Just watching a video for Wii Party U...
It's made me think Nintendo aren't approaching the Gamepad in the right way?...
It almost sells itself better as a standalone product... but then I guess people have tablets for this kind of stuff...
But as I said earlier, why Nintendo aren't doing more little apps for the Gamepad for families to sit round and play, I have no idea. Board games, and Mini games etc...
Should the Wii U have launched with a compilation of 50 mini-games like above?... as it's equivalent of Wii Sports... packaged up in a Mii format... well basically, should it have launched with a game like Wii Party or a Mii Wario Ware?
Those types of 'all players round the gamepad' games look a lot more fun, than only one person getting to use it, whilst everyone else just syncs up their Wiimotes, as is the case with Nintendo Land.