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Everything posted by Fierce_LiNk

  1. If you like that, get de Blob (maybe de Blob 2, too) on the Wii. I stopped for a moment and thought Splatoon would be a sequel to it. This is just as good. It's worth it for the soundtrack and humour alone.
  2. If you look at the series in question (Alien), there were more dangerous elements than just the Alien itself. In the first film it was Ash, the android/robotic scientist. In the second, it was the company/Burke who tried to make money from impregnating Ripley and Newt with the facehuggers. In the third it was the dangerous prisoners. In Resurrection, the script and plot (aha). So, it seems only fair to include some of those elements in this game, or a variation on it. I'm fine with that as long as the atmosphere doesn't become "tainted" and you suddenly have huge amounts of characters and weapons added.
  3. I feel that Nintendo's E3 performance has been blown way out of proportion. What they showed was that they are the kings at making platformers and your typical Nintendo games. Yoshi, Kirby, Zelda, Mario (Maker). Aside from Splatoon, there's not enough diversity to draw in big crowds. It may turn one or two heads, but the fact of the matter is that huuuuge games won't be coming to the system. Games that Nintendo can't account for on their own system or make up in any way themselves. Fifa won't be coming for starters, neither will the new Tomb Raider, the Witcher most certainly won't be. Then there's the likes of Destiny, Alien: Isolation, Metal Gear Solid, don't think Assassin's Creed Unity is announced for it, either? No Man's Sky won't be coming, no Arkham Knight (big, big miss), no Far Cry 4, no Mortal Kombat. That's just the beginning. (before anybody chimes in with "grey shooters" or "fps bah don't like eet" - you're missing the point) There's nothing that I've seen at E3 from Nintendo that convinces me that they can win back developers. At the very most, the Wii U is going to be the go-to system for platformers and your typical Nintendo titles. If we keep that in mind, it should be a good system. But, let's not kid ourselves any further and suggest that third parties will be flocking back. Many are gone and the fact that these titles I listed were shown off without any single mention of Nintendo suggests this, too. I'm content with that, as I've got another system, although I would find it a very bitter pill to swallow if I was single-system only again. What does excite me in a way is that it almost forces Nintendo to pull all the stops out themselves and not rely on others, so we may see them taking more risks (hopefully) and just creating stuff for the fans. Splatoon is a start.
  4. I used those exact words to describe them earlier to Ine. Tech demo. That's what it feels like. Anyway, I guess one good thing is that Starfox is still alive. But, now I'm terrified that they'll balls it up by incorporating the GamePad in a shoddy way.
  5. Very disappointed by all of this, for a multitude of reasons. The fighting robot thing just seems very...un-Miyamoto. Not sure what he's thinking with that. The whole "reveal" with Starfox was poorly handled. Not quite sure what's happening with all of this.
  6. No to all of the above.
  7. Any of you bitches going to go for Entwined? It looks lovely. Am tempted.
  8. Why would you presume Wii is Wii U? Wii is...Wii. Pretty sure the game won't be coming to the Wii U, again. I doubt PES will either. I would give anything for a Wiimote controlled PES on Wii U.
  9. There has to be more than just the Alien otherwise I could imagine the game becoming a bit too repetitive. There needs to be something else, so I'm fine with this so far. Can't wait. I just want to freeze myself in time until the reviews come and pray that it doesn't suck big giant Xenoballs.
  10. So, that game WAS Star Fox? No footage either? Gah.
  11. I'm looking forward to the likes of Xenoblade, Splatoon and Bayonetta (even if that is taking forever to come out). Aside from that, the one area that Wii U isn't short on is platformers and the likes of Yoshi, Kirby and that Captain Toad game don't interest me. No amount of seeing these games is going to interest me...I've still got Rayman Legend sealed, haven't even finished Donkey Kong Country Returns on the Wii, etc. I'm burned out in this area. The one thing I was interested with and sat forward for was that Miyamoto thing at the end and they quickly skipped away from that.
  12. My highlights: Tomb Raider sequel The Witcher 3 Entwined looked great Battlefield Hardline No Man's Sky Abzu Arkham Knight The Last of Us Remastered (didn't play this on PS3) Splatoon Xenoblade sequel Bayonetta being bundled in with Bayonetta 2 Basically means I'm not regretting spend that hard earned cash on the PS4 one bit.
