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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. I don't see Zelda, unless she's that blue blur is she? If so, she's pretty small next to that Link!
  2. Amazon are rubbish at getting pre-orders out aren't they? and I've never ordered with Zavvi. Play are reliable and the cheapest of the rest.
  3. Yeah but it wasn't in any of the E3 trailers or latest pics, so some thought it may have been taken out, or become Water Skiing. Just pre-ordered from Play! Though I may get my first Motion+ with Grand Slam Tennis.
  4. Oooooh!... Looks like you can fly planes, as there are some single seaters on the boxart! Also JetSkiing confirmed! The one throwing the frizbee looks more like she should be in a Rehab Resort!
  5. Total number of televised Piquet cock-ups over the race weekend etc... Yeah could be fun! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- More potential teams... Epsilon confirms 2010 F1 entry attempt http://www.autosport.com/news/report.php/id/75791 March aiming to return to F1 http://www.autosport.com/news/report.php/id/75784
  6. Don't think that's why people hated it. Think it was the fact it's so linear, pretty easy, and all their was to combat was pressing A.
  7. I had a toy crossbow that launched suction darts:
  8. Oh yeah, got confused typing... So that just leaves the PS3 controller!... and I think I can get over that!! I'd be missing out on Alan Wake and Mass effect, but other than that... I think my mind is FINALLY made up!!
  9. Trailer: Developer Walkthrough
  10. Short Developer 'Walkthrough'
  11. Sounds great! I didn't see any cat in the animal, to me it seemed part Eagle, part Dog, was that just me? Also, you can't play PS2 games on the PS3 can you? It's just if I end up getting a PS3, which is quite likely, I would pretty much like to try ICO and SOTC. If the answer is no, has there been any news/rumours of possible ports?
  12. That's because both phone conversations and static noise come out of the Wii-mote speaker; you use the wii-mote like a real phone, answering it when it rings etc... hence why you couldn't hear his mobile ring in the dinner. And yeah, if anything I found the first 10 or so minutes the scariest part. I think I kinda new the enemies only came out when Silent Hill froze over, but before that, it was the darknest, the not knowing, and wondering if I'd glimpse something out of the corner of the flashlight.
  13. It's quite likely I'll get a PS3 now, probably around Christmas, and in the hope that some sort of price drop, or at least some awesome bundles/deals will be available around that time. I've been considering getting either a 360 or PS3 for a while now... - 360 for some of the exclusive games, the free online, the controller. - PS3 for some exclusive games, and blueray... being put off by the controller, and paying for online. Still can't say I've made my mind up, but after the conferences, Sony have definately edged their way forward.
  14. Trailer: Wonder if it has a 4-player co-op adventure mode? They only seemed to mention 4-player battle mode.
  15. ^ Is that supposed to be Krauser in the background do we think? Think it looks pretty great from this trailer. Though I can see what IGN mean about some unecessary camera zoom-in-zoom-out moments at times. And there are times when the camera is panning too quickly to really shoot; you might as well just sit there and watch whats happening, because a few seconds later your character runs off anyway before the zombies even get to you.
  16. haha, awww... get her on Wii fit!
  17. Having not owned a Playstation in the past and therefore never got round to playing ICO and SOTC, is it a story trilogy?... in the sense that the games are somehow connected to each other. Or is it that the developers just wanted to make three games based around an overall idea?
  18. ^ Awesome news!
  19. Yeah Sony seem to have caught up to Motion+ extremely quickly!! Nintendo really need to go and evaluate now!
  20. "Oh Yes!!" Every year. ...well, for the last 3 or so.
  21. What you can't go?... or you broke your leg or something?
  22. That's what I heard.
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