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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. I think the airplane screen is just from a cutscene of you taking off to skydive. Though I guess you might be able to fly it on the way up.
  2. Trailer: Simply Beautiful!!
  3. Trailer:
  4. Walkthrough: Part 1 http://uk.wii.ign.com/dor/objects/14325477/silent-hill/videos/_silenthillwii_gmp_walk1_060109.html Part 2 http://uk.wii.ign.com/dor/objects/14325477/silent-hill/videos/_silenthillwii_gmp_walk2_060109.html Part 3 http://uk.wii.ign.com/dor/objects/14325477/silent-hill/videos/_silenthillwii_gmp_walk3_060109.html Damn that walkthrough looks tense in places!! Not sure about the part after the town transformation though [which did look cool], just seemed a bit hectic.
  5. More screens... Cycling!? Looks like Bowling returns, wtf!
  6. Added Trailer & screens ^
  7. Trailer:
  8. Looks good!... Jet-Skiing not shown?!
  9. Eddage, 'Resort Archery may be the new Golf!! Actually 'Resort Golf will be the new Golf, but you get my point!
  10. Third person spin attacks ftw!
  11. Tbf, that video is nothing like the impression you got ofthe game in the press conference. Wonder why Nintendo didn't show that. Their conference was really short in comparison. It does look like fun, but it could also pretty much be on DS! If they'd have given it some charm like Super Mario World, or Wario Land, I'd have been far more sold on this.
  12. A place to discuss the game for now... E3 09: Press Gameplay
  13. Thing is, I don't see how people would want to 'go back a generation' for the next apparently 'true' installment. I'd find that pretty hard to take.
  14. Goron we've both gotta get PS3's!! Then we'll have F1 2010, and we can make tracks like the A1 Ring and Old Hockenheim etc... in this!!
  15. Yeah tbf, initially this just looks like left over stuff from Galaxy + Yoshi, but I'm sure there's much more to it than that... a whole new adventure!
  16. Think it's a fusion of all types.
  17. Damn, wanted the koopa kids in Galaxy 2!
  18. From the makers of Little Big Planet... This game looks incredible!! Create your own characters, cars and tracks with ease! You could make and race on Spa!!
  19. Trailer:
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