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Everything posted by Fierce_LiNk

  1. Another thrilling game, this time 4-3 in my favour. I'm concerned that I've let in many goals, again. Some of my defence are young, so they will be there for a long time. But, I'm contemplating bringing a new defender in, just to toughen it up. It would affect my youngsters though, as I feel I've got the squad balance right. Hmm.
  2. The more I see of this, the more I want it. Although, I'm not looking forward to using dual analogue, again. Wish there was a way in which you could incorporate Wiimote controls along with the Gamepad screen.
  3. I'd give Smash Bros a go, it's rammed full with content and is really fun. The game speed seems less crazy than Melee. You can probably find it for cheap now, too. Kirby's Epic Yarn is a must have. I'm waiting til Ine is done with it before I try it, but it looks brilliant. DKC:Returns is another one. That's what I'm looking out for, haven't got it yet. Monster Hunter Tri has to be played, and is a great online title. I played for about 30 hours before work got in the way, and I have so much left to see and do. There's also a good following on here which make it worthwhile. Tatsunoko vs Capcom is also excellent, and a good alternative to Brawl if you're interested in a fighter. I picked it up for a dirt cheap price and my only regret is that I haven't pumped more time into it. Silent Hill: Shattered Memories and Dead Space: Extraction are two of my favourites from this generation. Brilliant games and both surprisingly good. Don't let the on-rails nature of Dead Space put you off, it really is an atmospheric game. Got it for Christmas off Ine and it's left its mark on me. Want more of it. If you're into football (if you can call what Pompey play "football" ), then you NEED to get either one of Pro Evo 2011 or 2012. Not joking around. In terms of gameplay, it destroys its counterparts on the HD systems. Can't recommend it highly enough. There is a learning curve and you will suck in the first few games. But, once you re-learn how to play football, it is so worth it. I see you have No More Heroes. I'm playing through the second and that's also very fun. Think I prefer it to the first. Seems to have a bit more polish and just more finesse about it. There's quite a few others. Ine and I have something daft like 70 combined Wii games. My backlog is disgusting. Little King's Story is included in that backlog! Must finish it.
  4. I've been unlucky with the fixture list so far. Been a bit too gung-ho as well. Should have been more reserved, but I play to win. What happens if you get relegated? Do I lose money? What happens to DV values? I think I'm just going to enjoy myself this season and see what happens. DVs are great so far. New goalie is already on 10.
  5. They said they got it wrong, but they didn't really show anything at E3 that says that they have learned from their mistakes. Also, what Nintendo say and what Nintendo do quite often turn out to be entirely different things. They'll stagger their releases so that there will appear to be a stream of content coming out. I can quite easily see them leaving Pikmin out of the launch and just relying on Ubisoft to deliver the core games. One would argue that Ubisofts WiiU offering actually appeals to the core a lot more than Nintendo's own.
  6. What have you got for the system? Maybe there's a few other gems we can find for you. Anyway, this game is brilliant. I need to finish it, although I'm tempted to start over in the summer. It's heartbreaking when you lose your mans, though. The humour is also a highlight. I would kill for a sequel to this on the WiiU, and not the shitty one that's on the Vita.
  7. Not all of those games will be available at launch. I don't expect we'll see Pikmin on day one and doubt we'll see one or two of those others, as well. Not convinced I'll get one on day one. There's a few games that I want to play, but I'm not convinced by what we're getting in that first year. Nintendo will need to show more over the next few months, otherwise I'll just finish off the stockpile of Wii games that I need to finish. It's also the first time where I might look elsewhere for a home system, as the U-game pad idea hasn't totally sold me either. If I were to get a system on launch, it would be: Black WiiU And two out of the following: ZombiU Pikmin Rayman Unknown Nintendo first party game that they'll release on launch. Not Nintendoland or New Super Mario. I'm still half-expecting ZombiU to fail in some way. Concept seems great, gameplay seems great, but you can just see one fundamental flaw coming from a mile away.
  8. You should be ashamed of yourself for not playing this before. What else haven't you played on this delightful system?
  9. Happy Birthday, Dannyboy. Better late than never.
  10. Glad you enjoyed the final battle @Retro_Link. It was one of my favourite parts of the game.
  11. Skyward Sword was so fun to play. Even if there were times in the game where the game itself didn't grab me, the controls were excellent, I thought. Nintendo need to work on the controls more to make them even better, and it'll be disappointing if there isn't an option to play the next one with MotionPlus. As for the game itself, it would be incredible if Nintendo would take us back to Termina, again. I doubt we'll ever go back there, but I live in hope. Would make an incredible experience.
  12. I wonder to myself if Nintendo could have stuck with the Wii longer, maybe for a year or two. Then, they could have had a machine that would be closer in line with the next versions of the Xbox and Playstation. I thought I was ready for the next Nintendo machine, but after seeing what is likely to be available at launch, I could easily see myself sticking with the Wii for a while longer yet.
  13. Why would you want it to happen, though? The original engineer is only in the first film as a plot device. It's there to add mystery and to make the audience come to their own conclusion. I'm so relieved we didn't actually see this take place. Again, it's not intended as a prequel to the events of Alien. It's going to have some links to the creatures involved, but it's not about that series. It should be judged in its own right.
