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Everything posted by Fierce_LiNk

  1. Bitch, I'm slaving over a hot stove! I'm addicted to Kurt Vile at the moment. No idea at all if he's a hidden gem or played everywhere. I think he's fairly hidden. Childish Prodigy is a brilliant album. Blackberry Song Monkey Two of my favourites off the album. InbeforeOxyWaste: Screw you! I liek it.
  2. Well, I received this game as a Christmas/Birthday gift from the girlfriend. I am ashamed of myself for not buying it a lot sooner. This is one incredible game. Its beautiful to look at, excellent to play and I'm loving the quirkyness of it, as well as the story. Seriously, it must be pretty cheap these days. Anyone who hasn't got it and wants to get in on some 2D love should pick this up.
  3. Yes, Charizard. In that precise word order.
  4. Reading this thread makes me shed a tear. I miss the music thread for these kinds of disputes.
  5. I'm actually quite fond on going into HMV. I hardly ever buy anything in store though, but I like going in and browsing. Occassionally you can find some films for cheap prices, or the odd game or too. But, for new releases, I find the prices to be very high. It is nice to be able to walk into a store though and take a look around to hunt for CDs that you're after, or for films that you want. I like being able to actually see this stuff in front of my eyes and hold the box. In that respect, I'll be sad to see more shops like HMV go. I loved MVC back in the day and was heartbroken when that was gone. Picked up so many CDs from there.
  6. I've not seen the second X-Files film yet. But, your words hurt me deep. In fact, it almost qualifies as insertion. I'm just finished series/season 8 of the X-Files with Ine, and we're both loving it still. Adding Doggett gave the series a new approach, and I think they wrote his character really well. The one thing I'm not too keen on is that the story focuses so much around the running plot about the invasion, whereas I actually just prefer the singular episodes which don't relate to each other. I think that's the strong point of the series, in my opinion anyway. As for Blade Runner, I cried! It's not necessarily an action film. It's...film noir, a detective story crossed with Science fiction. I really love the film, although I don't think everyone will find it a comfortable experience. Its pretty bleak, and if you prefer action over dialogue, then it might not be for you. I really like the dialogue thought, especially the scenes towards the end of the film. The whole rooftop scene with Rutger Hauer and Harrison Ford (Quite an experience to live in fear, etc) is one of my favourite movie scenes now ~ ~ ~ As for my addition, probably The Incredibles. I enjoyed the introduction, and with the "newspaper headlines" part, along with the "hero relocation program" stuff, that amused me. But, somewhere along the line, it just got pretty lame and I didn't find it as good as I had hoped it to be. Don't understand why it's regarded so highly. My second viewing of it reinforced my opinion, but I hope maybe one day I'll grow to like it. The other example is Walking on a Dream - Empire of the Sun. Country is a tune which I can play over and over again and never ever will get tired of it. However, the rest of the album just didn't stand out for me at all. Was disappointed with what I heard, especially as I had such high hopes for it.
  7. That's a good idea. I've done that a few times, and I much prefer it. People who use their phones in the rows infront, so all you can see is the glare from their screens are my biggest annoyance. I want to Sparta-kick these people down the stairs to the bottom. Preferably where a big hole is waiting for them.
  8. I know that online gaming is a big deal to others. To me, however, it's not an overly important issue. In fact, I've probably been more focused towards playing single player games this generation than the previous, which is...a bit ironic considering the flack the Wii gets for being a "party console." It's not essential to me. I've found myself put off by shooters whilst re-finding my love for platformers, adventures, and even my thirst for survival horror-esque titles. However, Nintendo do need to pull their fingers out when they sort out their next system. I remember hearing about the Wii Console Code and took that to be a given that we'd just have the one centralised code this time. It wasn't to be. For whatever reason. In my mind, I think Nintendo are trying far too hard to do things their own special way. I think most gamers would just rather Nintendo gave them a decent service (even if it meant them replicating xbox live or something similar) rather than try to go about it in a different way, and end up causing more problems than it solves. The multiplayer system for Mario Kart DS was the most ridiculous thing I've ever had to endure. Complete pain in the arse to get online. "1...dot" "I see 1, too!" "I see 3..." (all this talk is over msn btw) "3? RESTART." "1." "1." "2" "...ffs"
