I really hope that Shenmue 3 does get released (and not Shenmue Online)!! Because like I said before, the story is getting REALLY good. Shenmue 2 was absolutely fantastic!! The areas you got to explore, the scenery, the cinematic camera!! The best bit for me was;
  11. Yeah, it makes absolutely NO SENSE for Shenmue fans to have the series end where it has!! Just as the story is REALLY getting interesting;The chase for Lan Di is on!! Shenmue 3 had better carry on in the same style/theme, because there has been talk (whether it's true or not) about them taking it online (making it community interactive like Phantasy Star Online, i'd imagine); which i'd REALLY not like!!
  12. I had and completed Shenmue 1 & 2 and they are two of the best games i have ever played!!
  13. I think it does; i can't remember the names of the places in Skies; but the second picture (the one in the red desert area) looks like an updated (would be next-gen) version of the first desert area you visit (where you can travel between buidings on those desert animals), and the last screen looks like a next-gen version of so many of the little cutscenes you see in skies of your ship turning round or docking! I'd imagine Skies of Arcada 2's levels to look alot like this in terms of style!
  14. Remind anyone of Skies of Arcadia? It has the same sort of graphics style and (from those pictures) level design/settings! Looks great!!
  15. Not true! All the teams that have worked on Splinter Cell are working on Splinter Cell: Double Agent, to ensure it's the best one yet!
  16. Real Madrid - ARSENAL Gonna be a GREAT game!!
  17. A Pokemon MMORPG would be the best ever!! Could they make it so that there could be a major tournament every so often and everyone had to go to the stadium and enter and you would be given a time and date to fight your first round match (just like in the cartoon) against someone and eventually the tournament would progress until you had a winner!!
  18. For Jo' http://www.ringtonio.nl/play/?id=52080&rtaff=2119&clx=1&rtlo=16959 Happy Birthday babe!! Yeah!! Many aren't so lucky!
  19. Yeah, it was great, but SO difficult!!
  20. Yeah your both right! It's 'Rick Dangerous'!! a great Amiga game!!
  21. No, though dukkadukka is SO close; but i'm not gonna let a cheater win!! haha
  22. Nope, your wrong!
  23. Update; Ridge Racer 6 Need For Speed: Most Wanted King Kong Madden NFL 2006
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