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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. Really this is good news isn't it?! However, being a classic/traditional style circuit, I just hope it gets replaced by the re-introduction of another classic/traditional circuit, such as a perminant Suzuka fixture, Canada, a US venue, the A1 Ring... Silverstone?... Oh who am I kidding!... New Middle Eastern wasteland venue 2012 here we come!
  2. ^ I loved that bit they did of opening the human door, climbing through, then picking up the phone and dialing it etc...
  3. Yeh this has online.
  4. I think this is great news; the original is a very good game, the balance board works great and it's really good fun. Obviously the Wii version sold well which is very encouraging and because of the visual style the Wii version had I guess production is cheaper and quicker, meaning we're getting an exclusive sequel in time for Christmas! I think many people overlooked it because they thought the visuals and presentation were lacking, based on dodgy screens that were released throughout it's development; however they final product was actually a great stylised game. What I'd like in a sequel: - Personally I'd like to see a few longer courses in the sequel and maybe a few more races. - Don't know if multiple balance boards is ever possible, but that would be a great addition! - And of course online would be another great addition. - Maybe the opportunity for custom SD card soundtracks aswell. Good chance I'll be getting this! and again, it's Wii exclusive!!!
  5. Totally, Diversity absolutely wiped the floor with Flawless IMO. Diversity were better in every way, plus they had an element of humour.
  6. So people will turn the box over and see guns on the back, how's that any better. Plus the game will have a recommended age rating on it anyway no matter what the boxart. They'd do better with a boxart more like the US one as that would at least attract the 16+ age range that might otherwise walk by it with that meaningless boxart!
  7. Before you said Washington was on fire it just looked like a sunset to me, and still does, bar the one tiny explosion. No one off the street knows about the All Seeing Eye, it just looks like a boring artifact. Some semi-visible symbols in the water and a boring government font. Again, I don't see how this sells the game in the slightest. The US boxart is far better, excitment, chaos, drama, shows that it's a shooter, an alien invasion etc...
  8. No not at all! Personally I'm not all that interested in anything I've seen from it, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't love it to sell and perform incredibly well. That's why I care about the boxart, and IMO that particular boxart is aweful! For those who haven't been following it on the internet, I can't see one thing on it that explains the game, or would particularly draw your attention.
  9. Terrible! From the boxart it looks like some boring artifacts game or something!... tells you nothing about it being a FPS.
  10. not necessarily them though.
  11. Ghostbusters 3
  12. 30,000 stars!!... Get lost!!
  13. Yeah I've seen this advertised once! it was the two player Calzage one, and he didn't exactly seem enthusiastic! What's the point in producing those awesome advert style trailers and then not using them?! I hate Nintendo sometimes!
  14. OMG this sounds and looks awesome!! Conduit: maybe Gladiator: meh! The Grinder: FUCK YEAH!! Way da go High Voltage!! 'Flicker' line down the screen like HotD: Overkill? Hope they go all out on prodcution and style, as I'm sure they will.
  15. Also, he had to get Sara out of prison later that day!! it didn't exactly leave him much time!
  16. I quite liked Stavros Flately at the auditions, but I thought they were absolutely awful tonight, they barely did anything! Plus that kid seriously needs to loose weight!
  17. Wait... you mean they're not just doing the old inflate a condom over your head trick!?
  18. I can sell you an expansion pak for £10 inc. p&p if you need one?
  19. Madworld has few attacks... mind you that got old quickly! Though at least this has block and dodge!
  20. Yeah same, not really interested in a game like this, atm anyways... Yes I suppose a Gladiator 3D fighter it is a hole in the Wii's library, but it doesn't mean it's one that needs filling!
  21. It's so awesome and moving. Can't remember a TV show EVER making me pretty much cry, let alone twice as The Final Break did!I'm sure you'll love it.
  22. Susan Boyle shouldn't win foir the simple fact that she must have already made a mint from all the US chatshows etc... she's been on and magazine/newpaper articles she's done. She no longer needs the exposure.
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