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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. It's "There's millions says Geoffrey, all under one roof" Millions of Toys!
  2. Star Wars Invaders
  3. haha I know, let alone the RedShell seal of approval should have been enough, but I had my doubts on the game. Is there much replayabilty? Have you returned to it a few weeks after it came out?
  4. Awesome Sprout! GREAT to see you back!!! Funny start, and presentation wise, fantastic as always!! I think this is probably the best forum for your work, it'll get the most notice and appreciation in here which is what it deserves. Looking forward to each installment! Can I ask how you work, do you have the entire story board already planned out, or do you plan say 5 ahead and then just go with it?
  5. Gametrailers Review - 8.0 Hmm, I'm definately more interested in it after watching that! May pick it up sometime!
  6. I'd imagine they'd make the same version for 360 and PS3.
  7. I'm guessing the first one. It doesn't have a second border around the circle does it? What are these T-Shirts?
  8. Haha yeah it is! Well spotted. It's by far my favourite song by her, infact I've generally grown to like her more and more with each song release. I think it's the fact I REALLY don't like Just Dance, gave me a bad first impression of her, when actually that song is quite a bit different to the rest of the stuff she's released. I thought Poker Face was alright, liked Paparazzi, and Bad Romance I'm liking it alot! Wierdly I felt the exact same way about Katy Perry. HATED 'I kissed a girl', which isn't actually all that representative of the rest of her stuff (it was just the first release to be attention grabbing), Hot and Cold and the rest were better.
  9. That girl prancing around in her underwear.
  10. Retro Music 15 Job Centre Fail!
  11. Based on the fact she's never done an upbeat song, let alone anything close to R&B pop, yeah I can see that, no... wait. And well I wouldn't call Avril Lavigne rock, so... and she does do slow songs as well, and seeing how Lucie is 18, better giving her a mix of pop-rock and slow songs, than give her a bunch of ballardy Leona songs and watching her sink into oblivion! At least doing something different with her would give her a chance at a career!
  12. I think Rihanna's got some great little songs in her collection, Personally I really like Take a Bow, and Disturbia, Shut up and Drive, Live your life(ft.) are pretty good too. Party Ben always manages to do a few fun remixes with her songs aswell. T.I. Rihanna vs. Vampire Weekend - "Live Your Life Punk" Audio General Public vs. Rihanna - "Tender Umbrella" http://www.partyben.com/PartyBen-TenderUmbrella.mp3 Speaking of which here's a fun little Poker Face remix: The Cars vs. Lady Gaga - "Just What I Poked" http://www.partyben.com/PartyBen-PokerFace(JustWhatINeeded).mp3
  13. Thanks, cheers.
  14. £9.97 @ Currys http://www.currys.co.uk/martprd/store/cur_page.jsp?BV_SessionID=@@@@1896476813.1259588356@@@@&BV_EngineID=ccdjadeimhjgjfkcflgceggdhhmdfnn.0&page=Product&fm=null&sm=null&tm=null&sku=320741&category_oid= Finally bagged myself a copy!
  15. Joe's performances have seemed really whiney to me lately, he even manages to sing kinda upbeat songs in an almost depressing sort of way. Joe's best suited to a career in musicals, Jedward I think are even too annoying to do anything on tv. I can't really see what Stacey would do music wise because she's kinda the same genre as Leona only no where near as good, so that won't work. Olly has only been given shit oldschool song choices by Simon so I don't really get what he'd do either; Robbie type songs I guess, but then I can't see him lasting at all. Daniel, well I don't think anyone could take a whole album of those pained performances! Honestly I think Lucie was the only one who stood a chance at a long term career because she could have been a UK Avril Lavigne equivalent, as she showed a few times really well.
  16. None of them do! Whoever wins it this year will be another Shane Ward/Leon Jackson.
  17. All that junk inside that trunk.
  18. I guess Lowry could be an example...
  19. Depends what style of Micky Bubbles you like really, if it's the more up tempo swing stuff I guess Jamie Cullum is the next closest.
  20. £9.99 @ Play! http://www.play.com/Games/Wii/4-/3593386/De-Blob/Product.html
  21. Rihanna - Russian Roulette Lady Gaga - Telephone Britney - 3 and a few other, 29p @ Amazon.co.uk
  22. I'd spend the majority of the game just taking off and flying over the surface of the ocean or lake, kicking up those awesome spray trails.
  23. Good news!!
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