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Everything posted by Fierce_LiNk

  1. You'll want to keep hold of his goals though if you want to stay in the Championship. Unless you have someone to take his place, though. I think he'll stay for another season. Also, well done to Tottenham for clinching fourth. Surprised Dazzy hasn't been in here.
  2. No one can say for definite what the new hardware will be like. Ideally, you'll want a good system so that you can get the cross-platform games and still get the exclusives. Thing is, Nintendo gamers have never really had it amazing in terms of multiplatform games. The N64 alienated quite a lot of third parties. The Cube improved things on that front, and I think the Wii is around about the same. Having third parties give you exclusive games is not a bad thing. Look at No More Heroes. A good example of a quality third party title, and the sequel looks to be better. At the same time, yeah, we didn't get Re5 whereas it appeared on both the PS3 and 360. Wasn't there a quote from Capcom quite a while back where they claimed that they could potentially make a version of 5 for the Wii? It would require re-working. I think it depends on the individual game whether or not it requires a complete "butchering" or not, though. I think games like Monster Hunter and Galaxy show what the Wii is capable of. At the moment, given the direction that Capcom have gone with Resident Evil (down the action shooter route - which apparantly they will also be taking Dead Space down now...) I can't say I'm slitting my wrists over the lack of Resident Evil 5.
  3. I quite enjoy Mario Party. I had 4 on the Gamecube which was pretty good. They're only really worth it if you have a looooot of time on your hands so that you can play with a lot of turns/rounds, three other friends and doritos.
  4. Nooo, you're falling apart. You can never ever end that game. You must keep going until no more numbers can be added to your score. You can do eeet. Welcome to my woooorld. Keep looking, and hope that you have luck on your side. You can do eet, tooo.
  5. Do you have a source or some stats for that? I seem to remember quite a few games being PS2/Xbox only. Without a Cube version.
  6. It sounds like a potential sequel to Disaster: Day of Crisis. I want it.
  7. Happy Birthday, Mr. Grunch. Birthday + Grunch = Happiness + Cake.
  8. I've been playing some Brawl today. I turned the game on, played for two minutes and the jumping still pisses me off. I just can't seem to do it with the Wiimote and Nunchuk. It's because you jump using your right hand on the Gamecube (pressing the x or y buttons) whereas its C on the Wii's nunchuk. So, I dug out my Wavebird and have been using that. My brain seems to work better using the Wavebird for this. Also, my Wavebird was in a bit of a mess, so I cleaned it using some kind of Mr Muscle Kitchen Spray, Cotton Buds and an Old Toothbrush. Looks better than when I bought it new now!
  9. Cmaaaaan! You're just making this up as you go along. You just put this on to impress people. I joke!
  10. I'd Invite You To My Bloc Party!



  11. There's not really a need to be "threatened" or "angered" by this. It's really made for a particular crowd. Possibly that Mario Party crowd, but maybe the same group who loved Wii Sports Resort. I enjoyed those games, in a different way to the way I enjoyed Metroid Prime, but I enjoy them. It would also be a bit daft to consider that this is allll Nintendo are working on. It's just another Nintendo game. Maybe one most of us will pass up on, but it's bound to bring some enjoyment to someone.
  12. Blah and uninteresting are two words I would never associate with Mumford and Sons. I was listening to some of their songs this afternoon, really can't get enough of them. I used to hear Little Lion Man playing on the radio allll the time when I was in Belgium with Ine. It would play in her Dad's car, in the kitchen, everywhere. Also, there's a fruit and veg shop where I live that is called Pumford and Sons. That band seems to be following me everywhere:laughing: Whaaaat? Better than 1977? I...don't think I believe you! Now I'm going to have to listen to her stuff.
  13. Go to the doctorrrrrr. Is it the same hand you use when you play squash?
  14. That's hot. Ash Party. I want to see them again, one day. That's another one of my favourites by them.
  15. I'm pretty sure you could jump down? I think getting out of Lake Hylia was the problem? I really need to play this again. Keep wanting to do another playthrough, just don't have the time.
  16. Hahahaha. Brilliant. I love Bloc Party. If I was at that gig, I would have died screaming like a little sissy girl.
  17. Ooo, Eddage shouldn't feel too bad. Others voted for the C-C-C-Conservatives, too.
  18. Yeah, don't be too surprised if you see him again at another gig. It just means that the band keep the same touring guitarist. Kinda like an unofficial member of the band. Oasis had a touring keyboard player for years who pretty much became a sixth member, but unofficially. I need to get some of Charlotte's Solo stuff. I haven't had a proper listen to eet.
  19. Yeah, Charlotte was great when she was in the band. Although, their best stuff probably came when Ash were a three-piece band. 1977 is such an incredible album. Maybe he's just a touring guitarist? I think they're still sticking as a three. In fact, when Charlotte left, they said they were going to go more back to their roots. Love their stuff.
  20. Ash are one of my favourite all-time bands. Grew up with their music. Love it. Did they play A Life Less Ordinary, at all?
  21. Hahahahhhahahahah!


    Oooooeeeeeeeeeoooooo I look just like Buddeh Holleh!

  22. Thanks for all of your advice and kind words. I thought it was a disaster, but looking back on it, it wasn't as bad as I had thought. I'm just one of these people that looks back on things and thinks "ah, I should've done/said this or that." But we're taught to do that in teaching, being reflective on things. The headteacher was brilliant. Probably one of the best I've ever met. Two years ago, the school had an awful reputation and the behaviour was atrocious. Then, they employed him as Head, and he's turned it around. The kids I met today were some of the maturest I've ever met. So, it was quite nice that he was taking his time to try and help me out. Although, I don't think I'd be able to commit to relocating for just a term. I told him that, and he was very understanding.
  23. This game seems absolutely huge. How many different locations did we see there?!
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