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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. It works in Smash Bros. with Pikachu, Jiggy, Mewtwo, Charizard, Squirtle etc... So in answer, yes!
  2. Why can't you just use powerpoint?
  3. Since when was it called ID4?Anyways, whilst it may not go to any other planets I expect there will be quite a bit of Mothership action! WOW that original premise was a crazy one!Don't really see the need for Rambo V. Rambo IV was good enough for what it was, but it felt pretty empty and almost like an updated Rambo II or something. Still the Rambo films are what they are, so I guess he could close the farm up and don the bandana as many times as he likes really!
  4. Wii's third party sales are frustrating! but tbf, how many multiplatform titles does the Wii get?... not many! He can't look at Dead Space Extraction and Dead Space as the same multiplatform game. Heck port Dead Space over and for all knows it could be a million seller... which Resi 4 proved, even despite many Wii owners probably having the Gamecube version! True Multiplatform games like Rock Band and Guitar Hero especially, sell great on Wii. And multiplatform games like Shaun White snowboarding, that have a Wii version designed specifically for the console also tend to sell best on Wii.
  5. New Gameplay Videos!! Personally I'm just watching the Police escape gameplay, as I want to remain pretty spoiler free! Looks INCREDIBLE!! Opening Gameplay: Parts I, II, III & IV Police Escape Gameplay: Parts I & II
  6. New GTTV Focused on Mass Effect 2 http://www.gametrailers.com/episode/gametrailers-tv/78?ch=1&sd=1 Looks pretty damn fantastic!!
  7. New Trailer *complete with Transformer sfx!* I'm just not getting this game yet, it looks pretty boring atm.
  8. I don't think the developers would have been expecting great sales anyway though would they. I'm not sure it will have had to sell vast numbers to be deemed successful by them?
  9. That was what made it all the more aweome! Oh I don't know this Javier guy, Sounded like Saddler turning Krauser to the dark side to me... which would set up Resi 4.
  10. HOLY SHIT!!! OMG, what an AWESOME idea!! That was Saddler right at the end right!
  11. Don't you have to win one of those first though? and I doubt it will, or at least it shouldn't!
  12. ^ yeah. They were gonna have to wait until next year, so maybe Europe might get some news soon? Kinda makes sense as a winter release what with the setting!
  13. So regarding the colour and b&w areas, did he mean when you complete an area it turns into colour? And 1 of 47 towers to blow up, in that area alone! Hope the gameplay doesn't become overly repetitive, like the criticism leveled at Assassins Creed 1. Part 2:
  14. I'm actually more relieved by this news than anything. Because innevitably there will be a third Batman movie, but for a while there it was looking like they wanted to rush on with the threequel, even if it meant moving on without Christopher Nolan. At least this news makes it seem that Warner Bros. have carmed down, and are probably now prepared to wait on Nolan, or at least give the film alot more thought and development time, all of which are fine by me!
  15. Gametrailers Review: Balance board owners: 7.9 Otherwise: 6.9
  16. GT Preview:
  17. Gametrailers Review - 7.3 Doesn't look all that great imo. Visuals look rushed, levels have a cheap cardboard like appearance, and lack of online multiplayer is pretty poor, 3rd parties should really be more behind it by now!
  18. @Goafer Mute City from F-Zero X is my favourite version. Robot announcer included... you've got to try and put him on to the start of which ever version you go for! Audio It's not old, but Crazy Taxi use of 'All I Want' was epic, and there are some 8-bit versions out there: Audio
  19. I like my grey bar down the left thankyou very much!
  20. haha! the stunning shiny helmet hard-on. Maybe! I was quite taken a-back by that post Ine, I'm not used to seeing you post that sort of thing!
  21. I loved Mario Kart Wii! Double Dash was rubbish. This continues to look good! You're right about the characters, though hopefully if there's plenty of customisation options for them it will be better. It's definately one of those games that has me interested in buying a PS3!
  22. I think all the pre-release info ruined the game somewhat for me anyway, as there was no surprise when new levels/characters were unlocked. But in general I didn't really like the game anyway. SSBM it was not!
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