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Everything posted by Fierce_LiNk

  1. Well, that did it. Had to share that on facebook, right in the feels, man. :'( Absolutely gutted by this. I used to watch Mork and Mindy when I was a kid, Flubber was the first film I saw in the cinema, Mrs Doubtfire is one of my favourite childhood films, as is Hook. Then, there's the "other" side of Robin Williams with great performances in Good Will Hunting, the darker side of him in Insomnia and One Hour Photo and finally, a personal favourite, What Dreams May Come. He just had such a great range. Loved the guy and everything that he did. Would watch films just for him. My heart sank when I saw this thread last night.
  2. It's a bit strange, isn't it. Although, at the same time, it's lovely to have the majority of the forum together enjoying one console...it's just the "wrong" console/the one we didn't think it would be! u are 1 fuking cheeky kunt mate i swear i am goin 2 wreck u i swear on my mums life Ine's really enjoying it, still. (means I can't play Battlefield, though...bah!...2 PS4s in future?) I'm curious about Hotline Miami as I (obviously) didn't play it last gen. Will look at that at some point.
  3. I'm getting excited by all of these new PS4 owners. Fuck man, can't wait for FIFA.
  4. Happy Birthday, @Esequiel. Glad to hear that FIFA is on the way. See you online, brah. "World Cup Hero and somewhat of a name-sake Ezequiel Garay says... "U betta do sum dafendin' or i will knok u owt u cheeky fuk M8!"
  5. Happy Birthday, brah. Is your birthday listed in your profile? I can't see it there. If not, it won't appear in the calender/at the bottom of the page.
  6. A billion times this. Nintendo's output for the WiiU has been good, but they can't touch the quality of those games that you listed. The only two games that I think would give any of those a run for their money are Pikmin 3 and Wonderful 101. What's also worth reminding is that some of these were complete game changers. Although Melee was a sequel, it changed things as far as multiplayer fighters go and in terms of breadth of content within a game. Metroid Prime is one of the greatest games of all time (not an opinion, btw, the majority of top 10/20/50 lists will include this game) and Pikmin was a form of art. Rogue Squadron blew me away and was the game that convinced me to buy a GameCube. Eternal Darkness is one of my favourite games ever. Add that in with the third party stuff, and the GC was super strong for the first two years. Nintendo's output after that drifted away dramatically. It's a shame. Had we had the same quality in the final two years as we had the first two, we'd have all been laughing whilst drowning in quality content.
  7. Whilst it probably doesn't count as indie (not sure), there's a few PSN/XBwhatver titles that aren't on the eShop that I'd expect to see there. Ine is addicted to Strider at the moment. How come that isn't there? Same with stuff like Valiant Hearts. FeZ is the type of game you'd expect to see there and it isn't. A bit odd. But yes, I look at the Nintendo Gaming Board and it becomes apparent that aside from Mario Kart, there isn't anything that's on the system right now that's got people hooked in.
  8. This sounds like a great idea on paper. So, it'll never happen. Given that Nintendo got a lot of stick from fans about the voice-chat fiasco in Mario Kart, given how far behind the competition they are with basic features and the fact that we're still unsure about online options in Hyrule Warriors and Splatoon, I really don't think it's a great idea having a new piece of hardware where a large focus is on communication and the ability to contact others. It's one huge area where Nintendo are noticeably poor and I don't think they're adept enough to succeed in this area. Nintendo could make it work. But, it can equally fail in such a dramatic way.
  9. It would be cool if you could get an Xbox One team sorted. The more people playing, the better really. Don't know if you'll be able to get 11 people from here, but if you've got other people irl who you know are getting it...direct them this way. Yeah, I agree, it's probably never going to happen. The idea is sound though because technically you've already bought the game. So, really...why shouldn't you be able to access it across a multitude of consoles? It would be a great idea in the future. I'm liking how a lot of these PSN titles are Cross-platform, even though I don't own those particular platforms. Who is getting the game for XOne then? I'll update the first post to include that.
  10. City look awful defensively today. I know it's not their first eleven, but they are all over the place. I thought Mangala was meant to be signing for them? Can't believe how long that transfer deal has been going on for, seems like it was in the bag at the start of the summer. Also, lol, forgot Micah Richards even existed. He's never, ever going to make it at City.
  11. Yes, but are you 1-3kills 20 deaths good?
  12. Technically, the game doesn't need to have a photo mode. You could also use the Share Button's Save Photo/screenshot feature, I guess. That would be fine too, riiiight? I'm going to look at that video once I've finished The Last of Us.
