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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. !!HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! To celebrate Oh-Danny-Boy... 'fraid you're gonna have to... Drink a whisky drink Then a vodka drink Then a lager drink Then a cider drink... Then sing some songs that remind you of the good times! and some songs that remind him you the better times! Oh Danny Boy Danny Boy Danny Boy...
  2. , not seriously?
  3. Good on the person who emailed in saying 'yeah good for Brawn and all that, but man the seasons got boring!'... to which Brundle came out with his 'it's still exciting bollocks!' And OMG at Jake almost getting mown down by Trulli!! Good on that man who jumped in and grabbed him!! Also, DC doing the grid walk was wierd... it was a good grid walk mind, but still wierd two of them doing it. Wonder if Brundle wants to stop doing it soon?... or doesn't he usually have Hungary off as a holiday [when Damon Hill usually steps in to commentry], so maybe DC's getting a bit of training to step in for that? Also, the Bonus Prediction for Silverstone should be something like Number of 'For Sures' from Massa; or from everyone... but we'd prob lose count of that!! And speaking of Massa, lol at Rob Smedley telling Felipe Baby how drive drive a better lap!
  4. Gametrailers Bonus Round Nintendo's E3 http://www.gametrailers.com/episode/bonusround/305?ch=2&sd=1
  5. But, but, but, I don't want the creature to die...
  6. They're not gonna turn Claire lesbian, that' just IGN being idiots. It'll just be her roommate also shares a power, or has the same power as Claire.
  7. OMG that was a boring race! Shame cos I really like Turkey, but Button and Brawn managed to make it really dull; hope that's not true of the rest of the decent circuits! Thanks Massa for that overly agressive swipe on Kimi at the start!... stupid slow Rubens! And another great example of Rubens dangerous driving today... sort it out... you may be frustrated but you can't just go sticking your car where there isn't room! Well that's championship over really, what a boring one! Though I'm gonna predict Kimi to win in Spa!... please! Oh and apparently FOTA have agreed to scrap KERS next year as it's an excessive cost, and to help the new teams. What an absolute load of bollocks... waste of bothe development time and money for those that got behind it! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- F1 stars back teams in budget row http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/motorsport/formula_one/8087722.stm ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Race: Button [8], Webber [7], Vettel [6], Trulli [5], Massa [3] = 29 Predicted Winner Button: + 3 Qually [35] + Race [29] + Winner [3] = 67points
  8. Well that picture looks like something else entirely!! And if that's Link's new direction, this next Zelda gonna need to be an 18!
  9. Yeah he can be very funny, wasn't one of his best tonight though.Gilbert's great aswell.
  10. Yeah if it's not online it's a joke, because otherwise alot of people aren't gonna be able to play the game the way it's supposed to be played with 4 players. Those all-night, 4 players around a TV sessions, pretty much ended back with the N64 for me!
  11. no no, it implies it is ruined.
  12. He's only on 'his' show for about 10mins. It's basically the new Jack Dee Live at the Apollo.
  13. New lead villian = 6 episodes... what a joke. Is that until Sylar rediscovers who he is, kills him and we have to put up with that long past his sell-by-date character for the rest of the season. And lesbian room-mates... yeah right... what lame asses IGN are! Heroes is ruined!
  14. They should apply an oxygen mask sound effect to Wii Speak.
  15. Is this becoming a running joke?
  16. Dissapointed with the length at 6-9hrs! Even if there is somewhat of a replayablity factor.
  17. For starters the Wii is SO far out in front it wouldn't matter if sales start to slip. And it won't be until sometime in 2010 that Microsoft and Sony bring out any form of Motion Controller. Plus it will likely be at quite a price. And for all the current 360/PS3 owners this price will be additional to the console and will they all want to buy it, given as these consoles are currently being seen as the more 'gamer' ans less 'casual' consoles. For new buyers, the motion bundles will no doubt be pretty expensive. So much of this new casual market already owns a Wii now, I can't see them going out and also buying an extra £300 console, they are not the type of market to do that. Thus until the next console generation when everyone gets a relatively fresh start, I can really only see the 360/PS3 motion controllers selling to their current owners. Sure there will be a spike in hardware sales, but IMO the Wii needn't worry this gen.
  18. As I postedcin the Roundtable thread:
  19. Just wondering how bad the 'dirty side of the grid is here.
  20. Mind you, you could pick up 10 points if Vettel manages to stay infront tomorrow! Qually Weights: Talking points: - Barrichello lighter than Button - Massa lighter than Raikkonen - Renault are slow! - Think Jenson may get the jump on Vettel
  21. 7/6/3/2/8/5/4/0 = 35 points That right? I thought we were gonna do it: 10/8/6/5/4/3/2/1
  22. That should really go in the VT thread!
  23. I'd hardly call the first ever picture of the new Zelda a spoiler!
  24. He'll be the Button of our championship! Yeah, we might aswell just work our own results out.
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