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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. Walkthrough: Looks nice visually, but it seems to be lacking that real motion experience somewhat; e.g. where the cool throughout trap gesture with the nunchuck, it seemed to be a very quick z button press and over all to quickly.
  2. ^ T'is new, was just gonna post it! I can't even get my head around Poker Race! Racing and working out you hand, crazy!
  3. OK this looks and sounds fantastic! Finally the Wii is getting a game that could well be up there with Resi 4!
  4. Oh, I was hoping he was gonna fly or base jump!
  5. Yes, do this! I want to know if Molly's painted/ing her room yet?
  6. He's saying the Wave Race team have been working on the controls for this, so it's unlikely they'll be a new Wave Race for a while. And I was saying, just seems Nintendo don't have any interest in such franchises atm.
  7. Here's hoping it's on rails!
  8. Definately the last season, however there's a chance there may be a two hour special filmed [like the 24 'movie'], to fully round things off. Though if they decide to do that, think they've said it will prob go straight into the Season 4 boxset and not be shown on TV. Can't wait!!
  9. Prison Break's back baby!... The 'Final' 5 Episodes start next Friday!
  10. Just a slight change to mine, but I like it!
  11. I usually cut the cheese up, melt it in the microwave, spread it on the toast, then put the toast back under the grill to make the cheese nice and golden. Had two slices for breakfast this morning, very nice it was too!
  12. Yeah it's a great game! But it's not really looking good for the likes of Wave Race, 1080, F-Zero, Star Fox, even Mario Golf and Tennis, atm.
  13. Looking and sounding really good! Just hope the on-rails aspect doesn't feel completely guided. I really like the part of the story that's going with this version.
  14. My comment was in respose to your other posts I didn't quote. But anyways, moving on.
  15. Don't be an arse, I'll ignore the other stuff. And perhaps because I only have a few N64 games left and the others I don't want to sell e.g. OOT, Goldeneye... And perhaps because some people didn't own an N64 at the time, or sold their copies in the past. Try thinking before coming out with such crap.
  16. Right I'm sick of this, The next person to mention Letty in relation to all the stuff that's gone on gets a Yellow Card from me, just because... Can we please change the subject!
  17. haha, lovely!
  18. Phew, good to know!
  19. Charles misses the premier, But there may be more Eps, or a Movie on the way!!
  20. haha, yeah they did seem to make something of that! Is anyone else finding Debra strangely attractive?
  21. Holly? I'm not sure I'm convinced from the BBC2 advert I've seen, but I love Red Dwarf so I'll definately watch!
  22. The bloke who got fired today, I had NO idea what he'd done in all three shows so far; couldn't remember him! However, when though showed his best bits on the extra 10.00pm show I thought oh him!... yeah he's been pretty funny. Just shows you though ultimately he was remembered for joking around and not at all for business, so he was prob right to go.
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