  13. I've just finished watching both Nintendo and Sony's conferences after a loooong day at work. A bit surprised to see people in here are so positive at what they saw in Nintendo's show, I thought it was pretty bland. Splatoon looks like it'll be a laugh and X will obviously be awesome because Monolith Soft. We need to see much more of Zelda before we make judgements. Other than that, I thought that there seemed to be a lot of "filler" with talking (dat wool shop...) and it seemed to go at a snail's pace. Also, I'm a bit tired of all the Smash Bros. coverage. We had it at the start of the conference, we had it at the end and we'll get more in the form of the dojo and other directs. It's overkill.
  14. I watched this show right after Nintendo's. I'll definitely be buying more games this year for the PS4 than the Wii U, both this year AND next. The conference was a bit long, but fuck, it was rammed full of content. Not sure how anyone can be disappointed by that, especially in comparison to Nintendo's showing.
  15. Bleeding from orifices. u Wot M7+1?
  16. I know Nintendo won't do it, but I'd be tempted to leave it out completely and give us more information about something else instead. I feel that we already have waaaay too much info about Smash Bros. How much more can they possibly state without giving everything away? Maybe a firm/solid release date and leave it at that. Possibly a trailer about a mode we didn't know too much about beforehand. I'm still going into the conference blind. I won't be able to watch any of the conferences due to being in work all day tomorrow, so am going to go back-to-back with Nintendo and Sony. Hoping both can surprise me.
  17. Looks brilliant! Although, I hope the game isn't built entirely around co-op, in a New Super Mario Bros U kind of way. Hope the co-op is a supplement to the game and not a necessary component.
  18. Playing Fifa on the moon, lawl. It's a decent idea as an unlockable or something, an extra mode. Pretty sure EA could pull it off and have it as a nice distraction to the main simulation side of things.
  19. I thought this was a decent conference. The problem for me is that there wasn't really an awful lot to appeal to you if you already owned a PS4. Had I been Wii U only or only owned a last-gen system, I think I would have classed this as a good or great conference.
  20. I thought the Hardline video looked great. I'm in the mood for something of this type. Didn't think it was a bad conference at all, I thought EA got the balance right between showing off their sports titles and then their other stuff. Will most likely be getting FIFA, too. Would have liked to have seen more from Mirror's Edge and that Criterion game.
  21. How are we all finding E3 so far? I've caught part of the Microsoft conference and the majority of EA's showing. So far, I've found it quite interesting and enjoyable. The biggest moments for me so far have beeeeen: - THE TOMB RAIDER REVEAL/TRAILER. - The Witcher 3 looking absolutely gorgeous. - Seeing Battlefield: Hardline, which I thought looked pretty sweet. I saw @Retro_Link post a trailer for Assassin's Creed Unity. Looks lovely, too.
  22. Again, it's not a case of one or the other. Why can't we have both? If not both, then at the very least they should be working harder with third parties to bring these more western titles to the Wii U. We had both on the N64 with the likes of Nintendo's own games AND Perfect Dark, Goldeneye, etc. The GameCube managed the balance too with games such as Killer 7 and Eternal Darkness, as well as stuff like the Resident Evil series. Why not both? Everyone is happy then.
  23. I don't think anyone was asking for Nintendo to change in that sense. This isn't an "either" or "or" situation. Why can't we have the Nintendo games AND the third party games like The Witcher 3 and Tomb Raider, like they promised before the Wii U's release? In that sense, they do need to change. The Witcher 3 and Tomb Raider are both going to be amazing. If you are a Wii U only gamer, you won't be able to play them. I will be surprised if Tomb Raider is on Wii U.
  24. Happy Birthday Dane The Dannyboy.
  25. I've got a 70s themed party on Tuesday that I need to go to for work and probably won't get back til at least 9:30 (it's an early evening thing - I'm dressing up as Jaws, ahaa) That's pretty much fucked up my E3 plans. I'm going to watch the Sony and Nintendo conferences back to back. Not going to bother with Microsoft, but am tempted to see what Ubisoft have in store, so may watch theirs. Hoping for a good E3. Tempted to get some chocolate in for Tuesday but...I'm meant to be on a cut. Will see.
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