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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. Captain Toad being pushed into next year does somewhat imply we should be getting Smash this year. It reminds me of Mario and DK last year. Stop just listing any third party games to make things look better. We all know the games one another are actually interested in rather than just ones making up the numbers. I don't think anyone really believe this but you Serebii. Maybe it's true of the ratio of good to bad third party games, but you can just ignore the bad ones and still be spoilt for choice.
  2. I love trophies. That unlock jingle!! Plus they make you play games in different ways.
  3. And then the post credits scene can be the Triforce of Power awakening of Ganondorfs hand!!
  4. Pokeballs are great, plus you can just turn them off if you want so I don't see the problem.
  5. No it just smothers the entire console.
  6. Yeah I imagine pausing the game will. 4hr rentals seem most appropriate for friends coming round in the evening and playing a sports/racing game. Presumably out prices will be something like: £1.99, £3.99, £5.99 and £9.99, but yeah a subscription would be better.
  7. Takes all types to make a forum man. If everyone was regimented it would be boring as anything. lol yeah I just twigged that and edited accordingly :P
  8. Oh good, if we get FEZ I was thinking of buying that a while back. Mind you, just remembered my Plus has just expired, and I'm not bothered about renewing it for those games (if we get them too).
  9. Except instead of good and evil uniting for a greater force, I liked the idea that this game is set in the future and the characters just grew up together this time. We've had Zelda grow up on a Pirate ship not knowing who she was, why not have Link and Ganondorf, Zelda too even, just as childhood friends, who one day have these elements of the triforce glowing on their hands and set off on an adventure. In a different series, this could be where you decide who you play as, but I can't see Nintendo doing that. Maybe they find out the past and Ganondorf turns against them, or maybe they're such good friends he breaks with tradition.
  10. Nah, this is perfectly normal for Wii around games he deems a waste of time. Other threads to look out for include, but are not limited to: Beat the Beat: Rhythm Paradise, Wii Music, Wii Party, and NES Remix.
  11. I think it means it will fly around the stage waiting to get someone in it's beam, but whilst it's doing this, or maybe even when it has got someone, you can shoot it down to the ground to put it out of action.
  12. Yeah they've just coloured it in.
  13. Happy Birthto a home console Pokémon RPGday!!!
  14. WHAT a race!!
  15. The actors talk Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch's origin, if you want to know...
  16. Good, good! Ganondorf can still be Link's bestie in this one then They need to bring Donkey Kong back into the 3D Mario's.
  17. Apparently in the footage, Superman is floating in the Bat logo looking down at Batman (engages hear vision), whilst Batman looks up with a slight grin (eyes glowing white). Cool image.
  18. I'm not sure I think it will be this copper and black representing the red and blue. It totally works to make her a warrior. Probably the best decision.
  19. I both like it and don't like it. It's a cool design, it's what you might have expected after the tone of Man of Steel (and the Krytonian armour). And as armour goes for an Amazonian Warrior, it's bad ass. But I think the overall tone of these movies is a bit too serious. After Batman's costume, I thought Wonder Woman's might be a bit more traditional too and have colour in it. Which I'd like.
  20. You do get the feeling there should be one more 'surprise' left for the last pic reveals. In with Hulk would balance out nicely. Would be cool. So long as it's War Machine and not the atrocity that is Iron Patriot! Maybe Cap and Quicksilver are off to help Hawkeye in that pic. Stay with your eyes in the sky man!
  21. I was always interested in Metal Arms! How is it? The only Gamecube game I still own is Metroid Prime I'm so glad. It's immense. Super Monkey Ball is indeed fantastic! Think I got it was Rogue Squadron as my first games. Strange not getting a Nintendo First Party game with the system, but I think the only choice was Luigi's Mansion? and it didn't really appeal. Damn I need to get some Gamecube back in my life..
  22. Casting rumours...
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