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Everything posted by Fierce_LiNk

  1. EAT MY PUSSY! Alien Resurrection makes me want to abort myself. The script work is particularly awful. Also, I know the Director's Cut of Alien3 (well, not Fincher's cut, but the extended version I mean) does have some shoddy production values at times (in the extended scenes, especially with the audio), the film itself is so severely under-rated. I loved the gothic feel of the film. A large part of the film is focused on the theme of redemption, which is why I loved the prisoner characters. It had an extraordinary end of the world feel to it. Also, Dancer in the Dark...is it one standalone, or is it part of a series? Can I just watch it by itself, or is it better to watch the other films beforehand?
  2. I'm a pretty big Muse fan. Or, rather, I used to be. Don't think much of their last few songs/last album and Survival is dreadful. I wish they would stop with this "thing" they've got going on at the moment. Where every song tries too hard to be this "epic" stadium rock masterpiece. I miss the days of Origin of Symmetry where the majority of the tracks were brilliant in their own right, without ever sounding intrusive. It seems more honest, for some reason. They should've just re-released Bliss.
  3. Pissed off that my tactics didn't work today. In theory, we should have created more chances. Only creating 2 against Winston Gardens whilst they created 11...shameful.
  4. I have two sugars in my tea. Love the stuff. I sometimes don't put any in, but it tastes better with it. It doesn't really take anything away from its natural flavour, just makes it a tiny bit sweeter for me. A lot of the stuff gets made at work, and I definitely need it to keep me going.
  5. Hells yeah, it deserves to be there over NSMBWii. I'd have Monster Hunter Tri over Mario Kart. ExciteTruck deserves to be there, too.
  6. Happy Birthday, Dazz.
  7. I'm not sure where I stand with the whole "second control stick" argument. However, it makes more sense to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it there. So, if they are going to a second model/redesign, they may as well include the second stick as part of the unit, rather than having to include a larger slide-pad attachment for games that do use it. What is irritating me is Nintendo's attitude to handheld hardware, particularly releasing re-iterations and newer models. I remember being so proud of my brand new DS, only to then see it trounced on by the DS lite, which is what the original handheld should have been in the first place. Then, they confused the majority of people by releasing the DSi. I haven't committed to buying a 3DS, purely because I know that at some stage Nintendo will release a better version of it. They really need to take a look at themselves here. I won't be happy if they start pulling this shit with their home consoles.
  8. This is exactly the problem with it. You should be able to buy the product (in this case, the 3DSLL) and not need anything else in order to use it. The product is useless by itself because after a few hours the battery will die. It's no good saying "you can just buy the adapter separately." You shouldn't need to do this. Everything you need to be able to use the product should come with it. I don't care how cheap the adapters are separately, its the principle that matters in this case. Also, how the fuck are Nintendo going to market this? Are they going to say in their advertisements that the adapter is sold separately? Are they going to have it labelled on the box in bold letters? If they should know anything by now, it's that the public need things explained to them directly. Remember the whole fiasco over the 3DS being just a new model of DS and not a successor? In this case, it's another blunder. Just market the damn charger with it, because it doesn't make any sense not to include it. Would you buy a brand new car at a slightly cheaper price and be told that the car doesn't come with a battery already installed? No, you wouldn't. You should have everything that you already need included with it. Same principle with this. Undefendable, in my opinion.
  9. That's a terrible argument, dude. This is a bigger version of the 3DS. It's an alternative, giving the consumer some choice about whether to buy the original, or a much larger model. Not shipping it with a charger is such a terrible decision. For example, I don't currently own a 3DS, but I may pick one up in the future. Knowing Nintendo, there will be a redesign or alternative model at some point. In this case, the XL version is one of these alternative models. So, if I were to pick one up, I can't just buy it, take it home and use it, because I'm missing an essential part of the product. Without a charger, I get a few hours of game time and that's it. It's a shit decision. There is no sense in not including it. Why don't they just ship the 3DSXL/whatever its called without a stylus? If people already have a 3DS, then they are fine! Answer: They wouldn't. Or, rather, they shouldn't.
  10. Gutted. Lost 2-1 in a close game. I changed my playing strategy from Offensive to Normal before kick-off, as I thought that might give me some defensive balance. I'm happy that I didn't get thrashed, but gutted that I lost in a close game. I can't say that I've been really embarrassed this season by any of the teams. Held my own, but with very little to show for it. Only got a point at Aqui1a last week, too. Could have ended up with four points if I had won there and drawn today. Instead, I have one. Woe is me.
  11. Just merge Ganondorf and Captain Falcon into the same character and have it done with. "SH-SH-SHOW YOUR MOVES. AAARRRRRGH-NEAAAAAAAAAAAURGGGGGHHHHHH!" "Falcon kick, Falcon kick, NEEEEARRRRRRRUGGGGH." Would make an interesting end boss fight in the next Zelda. Race through the Fields of Hyrule, before sword battling.
  12. The Almighty Dragooooo believe that Rangers NewcomNeverLusenUnited should not be reinstated to the Top League. They should be forced to start at the bottom, along with AC Elites and Cubic County. In addition to this, Rangers SubmarineSixtyFourthers should be fined 10,000,000econ and be banned from form training their players over the duration of the season. They are also banned from using the "long ball" "offensive" and "pressure" options in their strategies.
