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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. I guess KERS was meant to make a bit of a difference, but it won't in 2010 when everyone has it!
  2. Tyre changes and basically any adjustments/brakages. We're gonna have to see how overtaking etc... works with cars SO heavy and on the same fuel loads as one another right from the get go.
  3. Terminator 3 Seens bits of it before, and again last night watching it was pretty hard going so I just watched the last 45mins or so. Real let down. 2/10
  4. Oh yeah I completely agree. But I also think the whole Ganondorf to Ganon thing is getting a bit old!
  5. True. Just throwing it out there, but is there a need for Ganon/dorf anymore, is that part of the problem. Yes Zelda is built around the 3 pieces of the triforce, and each character has their piece, but maybe it's time that piece left/was taken from Ganondorf, by a new more powerful foe. It's a bold move, but nothing to say Ganondorf couldn't then fight to get his piece back in the future. "The Return of Ganondorf"
  6. No, I think Zelda should be more towards that sort of quest/adventuring.
  7. Reynolds talks Deadpool - He knows!
  8. Nope... ok mission ON... EDIT: Ta Daa! http://n-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=23546&highlight=zelda
  9. I'm not crazy, you've posteed that before right? Yeah Hyrule needs to be alive, with people, changing weather, seasons connected up to the weather channel. And places/small populations to discover, tucked out the way, and places only accessible at different times of the year. Such as replay the game on a snowy day and you find a snow drift leading up to a chest. Adventure, discovery and survival.
  10. Yeah that's what does it, I can just hear him saying it as I read it! In other news... Didn't see this coming... You Go Wurz!!! Reckon he'd give Davidson a drive aswell.
  11. I can't really see a new periperal this year. They've got Motion+ to display, and probably Wii Fit 2 to show which'll bring the balance board back on stage. Unless Wii Fit 2 has some other exercise equipment, like EA's offering.
  12. Cheers man, watching it now.
  13. Yeah, mine keeps stopping at 53:48
  14. Isn't the UK the EU one?
  15. I thought Aiden was fantastic!... and especially as he'd only had that day to practice and with the travelator and all! Simon actually apologised to him on the ITV2 show for being too harsh.
  16. Rofl... every time Goron!
  17. Oh fair enough.
  18. I was just saying that Final Fantasy always goes down the realistic JRPG route, they've never cel-shaded an installment or particularly tried something revolutionary, so how is it an example to be used against HVS. And yeah like you say, they re-use the 'save the world plot'. I'm not saying they can't, I culdn't care less, but again how is it a good example to use when saying The Grinder is too similar to The Conduit?
  19. Honestly I have no idea what to say to you... Why are you talking about sequels? this isn't a sequel. They announce they are working on a second shooter that is very different from The Conduit... but it's not different enough! And how is Final Fantasy different every time? same visual style, same general plot theme, similar characters every time etc...
  20. ^ well you know what they say, "ask a stupid question..." and all... They're not aliens they're vampires, zombie's and werewolves... "why bother making a new ip for the same thing"... so what every shooter's the same now? This has a completely different setting, a grindhouse style, 4 player co-op etc...
  21. ^ What makes this Sonic game suddenly any different from the trend? You just said yourself all sonic games look good from the trailers and then ultimately turn out shite! Sega Superstars Tennis had potential to be a great tennis game, like Mario Tennis, but it wasn't... therefore...
  22. wft, seriously man... any clothes shop.
  23. GET IN!!... Diversity fully deserved it... INCREDIBLE!! Even more of an achievement considering they had another dance act in the Final.
  24. His early career makes for legendary reading...
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