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Everything posted by Fierce_LiNk

  1. Hmm, but would the outcome be the same? Would it still be a "half-caste" poem if the entire thing was written phonetically or in standard English? It wouldn't be. Like I mentioned earlier, it's written like this for a reason. Are there two speakers, or is the poet conversing with himself, or is it a monologue? I feel that there's a sense of duality in this poem, hence the mixture of standard English and the Carribean/Creole/Phonetic form. Hence why it's not written solely in one form, it's written in two forms, mixed together. That's the "half-caste nature of the poem." Just looking at wikipedia and the "interpretation" for the poem is really interesting. "The poem is not written in any particular form, but consists of a monologue, in which the speaker's shifts between Standard English and a form of Caribbean creole. The "yu" which runs throughout the poem appears to be directed at the reader, whose assumed prejudices towards people of mixed-race descent, and in particular the belief that "purity" is superior to heterogeneity, are critiqued and ultimately shown to be fallacious. Agard explores this idea through a series of apparently lighthearted images, all of which in some way appeal to the cultural pretensions of a (white) reader who views a "half-caste" person as in some way inferior to themselves. He offers, for example, the analogy of English weather, a Tchaikovsky symphony and paintings by Picasso. In all three cases he argues that it is the heterogeneity of the images that lend them their peculiar force and cultural resonance. In the second half of the poem Agard turns the "half" around to focus on the reader and how he, Agard, has been perceived in the past. His argument is, essentially, that people have only used part of their perceptive faculties, and, as such, he can only extend "half a hand" to them. It is, Agard believes, up to the reader to extend their own mode of seeing to be able to comprehend the meaning of a "half-caste" person, and only then will he "tell yu / de other half / of my story." So, there you go. Not just a typical 13 year old chav's average text message. Heh. MY POKEMANS LET ME SHOW YOU THEM.
  2. Poetry is there to be shared, so arguably it's there to be performed and read out-loud. When you say it should be written completely phonetically, how do you mean? Could you also argue that this is halfway between phonetic and standard English?
  3. I am 99% sure that if you look on the map, it tells where items have been dropped. The item boxes were a bit...they were ok, but I was more of a fan of dropping the items. They were good in that they were all connected, but it just seemed to ruin the illusion that the game tried to create. You become "aware" that this is a game as soon as you look at the item box in one area to find that it contains all of the items from previous areas. Re:0 created a good illusion in that respect. I agree, the loading times were excellent. I thought the game also featured some excellent moments, and that "train escape" in the first few hours was excellent. Really bluddy tense.
  4. It was a good challenge, and as you correctly say, the player gets the ball. Whether you get a faint touch on the ball or you get enough so that it flies away to Jupiter, a touch is a touch. As you say, the player gets a touch, and so it is probably not a penalty. Simple answer: Give these refs technology so that they make the correct decision, rather than what they think is the correct decision. I don't agree at all that it was a stupid challenge to make. What's the player going to do? Let Gabby run in on goal?! I'm all for brave challenges being made in the box, and this was brave. There's a difference between this challenge compared to the one Assou-Ekotto made on Evra on Saturday. One was clumsy and completely missed the ball, whereas the other actually made some attempt to (and did) play/get the ball. I fucking love great defending, and I live for these last-minute tackles.
  5. There's nothing wrong with the style of writing for that poem. It has a purpose. It's a "half-caste" poem, written by a "half-caste" poet. It combines standard England, with some influences of Carribean and Creole. It's not some "lazy" text message speak written to confuse people. The purpose for this style is for the poem to be read in a certain way. When I read it, the voice I hear when I read it is definitely more "Carribean" style than ye olde English. And that's exactly what the author is trying to create. It's a great piece of work, imo.
