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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. The water looks pretty good, if anything a little too fluid if that makes sense?... a bit too much movement.
  2. This is new corporate Nintendo; seems they're not 'fun' anymore!... just white!
  3. Yeah think you're right, I seem to remember the water/sea on holes 8 and 9 looking like the above.And it changed for the river course aswell... The water in Jet Skiing looked pretty good in the first video,
  4. Gametrailers Review - 7.7
  5. Does look great!! Few things: - He dived into the Thames!...the Thames!! *shudders* - Why do the Houses of Parliament etc... look all CGI at 00:37? - Downey Jr, EPIC! - Jude Law, meh! - Rachel McAdams, oh yes! Looking forward to this!
  6. Think I'm gonna pick this up from town at the weekend, may trade in Madworld if I finish it before then.
  7. He wasn't being rude or anything, and honestly I'm quite surprised at it as well. If you can't take opinions, then like you say, don't post personal stuff online.
  8. Not when you're a Putting master! I'll Put from anywhere! Think the water's changed because instead of a relaxing tranquil pond, we're now supposed to be by the sea.But that doesn't meant they can't use nice sea effects like Sunshine/WaveRave, so there's no excuse! They had better not have just slightly remodeled the courses as that screen suggests!
  9. Yep, we're just too good! :awesome:
  10. A thank you! How seriously cool was it when C-Note said, 'I don't know his name, he said just call him Paul...'
  11. You're gonna quote something said back on page 1! In which case...
  12. *shudders at the thought of the male life model on my Art Foundation Course* was basically a naked FAT santa!
  13. Nice little 'double interview' with Kimi and Lewis at last weekends Spanish GP. The Questions: Q. Where will you be in 10 years? Q. The best thing about F1? Q. The worst? Q. Favourite colour? Q. Favourite circuit? Q. Your job is... Q. Spain is... Q. Beach or mountains? Q. 2nd place is? Q. Fernando Alonso. Q. Speak Spanish?
  14. IGN Review - 8.8 http://uk.wii.ign.com/articles/983/983268p1.html
  15. Well it's a new course in the trailer, so I'd expet so. Looks like quite a tricky green too with a fair few undulations!
  16. Yeah, Play.com also have it at that price. Think Grand Slam Tennis is definately the best way to go for me. At £39.99, that makes WiiM+ only £10!
  17. Ganepark posted about this in the Wii General Discussions, but I guess it can support it's own thread. Here's what I posted in there: Wonder if this is the new game IGN are teasing? It could be using some kind of reworked Elder Scrolls engine, and what with the sword fighting and castle style backdrop.
  18. Shopto.net have just Wii MotionPlus at £17.99 http://www.shopto.net/WII/ACCESSORIES/WIIMO10-Wii%20MotionPlus.html
  19. Shopto.net have just Wii MotionPlus at £17.99 http://www.shopto.net/WII/ACCESSORIES/WIIMO10-Wii%20MotionPlus.html
  20. I remember Ewan & Charley meeting someone on The Long Way Round who was cycling it, and had been taking his time and doing it for a few years or something. I plan on doing some epic trip some day, but when I don't know.
  21. to all you Transformers haters, that films its down right all kinds of awesome!! Not sure the sequels gonna be as good though, think there's gonna be too much going on overall in a Spiderman 3 kind of way, but we'll see. Good thing is, if it's crap I can just ingnore it as the ending of Transformers 1 didn't demand a sequel [other than Starscream flying off, but meh, that was in the credits anyways].
  22. Hmm, wonder if this is the game IGN are teasing? That could be some kind Elder Scrolls engine reworked for Wii, and what with the sword fighting and castle style backdrop.
  23. Screwattack take a funny look at MM2, and it's 8-Player Simultaneous mode: Anyone else use to love/hate the MM games! I can remember playing it on a firends SNES and it could be all kinds of fun, hectic or just plain damn frustrating! Crazy game!!
  24. ^^^ Really, looks pretty much the same as the first game to me, except maybe golf looks a little prettier. Quite pleased about Golf actually, be nice to have some new courses; although there really should have been downloadable ones for the first game. Table tennis might be quite fun, I don't have Wii Play so don't mind as much. Sword fighting looks rubbish!
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