  9. Wow, almost a year since the last post. I recently started playing this game. It can be pretty hard, but this game is very rewarding. In fact, there's nothing quite like it. You first start a fight, and you get completely owned. But, the more you play, the better you get and the satisfaction that you feel when you knock an opponent down is...amazing. The one thing that I would have liked in this game is the ability to play as the other characters in multiplayer. It can be very limited just as Little Mac.
  10. From my class, I received: - An Animal t-shirt from one of the girls! (fuck yeah!) - 2 pairs of Animal socks (I see a theme here. Well done, I r proud little humans) - A mug/cup which said "best teacher in the world" - a stationery set! - a little guitar that plays automated musicings - a box of cookies that came in a wallace and gromit tin! - about...12 or so boxes of chocolates.
  11. Sometimes I want to shoot these people in the arsehole with my hero bow. What I'm talking about are these sickenly...over-friendly couples. You go to a restaurant, and they're the ones sat on the same side of the table eating each other's faces, or something of the sort. It seems that when you become one of these couples, your voice change. It becomes more whiney and you start to use words such as "honey." I really, really hate that word. I also hate it when the word gets drawn out, in that high voice. Or, sinfully, when it gets mispelled in messages or on facebook. Hunni! Actually, that doesn't just apply to couples. But, also when friends use that word. Does anyone else hate that word as much as I do? (Note, thank god Ine isn't like this or I would thrown her over the moon by now)
  12. I understand what you're saying, and I agree with your point about the games being highlights for future generations. Actually, looking at that list, there is so much quality there. I personally don't think one game "defines" a decade or a generation, but a collection. Kinda like when you listed just then all the games that you enjoy. Each of those, and countless others would speak a great deal about the quality of gaming that we've seen this decade. This is where I think we need more detail. When you say "stands out" in what respect do you mean? As you say, these games are all high quality, so how does SoTC stand out from the others? Also, I believe that this is another problem when using the poll. You're just given the "name" of the game rather than the exact reasons why you prefer that game to the other. In a way, this is why I sometimes enjoy reading these lists done by numerous websites or publications. You're given a good breakdown about what the game does well, and you begin to see why it is rated so highly. I know lots of people will be baffled as to why Brawl is rated so highly in this list, so wouldn't it be great if we could put some reasoning to it? I do get your point, but what I'm saying is that there isn't enough detail in this poll for me. "Best game" just seems incredibly vague, whereas I prefer detail. Another thing is that you specifically say "in my mind." So, in my opinon, I think people have perceived this poll is different ways. Like you say, liking a game and thinking its the best are different things. It would have been far more accurate had there been more clarity at the beginning from Gamesfaqs, into what has turned into a more glorified console/franchise wars. Also, you say "this poll should be about which game you think is the best": I am aware of the difference between simply enjoying something and knowing that you prefer one thing to the other for a reason. For example, in my opinion, I prefer Alien to its sequels because I think the element of horror is a lot stronger in the first film. You get a better sense of the characters etc. In terms of action, the second film is better. One is a brilliant horror film and the other is a brilliant action film. When I think of the Alien series, I think of it predominantly as a sci-fi/terror/horror franchise, rather than an action one, which it has somewhat evolved into over time. So, for that reason, thats why I prefer the first film. However, this poll is purely a list of grudge matches. One game pitted against another. How do you differentiate between games such as Mario Kart Wii and Majora's Mask, since they do completely different things? Again, a more detailed poll is my preference, so "the best online game" or "the best adventure" game of the decade. Edit: I can't believe we expected "more" from GameFAQS. I feel dirty.
  13. *throws up in mouth*
  14. Its the facial hair. Actually, did Rafa have any success at all once he grew the facial hair?
  15. That is where you went wrong, Chris. I expect to be beating the likes of Chelsea...not drawing with them!