  14. There's actually a few games that I want to play. But, there's nothing that says "You will pay hundreds of pounds to play me." There's nothing that changes all of the rules like Super Mario 64 or Rogue Leader. Pikmin is nice, ZombiU (for now) is nice, Rayman is nice, Lego City is nice. But, they're not games you buy a system for. You buy something else to go with those games. They go alongside the likes of Twilight Princess, Super Mario 64, etc. The bit that pisses me off is that if Nintendo had just shown something, just had a minute's footage of a killer title, we'd all be saying how the conference was a success and appealed to everyone. Batman was lovely, but why isn't there a new and exclusive Batman made just for the WiiU. Same with Ninja Gaiden. These bring people to the system. Adding WiiU controls to an old title won't cut it.
  15. Before yesterday, I was dead certain that I'd be getting this on launch day. Now, I don't know if I will bother. This is from someone who loves the Wii and it's probably my favourite ever console. Tons of awesome games and memories. I was looking for two things yesterday. - Something to show off the tablet, to make us believe it was the future of home console gaming. - To show us the future of the console. That the future was bright, that even after launch, there would be things coming. I got neither yesterday. Yes, there will no doubt be Mario games, but what kind? I don't really want New Super Mario, again. The 3DS/WiiU one will be the third/Fourth game in the series. FOURTH! This is pretty alarming. We know Mario Kart will be coming, but I'm bitter about the Wii version and am not bothered by what I've seen of the 3DS one. There will be a Zelda, but when? At the end of its lifecycle like Skyward Sword? There might be a Metroid. When? Apart from those, everything else (bar Smash Bros) is not certain. We didn't get F Zero on the Wii. Nothing else is a certainty apart from the big three, four if you count Mario Kart. So, we need to be shown these games. Even to be shown something like a screenshot to give us something. We need to know about not just the launch window, but the entire first year, or at least the majority of what we can expect in that year. The other thing is about the tablet itself. I love the Wiimote and straight away it grabbed me. The tablet isn't as impressive because we've already had two screen touch screen control on a Nintendo system - the DS. So, we're looking for examples in games to show how it works. So far, we have seen nothing. Only one title has really shown how the tablet can be great for a game made especially for the WiiU - ZombiU. Just, so disappointed. I've never doubted myself over a Nintendo system before, but this will be the first time. I can't believe the contrast to how hyped I was for the Wii in comparison to this. It's just such a bad turnaround.
  16. This is the game that excites me most. What's depressing is that there will be some major flaw with it that stops it from being awesome. It's the original Red Steel, again. It sounds great, so far. I want it. But, just waiting for it to fall flat on its face. Quite sad really.
  17. I quite enjoyed the Wii version of this, and I must say that this looks pretty tasty. I'd really love it if Nintendo created more interesting world maps, like in Mario Bros. 3 for example. Make the World Map a level in itself, as such.
  18. It does use the game pad. In fact, I'd argue that the two different control schemes offer two completely different experiences. I liked what I saw of this and can't wait to see more. No doubt will pick this up when its out.
  19. First of all, thanks Dazzybee for sending your links! I owe you. The conference itself got off to a great start, but then it seemed to flat-line and never really recovered. The problem with the big three conferences is that they're just showing us things that we either expected or what we already know about. There's not really been anything that's surprised us. With Nintendo's conference, they showed Mass Effect 3 and ZombiU, which are two games that we were't expecting (well, not until a few days ago anyway). It wasn't a disaster, but it wasn't inspiring either. Pikmin looks great, Lego City looks pretty interesting, and unless ZombiU and Rayman turn out to be terrible, they'll be mine, too. I just wanted a little bit more. To round things off, the chinese fucked up my order and sent me chicken balls instead of prawn. Quite fitting, that Nintendo sometimes don't give you what you want or "need".
  20. Thanks, dude. Ok, see you on the other side, ladies and gentlemen. Let's pray it's a good one! Cmaaaaaaaaan!
  21. I'm going to log off to avoid seeing anything before I watch the conference later. Trying to keep expectations low, but am excited inside. Love E3. @dazzybee, you still ok to email me the link? You're a star for doing this and I will not say a bad thing about Spurs for at least an hour.
  22. 5 Wii bits - Mario Kart Wii U (which will look pretty much the same as 3DS and Wii) - New Super Mario Bros World - Wii U Sports - Something for the hardcore. A Metroid title maybe. FPS but not Prime. Screen used to scan. - New IP - more along the lines of Wii Sports/Pilotwings than Metroid and Zelda 5 3DS that will be shown another time. - new 3DS Metroid in style of Fusion and Zero mission - 3DS Zelda shown. Not playable - Animal Crossing shown - Advance Wars 3DS - DLC for Mario Kart and maybe Icarus
  23. It would be typical of Nintendo to show nothing though, right? When we expect an all-singing dancing troupe, they wheel out a fish-tank filled with rice. It's better to go in expecting little. Then, if something awesome does happen, it will blow your load to high heaven. Ok, I am a little excited.
  24. NO!...must....remain.....level..headed. Urge to HYPE Rising. Falling. Rising. Falling. *heart-attack*
  25. Looks like United have pretty much sealed the Kagawa deal. 13 league goals in 31 for Dortmund is a great achievement. Hoping he comes in and does a good job. Pretty sure we'll get another player or two this summer. Hope so anyway.
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