  6. In these sorts of cases, the referee could and probably should end confusion by justifying their reason at the end of the match. However, you'll probably get some counter to that, saying that "referee's don't need to justify their decisions." Imo, they need to. It wasn't an easy decision to make, and after all of this discussion nobody can say for certain that it was either a penalty or it was not one. What do the rules say in cases like these? The defender got the ball, correct. Would Gabby have got to the ball before it went out of play? We don't know, and we will never know (unless we have some kind of hi-tech simulation that can put a rest to this case.) In this case, it looks like the referee has seen the player go down, thinks that this prevented the player from getting to the ball, and therefore awarded the penalty. Of course, it would be a million times easier if the referee came out and said this himself, rather than us trying to justify the decision for him! I thought it was a great tackle, myself. He got the ball, was unfortunate to get the man after getting the ball. I would've just given Villa the corner, because you have to be 100% certain that it is a foul, which I don't think it was.
  7. I can't see them treading old ground and creating a Resident Evil title of old. Given that the new Call of Duty generation love ACKSHUN... Edit: Actually, you know what? Give us a sequel to Silent Hill: Shattered Memories. Seriously. I will buy that, day 1. Take the best things from the previous game, improve it where it can be improved and just...make it awesome.
  8. What didn't you like about item dropping? I thought it gave the game an extra "edge." Let's be honest, it's ridiculous that characters can carry a big arsenal including a rocket launcher, shotgun, a handgun, magnum, three or so different types of herbs, first aid spray, etc. Not to mention ammunition. The item dropping was a great idea and I thought it worked really well. If you were on that train or in that mansion for real, you would drop certain items and pick them back up later on your travels. It added an extra dimension to the game. Remake was a great game, and I thought this was a very worthy prequel to it. Both are very enjoyable. If I'm honest, I prefer Re:0 to 4 as a Resident Evil game, as 4 is a bit too action orientated for my liking. Basically, take the viewpoint and graphical prowess of 4, add in the survival horror elements from the first few games, keep in the item dropping, bring back the crimson heads, limit the action and bring back the tension. You'd have the best Resi title right there. Oh, and regenerators, tyrants, lickers...we need all of these. As well as the classic zombies.
  9. As that video said, I will die a happy, happy man if we ever get a worthy sequel to Eternal Darkness. It's one of my top all time games. Just excellent in almost every way for me. Mcj: I loved RE:0. I know it's got a lot of hate, but I really, really liked it. With the item dropping and the ability to switch between characters, I thought it was quite awesome. Clearly a lot of thought went into it. It probably didn't have the best story, but it had this charm which I was drawn to. The other game I want a sequel for is Killer 7. Now that's definitely up there as one of my favourite gaming experiences. Better still, give it to us with Wiimote controls, more chapters and more awesomeness. I really fear for Starfox. I don't know why Nintendo hasn't given us a true sequel to Lylat Wars. I haven't played Assault, and maybe I will enjoy it when I get around to it. But, stop pissing about Nintendo. Does anybody actually want these on-foot missions? Starfox on the SNES and 64 was purely about the flying. You know those dogfights in space from the first three StarWars films? THAT is what we want from Starfox. I played Command on the DS and it turned out to be a huge disappointment for me. The strategy element killed the game for me - I just wanted to get "into" the game, the actual space dogfighting part of the came, without all of this "foreplay" ahead of it. Put me right off.
  10. Being tea-stained in colour, this does not prove to be too much of a problem for me. I laugh at you whities with your p-p-p-pale skin.
  11. Aha, so without the Sun the rain would be noooothing. You need us, Rain(ing). Admit eet. Rain is only nice when you are indoors and out of the rain. Sunshine ees goood all de time.
  12. You have the wrong system. It's Six out of Seven Bears
  13. Yeah, well, the only interest we ever took in Rain was...never. Every sucker knows that in a straight fight, Sunshine always beats Rain.
  14. Hehe. I was in a pub yesterday night, and they were showing the classic 2001 Match between United and Spurs at White Hart Lane. When Spurs went 3-0 before half time, and where United came back to win 5-3. Remember it like it was just yesterday!