    I was impressed with his work at Charlton.


    Fucking lol

  16. Aaaahahaha, Rafa. What a tart. I can't believe how badly he sucked at the Inter job. Hmm, a great team, in 7th place. I wonder where we've heard that before. The guy is a joke. I actually hope Liverpool take him back. Although, Roy is doing a great job of destroying them from the inside anyway. Maybe Rafa can be his number two.
  17. Am I the only one that finds that, you know, just a bit terrifying? So, you'd wake up after passing out, to find yourself in a coffin. Underground. And you'd be cool with that? Would you fuck! As for this topic: Ideally, I'd like my body to be placed in some sort of casing, and then to be ejected into space. Where I can float forever. I don't want to be burned into tiny little pieces.

    Alan Pardew?

    That fucking adulterer?!

  19. Hmm, this is a tricky one. Personally, I think that Nintendo still has a lot to offer with the Wii. They've also got into this habit of announcing games and releasing them within a short space of time, which I am a fan of. Donkey Kong came out of nowhere...do this more often, Nintendo. For me, I will always care about the games first and then the console second. Really, the system can have wings, wheels and a toilet paper dispenser if it wants: As long as it has the games, then I'm happy. Saying that, what I'd like to see is some sort of evolution for the Wiimote. We've got it, we're used to it now, so Nintendo should refine it and look at ways to make the overall package a lot better. I've no doubt that if it does happen, then the M+Wiimote will be the standard one that we see (if Nintendo sticks with it). As for the console, what I'd like to see is just to make the most of their ideas. What I mean by this is that Nintendo are very good at giving us an idea, but then maybe not exploring that avenue as far as they could. A case in point being WiiConnect24. Such a great idea at first, but how well have Nintendo utilised that idea. Animal Crossing for the Wii was such a wasted opportunity...it could have been a million times better. If only they put the same amount of care into that as they did Mario Galaxy. I've enjoyed the system, probably my favourite Nintendo system overall. But, there are so many things for Nintendo to improve on. What I'd love them to do is just to go all out and explore "everything." Give us an idea and see how far they can go with it. They gave us the Wiimote and showed us excellent demos of games that could use the controller as a steering wheel, as a sword, or as a gun. Yet, how many games did they release themselves where they went with these ideas? We've only just received Red Steel 2, Goldeneye, The Conduit, etc (and none of these came from Nintendo themselves). The time between showing an idea and then seeing that idea realised was simply far too long. I also believe that this is where some people lost patience with the system and went off it a bit too quickly when they didn't see instant results.
  20. I don't know. I received a later version of AvP2, years after it was released. From what I remember, I didn't have to download any patches to play the main game, but I can't honestly remember about the online component. I understand that there may be some instances where a patch will be needed for something. Maybe because something was overlooked. But, there is a difference between that and...taking the piss. I want to be able to buy a game, take it home, and play through the thing without a hitch, enjoying every second. That should be the ultimate goal. If there are flaws and errors and bugs that require patches, then should such a thing be released in the first place? I understand that there's deadlines and schedules to comply with, but...there has to be a line somewhere. Saying that, I can safely say that I haven't got too much of a problem with the games that I've played. What I will say however is that I am a fan of this fan-made content, such as the creation of maps and mods for games. That is definitely something that should be encouraged. I think this is a lot harder to achieve on home consoles, though?
  21. It is a joke. Actually, it is quite laughable. This is a Premier League club we're talking about. I wouldn't be all that surprised if players do leave, and I wouldn't blame them.
  22. Yeah, it is perhaps unfair to vote against a game you haven't played. But then, there's also no real way of telling if somebody has played all of these games. I would guess that only a small majority have, which therefore doesn't make these results accurate. Which brings me to another point, does it really, really matter who wins? If Brawl does win, will many people consider that to be the game of the decade? Probably not. This is just a poll on a gaming website. Also, I don't really care what wins and what doesn't. But, I do admit that it is nice to see the games that I enjoy doing particularly well. The fact that MM is doing well is a testament to its fanbase. Well, I hope so anyway. Well, let me ask you this: What does it matter which game is "technically" superior? In the grand scheme of things, does it matter? Ultimately, we play games because we want new or challenging or emotional gaming experiences. If you say that your favourite game was "without a doubt" Resident Evil 4, then my question is what prompted you to choose that game instead of one which you said is superior? To me, it seems like Resident Evil 4 did something which Shadow didn't, for you to have claimed it was your favourite game. Also, lets also remember that this is a poll where games are pitted against each other, and the users vote for "the best one." The users being the gamers. Now, what are they going to vote on? How do you define better? Of course people are going to vote on which game they enjoyed more. If I enjoyed MM more than, say, Metroid Prime, why should I vote for the other one? Because it has better sound? Because it is on technically better hardware? I'm going to vote for the one which gave me the better gameplay experience. Its an opinion poll. If you want a "technical" poll where people choose which is "technically" the best game, or critically, then maybe it shouldn't be open to users.
  23. If that is the case, surely nobody should be allowed to vote unless they have played each and every game on that list? I think it's difficult to remain impartial. When you play a game, you instantly form an opinion about it. So, naturally, the game of the decade for you will probably be the one you enjoyed the most. There's probably some link there between the game of the decade being one of the most enjoyable games, also. I hope MM wins.
  24. I've had to manually search to find this thread as the search function on this forum is being shit. How are you suckers gymming eet up? Has the snow affected you going to the gym? I walked to mine on Monday, as it wasn't safe to drive. Probably my favourite gym session ever, as there were only 4 people in the gym. Brilliant. Got to use all the equipment I wanted, for as long as I wanted, without having to worry about others getting in the way. Loved every second of it. I wanted to go again today, but I'm still feeling a bit sore. So, going to stay at home and do some ab work this evening, and just have a huuuuge session tomorrow.
  25. I've got a journey from Newport (South Wales) to Bournemouth on Sunday (Boxing Day) and will then be going to London later that day via the National Express. I'm a bit weary about it, as the snow here is quite thick. Basically, if I looked out of my window, I couldn't tell you what is the kerb and what is the road, and I live just off one of the main roads about 3 minutes from the town centre. I keep looking at the weather forecast and there's no more snow scheduled for here, but I dunno. We're scheduled to even get into the positive numbers on Thursday! But, that's not going to help the roads? I can't see the snow going...
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