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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. ^ really! my moneys on this being all kinds of lame! *waits for some kind of fool/sucker remark*
  2. The fact that it appears Sylar can't die now = *sigh!* Will we never be rid of him!... it should have been the end for him at the end of Season1 ffs! Let alone 3 seasons on and now invinceable!
  3. ROFL!I could literally hear him saying it as I was reading that! His final 2 laps for Vettels win last week were insane, I don't think he took a breath as he narrated EVERY single move and corner! As much as I love Brundle, I've been thinking about switching to 5Live for commentary recently! I love their work in practice. And yes, al these Eastern tracks suck! There's Abu Dhabi to come [which may actually be good], then we've got India and possibly Korea [i mean seriously... Korea... WTF!!] to look forward to! ... add to that we're probaby gonna loose the British GP and...
  4. Yeah it's not their rear wing, it's the design of the rear end of their car:
  5. ...yeah there is, the girl on the left in a harness! very cute.
  6. Which will make their relationship in Resi 4 feel all the more wierd! Anyways, Code Veronica is also a very family/relationship orientated game... The Ashford Twins, Chris and Claire, Claire and Steve, Steve and his Father etc... Quite like the story direction this is taking! Should provide some good background info.
  7. Kimi did great today! Finally Ferrari are off the mark! Wahoo!!
  8. Bollocks!! Why do I never follow my predictions through with an actual bet! It would also seem we were a little mislead by Brawn in Australia [which is a very unique track], and then in Malaysia due to the changing weather. They are still very quick, but it would seem they certainly aren't dominant! Jenson seemed very down beat, I think he had hopes of perhaps walking the title! Also, poor Webber! EDIT: Qually Weights - Bit of a poor qually from Rubens, - Toyota's are lightest, - Good qually from Vettel, - Ferrari's are going long.
  9. Yeah the Practice sessions they show on the red button. No doubt they'll do it tomorrow in Qualifying, but OMG was Anthony Davidson loving it today!! He was great actually, really insightful in letting you know exactly what each driver line/corner entry/exit meant.
  10. IGN AU - 9.1 http://uk.wii.ign.com/articles/976/976108p1.html
  11. IGN Video Review - 8.4
  12. Teaser Trailer: Whether they are cross developing between Wii and PSP or not, I'd imagine the realistic physics, dynamic weather, accurate damage, all the modes, customisable features etc... are gonna take a lot out of the Wii anyways! Heck they're putting the HD console back a season because they say there is SO much they have to do for this game and alot that they want to include.
  13. Is that it?... LAME!
  14. Gametrailers Preview Framerate problems?
  15. Think only the Wii version has a co-op mode, could be wrong though.
  16. £26.99 seems like a good price, and I want to back it and all, but the games still not doing anything for me! Think I'd rather get the likes of Little Kings Story, plus summers crazy packed full of games anyways.
  17. OK fine take NMH2 off the list, it doesn't do anything to effect my point that it's an awesome year for the Wii!
  18. Here ya go: haha, sweet intro!
  19. I mentioned this in the Another Code thread, but I can't believe what an awesome summer line-up the Wii actually has in store for us!! So often, summer is the slowest part of the year for games, but this year we have, all released over the summer months: ExciteBots Another Code Grand Slam Tennis Virtua Tennis Punch Out Little Kings Story Wii Sports Resort Ghostbusters Tiger Woods The Conduit that's probably forgetting some as well, and I don't know about you, but pretty much all of those games a potential purchases for me! And then we'll be moving into the later part of the year and will have the likes of... Resi:TDC, Dead Space, Silent Hill, Spyborgs, Endless Ocean 2, Formula 1, NMH2, Sin and Punishment 2, maybe Final Fantasy etc... to be looking forward to! It really is a great time!
  20. Guess what they are trying to do is add some continuity to the series.People may never have played Resi 2 as it was years ago now, but they will have played Resi 5, then may play this and will be able to recognise the lickers. So in a sense Capcom are forgetting the Resi 2 licker design ever existed and are just using this as the new Licker design across the whole series. What actually seems to also be happening is that Capcom is forgetting the original Resi games more and more. They are gradually 'rewriting' the story so that it fits together better as a whole and also makes greater sense for those new to the series. Because they obviously had no real idea of how to tell the 'fall of Umbrella' storyline, we got a rushed version in Umbrella Chronicles. This game then had to shoe horn in this rediculous Sergei character into Resi 1 back at the mansion, and make it seem as though he was involved in more games in the series. Darkside chronicles is now going to effectively rewrite Resi 2 [and probably CV somewhat], because Leon, Claire, Ada and Sherry are all meeting and teaming up throughout the game, which will then probably move on storywise into CV, and then on into Leons South American mission. Unfortunately, soon in terms of story, we might aswell forget the orignal games altogether!
  21. Frickin Awesome!! Love the idea of the 'water' that surrounds the flying ship! Guess that then leads in to the interactive cutscene they mentioned where you have to shoot enemies away as he flies/falls.
  22. I think he's saying people just put their Wii in the closet and forget about it. In which case, Sony the store shelf as no ones buying 'em!
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