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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. Is the DLC 360 exclusive then?
  2. Though you may live at completely different ends of the country, or infact different countries! You can make it work but it certainly wouldn't make things easy! *cough* but they smoke! *cough*
  3. Ah so that's where you really get your name from! :wink:
  4. Yeah just watched that bout 30mins ago! They are similar!
  5. A word you say if it starts getting to rough/uncomfortable for you for example, but without ruining the mood. Such as "watermelon, watermelon!", instead of "OW, get the fcuk off me you bastard"
  6. They did, didn't they?! Isn't that the whole reason behind the name Fallout!
  7. So set in an post apocalyptic Vegas?
  8. Animal, Vegetable or Mineral? Nah just kidding, cool I love Gok Wan. I have NO idea!
  9. Nice one welsh_gamer! The Fierce Diety Sword they do is pretty cool...
  10. The last girl I met in a club we met up three times after; two times on other nights out soon after and on the third time we went to the cinema. Whilst we actually had quite a lot in common, you wouldn't have know it, she was the most boring person; she would never really start a conversation, or contribute much to one; needless to say I told her it wasn't gonna work out. A great personality really does mean a lot, and at the very least they should atleast have one, unlike the girl I mentioned!
  11. Yeah, it's probably down to the lass also being wasted, and if she's a minger, desperate too!
  12. Just not in the shin!
  13. Yeah this has kind of been talked about in the regrets thread, basically try not to have them! Girls I've been really into in the past have usually come at a time when I've been lacking confidence, thus I don't move fast enough and two cases they've ended up going out with someone else from my group of friends at the time.And one of the worst things is then having to be around the girl while she spends time with that person!... though in the two cases I'm talking about the relationships didn't last all that long which made it easier to bare! But then of course you can't really make a move on that girl because she's just broken up from your mate. I'm a bit better now though. haha, this is true!
  14. good call!
  15. The Fish....
  16. Just watched Ep. 17 It felt a little wierd at first returning to season 4 after all this time; it's been away too long! Overall was an ok episode... but it wasn't a big enough one to welcome the series back with.
  17. lol, *facepalm*
  18. haha, classic! ^ "she's got it, yeah baby she's got it"
  19. Yeah, same here Enooh! :wink:
  20. Are you misleading us that it's a girl, cos there's only like 5 on here! Was it a guy who just acted like one!
  21. haha, carry knees? you what you what? No but you could be said to me feeling 'blue'!
  22. bluey?......
  23. No, it's the Megaton that's finally released tomorrow. You've gonna have to wait for 2020, before the Gigaton finally makes it to the shelves!
  24. Here you go:
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