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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. umm yeah... I don't like him!
  2. According to VGChartz.com Madworld has sold 12,000 copies in Europe! and with 60,000 in the US a grand total of 70,000 copies! The 'hardcore' Wii owners that didn't buy this have only got themselves to blame now, because there are enough of them out their!
  3. Well good for him! doesn't mean I had to enjoy his performance.
  4. Yeah I'd reather hear some impressions, we all know Pikmin's good, and Sonic's not, so I'd like to hear about Broken Sword or Family Ski.
  5. Films I've seen him in [that I can think of]: Leaving Las Vegas Face Off Ghost Rider National Treasure The Rock Gone in Sixty Seconds And whilst some of those films are good, I just don't like him as an actor, and in the majority of cases think the film would be just as good with someone else in his role.
  6. He's aweful!
  7. Nicholas Cage would be one awesome way to ruin the film!
  8. Not sure on the new kit, some players seem to be able to pull it off, others just look like their in school uniform. It's more like the '96, '90, '88 etc... I think it's just the fact their's no blue in it [other than the three lions], which there has been on the shirts for ages.
  9. They were Honda. Ross Brawn bought the team, but Honda is still funding their development for this year which I find wierd.
  10. Vettel gets 10 Place grid penalty for Malaysia http://www.autosport.com/news/report.php/id/74059
  11. Trulli penalised, Hamilton gets third , though Toyota will appeal. http://www.autosport.com/news/report.php/id/74053 Anyways, was a good race in terms of drama, even if I wasn't pleased with the end result. Rubens was lucky, and I didn't like the way he drove today tbh. Jenson yeah well done, he deserve a few wins, but honestly I think any of the drivers could have won in his position today; out front and in that car. Ferrari had a 'mare. When I was watching it I thought Kimi had a front wheel failure, but no ones mentioned it so maybe he did just drop the car; though Brundle and Coulthard both seemed to think the incident was a strange one. Great drives from Vettel, really good until the incident with Kubica, who also drove well. I'd also call it 50-50. Lewis, Trulli, Alonso also lucked out today. Also, I think KERS is absolute rubbish! And not sure I like the tyre situation with them falling away SO quickly; everyone struggled on them!
  12. I think [and hope] we may, be being a little mislead by Melbourne. Ferrari, BMW and Toyota all tested out in Bahrain together and looked very even; with Ferrari perhaps a little ahead. When all the teams tested at Jerez together, everyone still looked pretty close; with Ferrari looking strong, along with Toyota, BMW and Williams at times too. This means that teams without the controversial diffuser [Ferrari, BMW] have been up against those with the diffuser and managed to somewhat hold their own. Yes Brawn then came along and dominated, and I think there's no denying they are the fastest team atm. But if you remember back to Aus last year, Williams [Rosberg] were strong and on the podium there aswell; then they were no where for the rest of the season. Aus is meant to be a pretty unique track and teams had been saying it may not be until the first round of the European leg in Spain, that we actually get a proper representation of where everyone is.
  13. Yeah I have to say I can't remember any 'regulars' with guns either in RE4. And the big dudes with the gattling guns, I just considered them to be like Krauser really, just heavy duty military guys under mind control.
  14. I think Jonathan Legard is pretty good, and Martin's as good as normal. I think it will get better the more they work together, because they were talking over each other a little at times, but that's understandable. He's better than having James Allen anyways! I do like the guy who does the Free Practice commentary though, is it the 5 Live commentary we were listening to? Anthony Davidson was good aswell. The only thing that I didn't like about the new BBC coverage was Eddie Jordan. I found him to be really negative and downbeat throughout the whole qualifying show. He kept having stupid little arguments with DC, didn't have anything posistive to say about anything, and was constantly sucking up to Bernie! Tbh I'd prefer just Jake and DC, I thought they were good. Opening titles were good aswell.
  15. wtf, don't think I've ever heard of this before!
  16. Firstly I agree with Goron, the cars are fantastic, they seem so fast and nimble! This whole diffuser thing is annoying as hell. It gives a major advantage and should have been sorted out weeks ago, so that either way the teams could have made appropriate changes. This qualifying result has left me feeling somewhat at a loss! Yes the 'other' teams have got a chance for a change, but they're not really the driver I like to see racing, so I'm feeling a bit lost! KERS = WTF! What an absolute waste of space that may prove to be. Unless it offers something in the race I seriously think all teams should abandon it for '09. The teams running it were the slowest in qualifying. And yes that's largely also because these are the teams without the controversial diffusers, however... Red Bull aren't usong KERS and they were very fast. At BMW, Kubica isn't using it and Heidfeld is, and Kubica was much faster. Toyota have been disqualified from Qualifying as they were found to be running a flexible rear wing, and will start from the back of the grid. lol, questionable diffuser and now an illegal rear wing, good one Toyota! Did they not learn anything from Ferrari's flexible front wing bollocking a couple of years back?! Qually weights:
  17. As the comentators were saying though, you don't know what runs/fuel loads they are practicing, but yeah Brawn, Williams, Ferrari looked good, oh and Toyota pretty good aswell. Good to hear Anthony Davidson in the commentary!
  18. Thought the cars looked great out there, seemed faster than ever for whatever reason!... really flying! Entertaining practice, plenty of slips and slides all over the place!
  19. ok cheers! EDIT: Any second now!!! EDIT: WAHOO!!! F1 '09 is GO!!! Come on Aus, warm up a bit!!
  20. what time is 1st practice, 1.30?
  21. WDC: Kimi Raikkonen WCC: Ferrari Number of Points Force India Score: 12 Good Year For: Totota, Brawn/Barrichello Bad Year For: Mclaren, Piquet Mclaren's Year: Midfield at first, but improve as season progresses. This Years Controversy: - Diffuser row. - More FIA/Stewards bullshit, not letting racers race! - Bernie continuing to further ruin F1 in any way he can. - Max and Bernie Shoot a Porno. Hamilton Penalised For: - Anthony Hamilton.
  22. Yeah that Diffuser row has been kicking around ever since the cars launched. The FIA really should have clarified the difser rules weeks ago, so either the teams with the 'illegal' ones could adapt it to being legal, or if it's deemed legal, then the other teams could have produced their own version. The diffuser can give such an advantage, and other teams have been saying even up to 0.5 of a second a lap on the Brawn car. But now this row is going to be made aware to the public at Melbourne and once again F1 is gonna be made to look stupid! Oh and about the 26 cars story... Don't see it happening for next season at all, maybe 1 more team [uSF1 or Prodrive maybe]. And I honestly think Bernie is fucking mental, he's still insistant on putting medals in place, despite no one wanting them, and people keen to see FOTA's 12-9-7 season in place! It's simply because it's FOTA that he isn't listening to it.
  23. Looks fantastic!!
  24. No More Heroes - £4.99 @ HMV http://hmv.com/hmvweb/displayProductDetails.do?ctx=280;-1;-1;-1;-1&sku=767734 At that price, I just got myself a copy! If you don't like it you could prob sell it on ebay for more than that!
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