  15. I know what you did last summer.

  16. I highly suspect that this post is a lie. But, I can't quite put my finger on why. Does that count as a rhyme? Or is it something that we cannot define? Will that count as a rhyme, too? Or is it back to the drawing board for me and for you. Gurkins. Do not want. If we ever meet and I have a supply of gurkins I need to eat or get rid of, I'll give them to you. Typical. Chelsea win 7-0 and you fans still ain't happy. Typical bluddy Chelsea fans... Staaap Whining.
  17. Had a nice little night out yesterday. Went to see The Ghost Writer in de Cinema with two friends who I've known since school. After that, we ventured around the streets of Newport, going into pubs and any place that wasn't closed. I...vaguely remember having a subway sandwich. It was a good night. I woke up with a huge headache and a sore throat. Oh! And I was at the bar in one place, and the bloke next to me turned out to be an old friend from school, too. What a small world. He's less ginger than I remember him being. And smaller. Can people shrink? Hmm.
  18. That's what he/she/they said!

  19. You have far too much time on your hands. :p

  20. Given that they play Athletico on Thursday, I reckon they will be "tired" by the Sunday. To be honest, they could put their strongest team out and I'd still expect Chelsea to beat them. If Chelsea are going there knowing full well that they need a win, they'll get it. They know what's at stake. What did everyone think of Chelsea's second goal, where Kalou went in with both feet to put the ball past Sorensen?
  21. Haha, that's great. Although, I wish they had been hammered 4-0 for real. I thought the game was good yesterday. Really tense at times. I was pleased to see Giggs playing high up the field, giving Berbatov some help at the top, and it really seemed to help him. On another note, I was really saddened to see Evra and Nani throwing their guts up on the pitch. Along with Valencia who went off injured, I really thought Tottenham were going to mug us for pace. Seeing Aaron Lennon come on and then Evra going off to be replaced by O'shea...I winced a little. Especially when Spurs got the equaliser, I was nervous as hell. Then, Nani gets his head down and produces something special. He has improved so much this season, he now tracks back to help the team out, he can produce a vital final ball and he seems more composed and confident. I think now he knows it's about the team winning and not just his own personal glory.
  22. Haha, well we're probably not going to agree on it. In the end, it doesn't really matter. I still think that, on the whole, it's under-rated. Especially amongst the newer generation of gamers. Like I said earlier, as long as we both love it and we keep on getting these games, I'm happy. Looking at LostOverThere's post, it wouldn't surprise me if that fan was a "new" or younger fan.
  23. Everyone being who? The hardcore, so you say. The ones that frequent messages boards on the internet? Point proven, I think? Well, you just said that the game gets good reviews, but the sales are not reflective of the quality of the game. Therefore, it would be safe to say "it gets great reviews, but nowhere near great sales." The under-rated tag is justified. It's only rated highly by a certain crowd. The crowd being us. In the same sense, Moon is quite an under-rated film. It's only got a cult following amongst the sci-fi community. It's not received well by the masses. To cut things short before this goes in a circle: You say it's not under-rated. I say it is. We differ. We're probably looking at different viewpoints. What we agree on is that its a good series. Is that correct? End of the day, as long as I get my Metroid fix, I don't care. Edit: In short, give us our damn Metroid, Nintendo. Don't ruin our summer.
  24. Sorry, have to disagree with you completely. The 3 main Nintendo franchises are Mario, Zelda and Mario Kart. Metroid is very much a "gamer's game" in the sense that they're very well created games, not entirely accessible by all. It's a main Nintendo franchise, no doubt about that. But, it's only really received amongst the cult Nintendo following.
  25. Bullshit yourself. I think they're a bit under-rated. Sure, you'll get the hardcores who will love it to death. But, on the whole, I think the series itself should be loved a bit more. And when I say series, I'm not just refering to the "recent" Prime series, I'm refering to Metroid as a whole.
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