  13. Zell and Mokong: Man hugs to you both. That's terrible for both of you.
  14. The novelty of third party characters seemed ok in Brawl. It didn't ruin the game, but I can't say that it really enhanced the game or really helped it in any way. Imo, it works well as a one-time only type of thing. The chance to pit Sonic vs. Mario, for example. It's a bit worrying to see so many people write lists down of all the third party characters that they want in the next Smash Bros. Can't say I'm a fan of it. It should be focused around Nintendo and their franchises. They have a plethora of characters out there that deserve to be in this game. How come there's only the one from Metroid, for example. Give us Ridley!
  15. Yeah, it doesn't really have the same accessibility as Wii Sports. I would argue that their entire "idea" of what the WiiU will do isn't as great as the Wii. When that original montage was shown of the controller, with gamers holding the Wiimote like a tennis racket, like a gun, like a torch, it was obvious instantly what you could do with it. It doesn't seem as obvious with the WiiU, particularly when they've already had a dual-screened handheld out for some time.
  16. Yes and no. I actually enjoyed New Super Mario Bros for the Wii. It was fun to play, whilst having some cool ideas within it. Pretty tense at times with two players. Caused countless arguments with Ine and I. (I remember rage quitting at one point) But, Galaxy is on a different level. It feels unique and it gives you the impression that Nintendo were truly pushing themselves when they were developing that game. Haven't played Galaxy 2, but it seemed like a no-brainer at the time, considering that there were lots of things they could still do with the game that they didn't in the first. Will get around to it at some point. My gripe is that I would rather Nintendo spend their time pushing the boundaries on a Galaxy-type game. The Super Mario 64 of the WiiU. It just doesn't scream "we are serious about the WiiU" and "re-capturing that hardcore crowd" (which they have said that they want to do) when they don't have a ground-breaking Mario game at launch. I have no doubt that this game will come at some point in the WiiU's lifecycle. But, really, they've dropped the ball by not having it at launch. Or, at least giving us an insight into what it will look like. It partly seems like "We need a Mario at launch", so lets just get another New Super Mario Bros out there quick.
  17. Great, more hardware. How about some games that will be out very soon, Nintendo?
  18. There are lots of aspects that I do like about Skyward Sword, such as the controls and art style. The "world map" and different areas within the world are not one of them. The game is absolute magic when you're discovering these areas, but this magic soon disappears when you learn the "format" of the game. IE, that the three areas (fire/volcano, forest, desert) are pretty much it. I'm also not a fan of the way that the worlds were, or rather weren't, connected. Game felt quite disjointed at times. In some ways, it does work. In other ways, it breaks down that wall and just makes you even more aware that it is a videogame. The similarities to Mario Galaxy, as it has been mentioned, are spot on. I'd love to see something new. I don't really see why we can't have a mixture of sea, sky and land. Of course, it would be incredibly demanding, but it would be brilliant.
  19. Had to laugh at Nalbandian's outrage yesterday. It was almost a pure rage-quit. It's pretty funny how he had to go out of his way to kick the board. :p Game had to stop at that point, so the right call was made. Talk of getting the police involved is stupid. Leave it in the sport. It was dealt with, so I don't see the point in making an even bigger deal of it.
  20. I'm going to put down a deposit for 20 quid of @Rummy's money, so it's all good.
  21. I've just started Rayman Origins. Wow. Its got everything. Charm, beautiful graphics, lovely art style, easy to pick up, great gameplay, good humour and it works really well in co-op play. Had a hard time putting it down yesterday. As much as I like New Super Mario Bros Wii, this tops it. It's just a better platformer and Ubisoft need to be praised for re-inventing the series. Nintendo may be selling really high numbers of New Mario, but it's suddenly becoming very stale. I don't see how they can justify putting almost the same identical game on two different systems at the same time. It's not the Nintendo way. Or, at least, it shouldn't be.
  22. So, bought some extra weights yesterday (the 10kg plates, 4 of them) and used them yesterday with the bench and other stuff I already had. Love it. I basically have everything I need for shoulders, chest, biceps, and some triceps and back. One thing I've noticed is that this bench is miles better than the ones that they have in my gym for decline presses. They have two different types of benches, but only the one type does decline, and it just doesn't feel that comfortable. They've got another decline bench with a rack attached, but sometimes the barbell is missing as somebody is using it for something else, or the whole thing is already in use. Hoping that this will help. Particularly with next year, as I can imagine it being a busy year at school...
  23. I haven't played this, I love Batman, but I just can't get excited about this. Don't really know why. Would have been lovely if the WiiU could have had its own exclusive Batman, but that wasn't going to happen. Might be tempted to pick it up around launch if it gets great reviews.
  24. It's so incredibly tempting to post a facebook status now. :P But yes, I agree. I loathe these coupley couples on facebook. Especially the ones who add a million fucking kisses for everything. And, AND, with the sickening "cute" names. Or, ones who say honey, but spell eet like huni. You've made me angry now, Daft. I hope you're happy.
  25. The part that caught my eye was: Makes you wonder why Nintendo spent a large portion of their conference at E3 talking about Batman, rather than spending the time talking about something new. The new/exclusives are the ones that people will buy the WiiU for, not Batman.
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