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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. Hmm... I've just played the second level where Jude the Dude is the boss, and other than the boss fight I didn't enjoy really, what a boring level, there was so little to do on it. I then did the first motorbike mission which was a bit dissapointing as you just pretty much cruise along on rails and side swipe from time to time; don't think I took any damage even when I thought I was doing so pinned against the barrier. Didn't enjoy the hurricane guy boss fight either as I couldn't really see any strategy to it once you got up to him. Also, why can't you block? or can you? what are you supposed to do just jump backwards all the time? and what about when you fight guys with crowbars/axes etc... And why have they bothered with a time limit on the levels? I'd much rather just run around at my own pace and spend as much time on a level as I want. I hope the next level is good, and the awesomeness of the opening train station didn't just set the standard to high.
  2. Unless you casually cram loads of people into that room and split the cost?!
  3. Ah I see what you did there, *palm in the face*
  4. And so on...
  5. £5 Argos gift voucher I dunno if engagement presents are really a thing, it's more just a congratulations, because that's what wedding presents are for when you actually go through with it! Otherwise the engagement may be called off and the presents wasted. Maybe a nice bottle of wine or something would be a nice congratulations though.
  6. One crafty ninja!
  7. haha, I saw it Dan Dare, there's a faceplam in the post with your name on it! I dunno what Dante means, but still...
  8. ^ Yeah this board certainly has it's fair share of drama! It's wierd; for many users on here I bet this is probably just a gaming forum, a place where they come to check the latest news, read peoples thoughts on a game etc... and they are completely oblivious to things like this going on. Where as for a whole other group of people the forum has become something far more than that!
  9. Don't really know what to say tbh! If you feel it's what you need then ok, but like others have said I don't really see how deleting your N-E account is a solution to how your feeling, but still! People have only been trying to send help your way man and if anything you need people around you to have a laugh with. I think the best thing you could do is get yourself off that island! Much love man!
  10. Well I was gutted when I woke up this morning! Had a wicked dream about meeting this girl, we really hit it off and spent the day or so together just having fun and laughs, can't really remember what we did exactly! She was awesome and everything just seemed to click, and all was good and happy and felt pretty special you know, and then BAM!.... I wake up, realise it wasn't real, I'm single, and this awesome girl was gone! Why God why!! Guess it's telling me I'd quite like to meet someone at this point in time.
  11. I'm sure the drivers would be happier cutting their million pound salaries by a measely £2000, than being involved in a potentially avoidable racing accident! Cutting costs just for the sake of cutting costs is stupid, I'm sure there are much better ways/solutions. EDIT: Summary of the two tiers... I'd be happy to seeing 26 cars on the grid, however regarding the budget cap... Really not sure this is healthy for the sport, I'm not sure so much ambiguity and leeway is gonna work, there's the potential for a damaging ammount of differences between the cars. The teams are already expressing their dislike... Ferrari warns budget cap may hurt F1 http://www.autosport.com/news/report.php/id/74969 Mallya cautious on FIA's new rules http://www.autosport.com/news/report.php/id/74956 Williams also against two-tier series http://www.autosport.com/news/report.php/id/74955 McLaren reluctant about two-tier series http://www.autosport.com/news/report.php/id/74953 Thankfully it seems due to the concorde agreement the teams have to agree to these potential changes. Also FOTA are meeting next week, so I'm sure ALOT will be discussed! I also think F1 is in danger of becoming WAY to complicated, and only the die hard fans will have any chance of keeping track of things.
  12. Yeah I don't agree with this two-tier system either, though to be honest I'm finding it a little difficult to understand the full situation and just what exactly each tier is entitled to. But surely you can't agree with cutting tyre blankets, it's hardly an expense!
  13. Gamestation Sale http://www.gamestation.co.uk/lowdown.aspx?lid=20232&cm_sp=paydaysale09-_-topnav-_-Wiipaydaysale&page=1 Amongst others... Madworld - £14.98 £9.98 Super Paper Mario Sonic Unleashed WarioWare WarioLand: Shake Dimension EA Playground FIFA 08 Super Monkey Ball: BB Fire Emblem £7.98 Metroid Prime 3 Trauma Centre: Second Opinion Dragon Quest Swords Tony Hawks Downhill Jam Scarface Nights: Journey of Dreams We Love Golf Bully £4.98 Boogie Mercury Meltdown Revolution Okami Baroque Wacky Races Wing Island Geometry Wars Endless Ocean Bleach Dewys Adventure Havest Moon: MM
  14. FIA increases minimum car weight for 2010 http://www.autosport.com/news/report.php/id/74954 Refuelling ban confirmed for next season http://www.autosport.com/news/report.php/id/74948 That last article also says Tyre Blankets are banned from 2010, which is quite frankly stupid! When this was talked about last year alot of drivers/teams complained saying that it could be extrememly dangerous to just send cars out on cold tyres because when you exit the pits against cars already up to full speed on heated tyres, the speed difference will be massive and could lead to braking accidents etc... They also said, if you're looking to save costs, something as simple as tyre blankets really isn't the place to look, because frankly it's hardly an expence anyway, and driver safety is more important.
  15. Gametrailers Review - 7.6 Not sure I'd agree with them on the visuals; maybe it's something that comes across more in front of you on a TV, but the online videos have looked really nice IMO. Also after playing Nintendo games all my life I can quite easily put up with ExciteBots music!
  16. Who didn't instantly think MGS? Anyways, looking forward to seeing more, looks good!
  17. After the awesome season 1, Heroes just hasn't turned out the way I ever expected it to/hoped it would and now I'm at a complete loss with the show! I loved the season 1 vision of them 5 years in the future and actually hoped they would become this awesome band of superheroes working together against villianous 'heroes' that would pop up. Real comic book type stuff you know. Sylar would have been the first of these defeated at the end of season 1, then you would have had a new enemy appear, or a couple overarching but keep it focused per season. The heroes could maybe have retained their normal jobs, and struggled to deal with their powers in everyday life, and with morals, but sometimes it would help e.g. what we say with Matt and his police work. It helped with cases, but was he progressing through the ranks in an ethical way/the way he truely would like. Sometimes the heroes may disagree and maybe even face off against one another on occasion, but ultimately they'd all be a close unit; as opposed to what we have now, we're on season 4 and I still feel some of the heroes don't even know each other, heck Claire and Hiro only met properly for the first time at the end of season 3! I dunno, it's just not the show I'd hoped for.
  18. Hope you can run around the 'police station' as a hub and slide down the pole!
  19. It's a matter of opinion really, because I think Gladiator is a great film, and I'd probably put Black Hawk Down in my top 10 films.So for me if this new film can reach those great standards, then I'd be happy.
  20. HA!! Call that cheese rolling?? We in the South West think differently!
  21. Are you serious, it looks absolutely stunning! Sure I've never played an NFL game and probably have no intention to! But visually the Wii version multiformat sports titles have always looked pretty poor and in no way stand up to the 360/PS3 counterparts. So personally I'd rather see a great looking graphical style hand crafted for Wii and not forgetting WiiMotion+ can really help move the NLF gameplay on!
  22. I'd agree with you if it weren't for Goldeneye!
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