  13. I've got a feeling that we can do better next time, too. If we can get more people in our squad or eeeeeven get two squads full of N-Ers, we could really do well in taking some of those objectives. It was very overwhelming though, I felt like an ant on that battlefield! Clearly the people who are playing have spent a LOT of time on that game, too...
  14. You've also got the option of the standard PS4 headset which I think looks a bit poverty. But, it works fine, tbh. According to Kav and Cookyman, it worked alright last night. All that matters.
  15. Wouldn't it be excellent if EA (or other third parties, for example) allowed us to pay more than the price of one game but it allowed us to access ALL versions of that title on all platforms. E.g, if FIFA 15 costs £45, then you pay something like £80-£90 and you own it across all available platforms. Therefore, you could play it on PS3, PS4, X360, XOne, PC. Or maybe you could even choose something like three platforms out of that list. Would be great. It will nevaaaaaaar happen, though.
  16. Played some great games tonight with @kav82 and @Cookyman. I think I said three words all night, I was in absolute awe of the game. That final map we played on kav...how fucking big was it?! I think we only saw half of it, maybe? Can't believe how big everything was and the variation. Driving tanks, parachuting off a huge building, hiding in a quiet corner. It's insane. Just, ahhh. This image is very appropriate. Definitely enjoyed it. I want more. Also, quite impressed with the poverty PS4 headset. Worked fine on my end. How was it on yours, guys?
  17. I bought it for the multiplayer, so hope it does turn out to be close that. There's a few people on here who have it, so will have a few games and see how that goes. Believe it or not, I've never actually been online with a shooter of this type. Never done Battlefield, Call of Duty, CounterStrike, Team Fortress, anything of that sort. FPS for me is Goldenye, Perfect Dark, TimeSplitters 2 AlienVsPredator2 on the PC and a tiny, tiny bit of the Conduit. Aside from that, nothing of note. Hmm. I'm going to get killed a lot.
  18. The game has arrived. Tried a bit of the campaign mode. It's a bit wank, isn't it? :p Looking forward to playing some matches against N-E folk!
  19. For me, it's just too wide and a bit annoying to hold for longer periods of time. But, that's to be expected when you've got a screen in the middle of the controller. It was unavoidable once Nintendo went with the idea of having the screen there. On the plus side, the pad is symmetrical and the clickable analogues are quite nice. The downside for me is the lack of analogue shoulder buttons and I guess the "clunky" feel of the controller. It just feels so obviously large (because it is) and more of an effort to use because of its size. Not the best controller they've ever made. I liked the Wiimote for a multitude of reasons. It was smaller, you had freedom of movement with it, you could stretch your arms out as wide or as close as you wanted with the nunchuk attachment. Ergonomically, it felt a lot better to hold, in my opinion. Of course, there were downsides there too. No analogue triggers on the nunchuk and only the one analogue stick (although the motion ability of the Mote made up for that). Overall, I much prefer the Wiimote and am a little bit disappointed that Nintendo didn't go with it as its primary controller for the next system. They should have worked on that, either by making the motionplus model the standard one or evolving it in some way.
  20. Here you do, Brahkon. The first entry. :p
  21. Do you go skiing often?
  22. Aww, you're breaking my balls here. Try a gang hideout. I don't even do them for any reward really, I just like going in either all stealthy, stealthy or shooty shooty. The story is alright, but the missions/fixer contracts make it all fleshed out. It's where the fun is. Plus, it gives you an excuse to use some of the awesome weapons without just using them on civilians. (Ine shouted at me when I did this)
  23. Is that the poverty headset that comes with the console? Gah, gonna have to look into one soon. Especially for Battlefield, Destiny and for making sure @drahkon is "funf metres away from me" on FIFA. I had a fucking weird glitch on me yesterday.
  24. I'm so looking forward to it. Even if the club stuff falls flat on its arse, the possible tournaments and leagues that we will have (we WILL have them) will make it worth it. Just, ahhhh. I'd definitely go for Resogun. Ine has bought Transistor and I keep hearing good things about that. There's quite a few PSN titles that are worth looking at. Strider is another. For retail games, I'm really enjoying Watch Dogs but that's marmite. Destiny will be here next month, as will FIFA (CONFIRM yourself, brah). It depends what you're looking for really. You could quite easily just get a few PSN titles and Plus and that might sort you out for a bit.
  25. What games have you got for the system? There might be a few that you can go through again if it's not too taxing. Monster Hunter though...not sure I'd have the strength to start that again if I lost my data. (Tri for Wii)
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