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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. What a planker...
  2. Nintendo Direct August 9th.
  3. Ohhh now you remind me, is Kyntt Underground the game that wasn't very good :p ... I hadn't realised some of these were games already out, thought they were Wii U work in progress.
  4. Game looks pretty epic! Tempting to get a 3DS for this!
  5. Yes true! Thought Scam Kitty looked pretty good too. And Giana Sisters, Knytt Underground, Teslagrad and Wooden Sen'Sey have potential. So actually yeah, pretty good.
  6. Tbf there were a lot of Indie games... I wasn't sure any of them actually looked overly good though. Quality/Quantity.
  7. OK Who lied and said it was 39mins long?!!
  8. Make it stop!!! This is my most hated game!! LOL OBJECTION
  9. Why are Nintendo so slow with their Miiverse pages for games? Get them up on launch day! Animal Crossing Plaza looks cool! This is how the game should look!
  10. I still don't like the look of it :p but then I'm not one for 2D Zelda. Wind Waker looks beautiful.
  11. Mario & Luigi costumes are kinda cool :p Nice of Nintendo to still be fully behind that games despite all the hassle! Even if he did produce them U-b-i-soft :p Best Sonic footage yet too.
  12. @Daft be wanting that figure?!!
  13. Just watching a video for Wii Party U... It's made me think Nintendo aren't approaching the Gamepad in the right way?... It almost sells itself better as a standalone product... but then I guess people have tablets for this kind of stuff... But as I said earlier, why Nintendo aren't doing more little apps for the Gamepad for families to sit round and play, I have no idea. Board games, and Mini games etc... Should the Wii U have launched with a compilation of 50 mini-games like above?... as it's equivalent of Wii Sports... packaged up in a Mii format... well basically, should it have launched with a game like Wii Party or a Mii Wario Ware? Those types of 'all players round the gamepad' games look a lot more fun, than only one person getting to use it, whilst everyone else just syncs up their Wiimotes, as is the case with Nintendo Land.
  14. That would be me :p .. any excuse to play around with thread titles! 39 minutes... for when 40 is just too long
  15. Crying with laughter.
  16. No... NO!!... he calls it "Zelda's Sword" (and he doesn't mean 'the sword from Zelda') *stops watching* How can you put all that effort/design research in and not know what you're making?
  17. YES! YEEEEEEEES!!!!! Sadly it was an EA game :p *waves goodbye*
  18. It's actually Nintendo's loss... which is what's happening.
  19. Serebii, if you're having GAF problems I feel bad for you son, but I be wanting the games and Metroid 4 is one!
  20. hmm... I do like Bacon (not you Kevin you annoy me) ... and cherries!! OK sold!!
  21. Oh I have no doubt. But it's not going to make me cough up £300. That would be the games.
  22. Feck me! Even Nintendo's own Marketing team only come up with a Map and a Menu Screen to sell the GamePad, and just don't even bother demonstrating the off screen play either. You waste your money on this Nintendo!! but won't put it towards getting games on the system?... I think that would be the most effective marketing tool.
  23. *mind blown*
  24. It does look beautiful! Bloomies [/FRIENDS]
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