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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. They're not exactly our new Rare, we haven't even played any of their games. They're just a developer very much dedicated to producing games for Nintendo.
  2. Prodrive lodges F1 entry for 2010 http://www.autosport.com/news/report.php/id/75671 Lola confirms 2010 F1 entry http://www.autosport.com/news/report.php/id/75676 So that's Prodrive, Lola, Campos Meta F1 and US F1... Isn't there only 3 additional places in 2010? If so, anyone know how it'll be decided?
  3. Better trailer, but still don't think it's my type of game. Are some of the character models too over detailed or something, is that why they appear kinda pixelated. They really need to get the colluseums/arena's packed full of atmosphere.
  4. Doctor Who's looks like it's going all 'teen' [despite them not being!]
  5. Though Virtua Tennis on the Dreamcast got 9-10 from just about everyone didn't it. I'm still gonna get this though, I think Virtua Tennis looks really dull in comparison with its realistic character models etc...
  6. nah Steve looks about right, always did look a bit like a young Leon... Great seeing the Code Veronica locations again [even if it would have been nicer as a REmake], wonder if that bitch ass zombie still brakes through the toilet window in that basement...
  7. Good to hear he's really enjoying it. Guess the costume might be a more armored version of this sort of thing...
  9. I thought it was co-developed, but still!Really, you thought character models/textures in that video were way better than... I wouldn't agree, but like I said I'm still really looking forward to this.
  10. That approach to the ship at the start sure dragged on a bit, and what's with that Melee attack?! But seems to have good interactivity, path choices, puzzles etc...
  11. Yeah! If I'm honest I wasn't as impressed by the footage as I thought I would be, damn IGN and their hype!... Because if we judge it by Konami's standards it wasn't any better looking than MGS:TTS on Gamecube. But it could have come from an earlier build, or even if not, there's still a long way to go in the development. Still, I'm really looking forward to this.
  12. Hows it doing that?
  13. When I saw Tails flying his plane in the trailer, I thought ooh! maybe we've got a Diddy Kong Racing type game going on here!... But what do Sega do!... stick Sonic in a car and make Tails drive his plane!
  14. As I said in the other consoles thread:
  15. Dante, for your last two Transformers posts, aren't you giving away the spoiler in spoiler tag?... not cool!
  16. I probably did see it, but can't remember it properly. It really was such an awesome track though.
  17. Yeah they do! That's Ubisoft's good old bullshotting for ya!
  18. ^ I thought Balance Board controls were really great and responsive. They certainly put Nintendo's own efforts in Wii Fit to shame!
  19. Huh, based on that gameplay video I won't be getting this. Looks pretty boring, and surely it's never a good sign when even in their own promotional video it doesn't appear to control particularly well.
  20. Yeah I love watching Moto GP at Laguna Seca, but I wonder have they ever tried racing any type of Formula '...' cars on that track?
  21. Can't comment on Jerez or Mexico as I've never seen a race on those citcuits, but I completely agree on the rest. Mind you, I can't help but feel sometimes is Indianapolis really the best circuit that the US can offer? Sure the banked section is a great unique feature to still have, but the infield section is so boring in comparison! Actually, I do quite like Fuji... for the inevitable wet race and awesome 1mile straight, and would probably substitute China. Would you not have Singapore for it's uniqueness though? I'd happily reserve judgement for a second year [think they are gonna make a few changes], unlike Valencia! And also, what with the likes of Monaco, Spain, Valencia and Hungary on todays calander, thankfully we don't still have Imola!
  22. It's your opinion!... score it however you want!
  23. Because it was depressing.
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